Mouse Guard


First Post
This is what Luke posted on

Here are the rules for the Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game:

To play, you'll need one six-sided die, at least two players and the ability to both make stuff up and remember what you made up.

All players make a character now:
You are a mouse: You may choose your name and fur color.
You have a cloak: You may choose your cloak's color.
You have a sword.

[insert gorgeous illustration here]

Here's a quick test: What is your mouse's cloak color?

See, you're playing the game already.

[insert gorgeous illustration here]

One player is the Mouse Master. Decide who will take this role now. The Mouse Master describes the horrors of the unfeeling wilderness -- terrain, weather and animals. After he finishes his description, he holds up one hand and displays a number of fingers -- one to five.

[insert gorgeous illustration here]

All other players must then shout out what their mouse is doing to confront the horrors of the wilderness as presented by the MM. If the Mouse Master deems their shouted description appropriate, then they each roll the six-sided die in turn. If a player rolls higher than the number of fingers, he has passed the test. He may continue to loudly proclaim his actions until the MM decides he wishes to speak again, at which point he must be silent and listen.*

[insert gorgeous illustration here]

If a mouse player rolls equal to or less than the number of fingers, he is trouble. The MM says, "Uh oh, you're in trouble. Roll again." He must roll the die again. If he rolls higher than the number of fingers, then he avoids trouble but does not overcome the hazard described. He's stuck, lost, unconscious or something else. The MM decides. If he fails the second roll, he has succumbed to the horrors of the wilderness. His mouse is eaten, drowned, crushed or otherwise disposed of. His sword is broken, his cloak rent. The player who's mouse was killed becomes the Mouse Master. The former Mouse Master may introduce his mouse character to the other mice and join their team.

[insert gorgeous illustration here]

Rules for advancement and vehicles to be released in coming supplements!

[insert gorgeous illustration here]


*Therefore, you can do anything in this game.

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First Post
But that would be a great game for 6 year old kids... not entirely unlike my brother and I painstakingly setting up plastic army men in the back yard and throwing dirt-clods at them.


Front Range Warlock
Festivus said:
But that would be a great game for 6 year old kids... not entirely unlike my brother and I painstakingly setting up plastic army men in the back yard and throwing dirt-clods at them.

I'm 31. . . and I would play that :)


It occurred to me over the weekend while reading my newly purchased Fall 1152 collection that Mouse Guard is a perfect Points of Light setting...

...then read the news about the RPG the next day. :)


Front Range Warlock
Yep. It was a joke. Comments from play testers and the creator here reveal that the Mouse Guard system will be a Burning Wheel variant and that people 'hostile to Burning Wheel's core tenets' will not like it. I should clarify my earlier statement by stating that I hope that Luke doesn't consider the lack of unified mechanics to be a core tenet of Burning Wheel. I actually like all of the underlying ideas in Burning Wheel; it's merely the 'a different system for every element of consquence' design that puts me off. Multiple exception-based resolution systems under one cover drive me batty.


Front Range Warlock
buzz said:
What "lack of unified mechanics"?

I ad a well-reasoned, polite, response typed. And then my work PC ate it. I'll reply from home tonight to explain myself (in a nutshell, though, BW has three different task resolution systems and six resource accounting systems, all built on similar maths or dice methods but each unique and subject to very specific exceptions).

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