D&D 5E Multiclassing

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I would remember that there are Ability Score requirements to multiclass into & out of a character class. Many people seem to gloss over this, but it can be a limiter, especially if one is using point buy. That said, it is useful to remember that multi-classing (and feats) are optional add-ons to the system, not the default. IME, they don't add over much to the game, except min/max potential.

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Hawk Diesel

I personally don't have a problem with multiclassing or feats. Yes, players may be more powerful in some ways, but I don't necessarily view this as a bad thing. I only become concerned when one player's character outclasses the others.


I would remember that there are Ability Score requirements to multiclass into & out of a character class. Many people seem to gloss over this, but it can be a limiter, especially if one is using point buy. That said, it is useful to remember that multi-classing (and feats) are optional add-ons to the system, not the default. IME, they don't add over much to the game, except min/max potential.

Most feats are a waste compared to asi especially on point buys which is a variant rule an optional the standard is 4d6 drop L. Yes Multiclass has stats in chapter 5 you have to meet in both classes


I *am* an optimizer, and I'll tell you that in 5e (unlike earlier editions) I almost always build straight classes. I do occasionally go up a class for quite a bit (6, 11, more) and then add a bit of another class. Multiclassing with the PHB material is pretty well done to avoid cherry picking, needing to get up to 3rd and 5th to get good stuff. There are a few exceptions - fighter 2 and cleric domains are likely the most powerful.


The one thing I would warn about multiclassing is that part fo what keeps it honest is that you can build character in the high teens or 20 where everything comes together that's pretty good, but the build itself wouldn't have been viable to get there because you would have been so far behind in getting extra attack or spell levels and few ASIs, etc. So if you are multiclass characters starting at higher levels are easier to take advantage of then multiclass characters you play up to that level.

This is my experience too.

I actually like the idea of multi-classing to gain utility and a more interesting character concept, but pushing off higher level spell slots or extra attacks until later levels can make a character less powerful than the straight spellcaster or melee class. This is especially true when playing PCs from lower levels up through mid levels. Most of the games I DM or play remain in the level 1-12 range so very few if any of my players or I multi-class although I allow it, and would love to play a multi-classed PC myself some time.


First Post
My first MC character has been an absolute blast! Believe me I understood what I was doing when I made the decision, and I didn't make it lightly. We are playing mostly by the book but our DM has injected some homebrew into it so it's not balanced like traditional 5E is. However for me if I do MC it is mainly for story reasons, I treasure my immersion and if it makes sense then I'm more likely to go with it. I've played mostly single class characters so I was a little jarred by MCing at first, but once we gained a few levels and my character advanced far enough in his second class he went back to his first class and stuck with it.

Yes I know I sacrificed my high level abilities, but I really considered what mattered to me more: To have a fourth attack, an asi and survivor? Or to have rage, unarmored defense, danger sense, reckless attack, spirit seeker and totem spirit? For the character I had in mind the latter was more thematic, plus my character's niche is best described as calm fury. For the most part he keeps a level head, this is due to that mentality being reinforced during his army days. However he had been denying his more savage nature, the lower part of his reptilian brain so to speak.

So he's part disciplined, veteran warrior, part ruthless, ferocious and savage fury all rolled up into an older man whom has had a reawakened passion for life. I couldn't really have made this character possible without MCing, only other way was if I had a DM homebrew me an alternate solution, then again they could just straight up deny it.


I really like MCing because it allows a better customised fit to whatever concept I have in my head.

In terms of power gaming I find MC characters are noticeably more powerful at extremely low levels (eg fighter1 wizard1) where a single class hasn't come online yet (many classes don't get their really cool stuff until level 3) or when you start at a very high level, where you wouldn't have to play through 4 or 5 levels of being useless baggage.

Otherwise I find single class characters are usually better at least half the time because they have higher level spells, ASIs, etc a level or two earlier.

The really power gamey MC builds tend to be one trick ponies and single class builds always seem to have the versatility to not go toe to toe on the MC terms.

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Is it a good or a bad idea? What should I be on the lookout for? What should I be careful about? Tips?

One thing I forgot to ask in my first post is what level you think your campaign will cap out/end at. This can make a major difference on whether multiclassing is even worth doing. A campaign that ends, for example, at level 10 vs 15 vs 20 can be a major factor in what your players want to do with their characters.


Most feats are a waste compared to asi especially on point buys which is a variant rule an optional the standard is 4d6 drop L. Yes Multiclass has stats in chapter 5 you have to meet in both classes
4d6L is not the standard. Stat arry is the standard.



Your players are much different than mine. Mine just appreciate the challenge when I tell them I'm giving all the bad guys an extra feat, or the mini-boss is being built as a PC instead of a monster. Otherwise they just steamroll the poor bad guys if I go strictly by the DMG and MM guidelines. :)

Yeah, they are an odd bunch. :) If I said "Ok, we're going to use Multiclassing this campaign, sound good?" ...I'd be met with a resounding "No!". "Ok, well, how about Feats then?"... "No!" ..."Ok, what about new archtypes from the online UA stuff?" ... "N...er...hmmm. How about, no as a default, but if something seems to fit at some particular time we can do a case by case?".

See, my players, at least with regards to 5e, don't really like any of the 'options' as presented (Feats and Multiclassing as prime examples...but even a few other things that aren't even optional, such as the Spell Focus/Material Component Pouch; they aren't keen on those either, feels like a 'cheat mode enabled' type of thing).

Crazy old farts! (except for the 13 year old daughter of one crazy old fart!)


Paul L. Ming



4d6L is not the standard. Stat arry is the standard.

I believe you are incorrect. Standard is the Random method (4d6, drop low, arrange to taste). Stat array, point buy, and everything else are the options. I don't have my book on hand atm, but I'm 90% certain thats what it is. It may be stat array for Adventure League, but the core game uses 4d6-L.


Paul L. Ming

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