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Most Difficult Movie to Watch?

Dog Moon

I agree with the Godfather. My roommate years back loved the movies and tried to get me to watch them, but I couldn't make it through the first movie... never even bothered with the others.

I liked the first Saw. A lot. But the rest of them were terrible.

I generally can't remember a lot of the movies I thought were terrible off-hand. Probably because I didn't think they were worth remembering. I would never have remembered about the Godfather except someone mentioned it. :)

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First Post
Slasher or 'torture porn' movies don't usually bother me much. 'Audition' by Takashi Miike features a scene that unnerved me a bit, though.

Drama movies tend to provoke stronger reactions from me - if they're well made.
I find most of the movies by Michael Haneke difficult to watch; e.g. 'The Piano Teacher' is quite disturbing.
Lars von Trier's 'Antichrist' was also difficult to watch.


First Post
Godfather is one of those movies that is supposed to be so incredibly awesome, but just left me totally cold. Who cares about these people? Not I said the little red hen. I just didn't see the point of the thing. Maybe it's one of those movies where you have to either have lived on the east coast or had a huge family, but it did not work for me at all.
So hard to watch because it's boring is not going to win any prizes.

Watching 15 people throwing spears at elephants, and the elephants trying to fight them off and use their trunks to remove the spears sticking out of their flesh--that is disturbing. More so because it was real. And done again and again and again... each time a different 'phant

... or you could be interested in the mafia and appreciate dramas. :p

Elf Witch

First Post
I can't watch slasher porn. I see no point to them other than to watch people suffering and dying.

I feel the same way about most films about the mob again evil people often being glorified.

I can't stand Jim Carrey so I avoid his films.


Takashi Miike's AUDITION and ICHI THE KILLER are pretty disturbing on multiple levels and not easy to watch at all. There's also the first 5 min of DEAD OR ALIVE which is CRAZY.

I will probably NEVER watch A SERBIAN FILM.

There is a french horror movie called INSIDE about a deranged woman who wants a pregnant woman's unborn child and mounts an assault on her home in order to get it. Well done and effective but SOOOOO very disturbing.


I'm just going to interject here about the perceived glorification of the mob in certain movies.
The Godfather especially the second one isnt a glorification. As a matter of fact it shows the wear and tear being involved in organised crime has on a family and the people that they love. By the end of those movies there is no happy ending for the primary protagonists.

The thing is especially in terms of the Don Corleone and Michael they did what they did
out of perceived necessity (Don Corleone for the future of his children and the protect
the neighborhood from predators. And Michael to protect his father and avenge
the attack on him).

The same is true with Goodfellas and Scarface and to a lesser extent Casino. Goodfellas has the glorification but then has the ramifications of running with a crew of cutthroat murderers and thieves.
Ironically, Tony Montana's (Scarface) fall starts when he actually takes a moral stand (the only one he takes in the whole movie I think...) and refuses to murder a mark with his wife and children in the car.

So I'm not sure if it's accurate or fair to dismiss a genre based on the glorification of the lifestyle if the end result is showing that that lifestyle isn't everything it's cut out to be and is downright BAD for you. It's one of the only genres where being the protagonist doesn't save you from a terrible fate. Probably because they had it coming...


First Post
I'm just going to interject here about the perceived glorification of the mob in certain movies.
The Godfather especially the second one isnt a glorification. As a matter of fact it shows the wear and tear being involved in organised crime has on a family and the people that they love. By the end of those movies there is no happy ending for the primary protagonists.

The thing is especially in terms of the Don Corleone and Michael they did what they did
out of perceived necessity (Don Corleone for the future of his children and the protect
the neighborhood from predators. And Michael to protect his father and avenge
the attack on him).

The same is true with Goodfellas and Scarface and to a lesser extent Casino. Goodfellas has the glorification but then has the ramifications of running with a crew of cutthroat murderers and thieves.
Ironically, Tony Montana's (Scarface) fall starts when he actually takes a moral stand (the only one he takes in the whole movie I think...) and refuses to murder a mark with his wife and children in the car.

So I'm not sure if it's accurate or fair to dismiss a genre based on the glorification of the lifestyle if the end result is showing that that lifestyle isn't everything it's cut out to be and is downright BAD for you. It's one of the only genres where being the protagonist doesn't save you from a terrible fate. Probably because they had it coming...

Thanks for saving me a post. :) I saw that comment, went through some movies in my head (including Scarface and Goodfellas) and couldn't understand the glorification thing either. Sure, there's glorification at some point but that's not the message. The message tends to be 'this lifestyle sucks on many levels'.

