A random thought just popped into my head: what if levels cost XP like groceries cost $$$?
IOW, what if the universal XP/Level chart- instead of applying to character level, only applied to the cost to gain a class level in a particular class?
Fred the Focused Fighter only wants to be a fighter, so just keeps taking Fighter levels. He pays XP as per normally done in 3Ed: taking Ftr2 at 1000XP, Ftr3 at 3000XP, Ftr4 at 6000XP, and so forth.
Jacques D'Touslesmétiers, on the other hand, wants to learn a bit of everything. He starts as a Bard, but as soon as he gains 1000XP, he spends it and takes a level of Fighter. Then he spends his next 1000XP on a level of Druid. By the time he has earned 6000XP, he is Brd1/Ftr1/Drd1/War1/Psi1/Monk1.
Wally Warlock is flexible, but he's not Jacques. At 1000XP, he takes Rgr1. When he gains another 3000XP (total 4000XP), he spends it to gain Wlk2. He reaches a total of 6000XP without adding any class levels, since he wants to take Wlk3, which costs 3000XP, and he only has 2000XP unspent.
In some ways, it's like 3Ed multiclassing, but in some ways, the results are more like AD&D.
Now, I realize that certain things would have to be decoupled from class level, like gaining HD, otherwise at 6000XP Jacques would have 6HD to Fred's 4HD and Wally's 3HD, which ain't right. So derails would have to be worked out.
Interesting idea or have I been drinking too much Wild Turkey?
IOW, what if the universal XP/Level chart- instead of applying to character level, only applied to the cost to gain a class level in a particular class?
Fred the Focused Fighter only wants to be a fighter, so just keeps taking Fighter levels. He pays XP as per normally done in 3Ed: taking Ftr2 at 1000XP, Ftr3 at 3000XP, Ftr4 at 6000XP, and so forth.
Jacques D'Touslesmétiers, on the other hand, wants to learn a bit of everything. He starts as a Bard, but as soon as he gains 1000XP, he spends it and takes a level of Fighter. Then he spends his next 1000XP on a level of Druid. By the time he has earned 6000XP, he is Brd1/Ftr1/Drd1/War1/Psi1/Monk1.
Wally Warlock is flexible, but he's not Jacques. At 1000XP, he takes Rgr1. When he gains another 3000XP (total 4000XP), he spends it to gain Wlk2. He reaches a total of 6000XP without adding any class levels, since he wants to take Wlk3, which costs 3000XP, and he only has 2000XP unspent.
In some ways, it's like 3Ed multiclassing, but in some ways, the results are more like AD&D.
Now, I realize that certain things would have to be decoupled from class level, like gaining HD, otherwise at 6000XP Jacques would have 6HD to Fred's 4HD and Wally's 3HD, which ain't right. So derails would have to be worked out.
Interesting idea or have I been drinking too much Wild Turkey?
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