Moria Campaign Module Coming for TOR2e and LotR 5e

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I'm planning on back it in the next two days. Ever since I got Adventures in Middle-Earth 5E and heard we initially lost out on a Moria book when Cubicle 7 lost the license, I was bummed out that we wouldn't get it OR the Balrog. Now we are getting it finally, even if its with a different version of the 5E take on LoTRs.

Granted, I DO have Kobold Press's Tome of Beast Books if I had to find a sufficiently HIGH CR monster to reskin if I needed the balrog for the original AiME book rules being used.


I have not read it cover to cover but what I have read seems pretty great.

It’s more of a sourcebook, like “Heart of the Wild”, than campaign.

Is it too much to hope for a Darkening of Mirkwood for Moria?
I would have thought if they were going to do it it would have been a stretch goal?

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I would have thought if they were going to do it it would have been a stretch goal?

Huh. A full campaign book as a stretch goal?

Darkening of Mirkwood was basically the same size as Heart of the Wild. So taking that as the model (which is what I would want!) that would be essentially doubling the project.

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