Elf Witch

First Post
I'm just going to interject here about the perceived glorification of the mob in certain movies.
The Godfather especially the second one isnt a glorification. As a matter of fact it shows the wear and tear being involved in organised crime has on a family and the people that they love. By the end of those movies there is no happy ending for the primary protagonists.

The thing is especially in terms of the Don Corleone and Michael they did what they did
out of perceived necessity (Don Corleone for the future of his children and the protect
the neighborhood from predators. And Michael to protect his father and avenge
the attack on him).

The same is true with Goodfellas and Scarface and to a lesser extent Casino. Goodfellas has the glorification but then has the ramifications of running with a crew of cutthroat murderers and thieves.
Ironically, Tony Montana's (Scarface) fall starts when he actually takes a moral stand (the only one he takes in the whole movie I think...) and refuses to murder a mark with his wife and children in the car.

So I'm not sure if it's accurate or fair to dismiss a genre based on the glorification of the lifestyle if the end result is showing that that lifestyle isn't everything it's cut out to be and is downright BAD for you. It's one of the only genres where being the protagonist doesn't save you from a terrible fate. Probably because they had it coming...

I have never yet met a fan of the genre who does not around quoting the movie and viewing these men as heroes. And often in society at times these men were glorified. Read up on the history of Las Vegas or the Kray twins of England and how society viewed them even after the horrible violence they did.


I have never yet met a fan of the genre who does not around quoting the movie and viewing these men as heroes. And often in society at times these men were glorified. Read up on the history of Las Vegas or the Kray twins of England and how society viewed them even after the horrible violence they did.

I'm sorry that you place a higher value on the people who misinterpret and really
miss the point of these stories as opposed to the actual stories being told.
And the actual stories arent tales of glorification. It's "this life seems awesome at first.
But then the person you think is your best friend is gonna whack you and your family on orders.
Nothing Personal."

I had a similar revelation after a movie came out in the early 90's called MENACE TO SOCIETY. It was about gang life in LA. And how the main character, throughout the course of the film grows to realize that while at one point he loved the gang life and culture it really was going to lead him to nowhere but an early grave.

His friend ODog who was pretty much the epitome of a gang member,
hot tempered, trigger happy and almost casually homicidal didn't understand
why his friend might want to get out of the life.

Near the end of the movie when one of the protagonists earlier actions come back
to bite him in a horrible way, his friend ODdog comes out of the altercation UNSCATHED.

So naturally all of the young guys who watched the movie hailed ODog as
the hero and utterly missed the part that the bad stuff that you do will come
back to get you in the end.

For 2 hours that WASNT the story being told, but that's the story that one group of
people walked away with and it annoyed me to no end.

Elf Witch

First Post
I'm sorry that you place a higher value on the people who misinterpret and really
miss the point of these stories as opposed to the actual stories being told.
And the actual stories arent tales of glorification. It's "this life seems awesome at first.
But then the person you think is your best friend is gonna whack you and your family on orders.
Nothing Personal."

I had a similar revelation after a movie came out in the early 90's called MENACE TO SOCIETY. It was about gang life in LA. And how the main character, throughout the course of the film grows to realize that while at one point he loved the gang life and culture it really was going to lead him to nowhere but an early grave.

His friend ODog who was pretty much the epitome of a gang member,
hot tempered, trigger happy and almost casually homicidal didn't understand
why his friend might want to get out of the life.

Near the end of the movie when one of the protagonists earlier actions come back
to bite him in a horrible way, his friend ODdog comes out of the altercation UNSCATHED.

So naturally all of the young guys who watched the movie hailed ODog as
the hero and utterly missed the part that the bad stuff that you do will come
back to get you in the end.

For 2 hours that WASNT the story being told, but that's the story that one group of
people walked away with and it annoyed me to no end.

First of all I don't want to get into an internet debate about taste in movies. It all comes down to personal preferences. I don't want to spend my time watching a movie or TV show about the mob and the causal violence of their lives. In no way does this enrich my life or even entertain me. If you feel differently then that is great and I am not judging your taste in movies. But you are fooling yourself if you don't think a lot of the fans are attracted to the lifestyle and the glorification of these men as heroes. Even if they met a horrible end. Back in the depression people were both entertained and appalled by Bonnie and Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd and John Dillinger. People gather souvenirs of the bloody clothes and even pulled out hunks of Bonnie hair.

The life attracts people because like most people they don't believe that they will badly or they don't care as long as they life in the fast lane until the very end.

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