Ulorian - Agent of Chaos
"The 'original' Moonshaes are akin to LeGuin's Earthsea: hundreds of little islands, long-extinct volcanic peaks that rise up out of the sea abruptly, are inhabited by fisherfolk (with a few larger islands that have forests, farms, etc.) nothing much above the rural village culture on most, with self-styled 'lords' on others...and like Earthsea, somewhat like the Celtic-era Hebrides...they occupy the same space as TSR's (Doug Niles's) Moonshaes, arcing from a 'wide spray' at the Sword Coast or eastward extent, curving and narrowing southwest and curving to south...in other words, a large area of 'perilous sea' with awash rocks, reefs, etc. and safe channels that only the locals know."The Greenwood portion where he explains the completely different culture in a completely different geographic context seems relevant.
That's just a repeat of:
"Ed accepted the change of the appearance of the islands (they were an arching archipelgio as opposed to british-shaped chunk)"
But if you want to read more into that, that's up to you. Not really worth arguing about. Enjoy your day.