One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Fighting styles are what really help focus your martial character's chosen method of battle, be you swinging your battleaxe with great weapon fighting, sniping with archery or tanking up with defense, but i feel like they're woefully underused with most classes that can access them only ever getting one through standard progression and that one choice defines their ongoing fighting choices for the rest of their play.
Martials would benefit so much and be so much more interesting if they gained multiple fighting styles over the course of their progression, as well as letting some light shine on the more niche styles that are interesting but a little too situational to be your pick when you're only going to get one of these things, stuff like blind fighting or protection.
I'd probably make extra fighting styles synonomous with extra attack, maybe not at the same levels but just in quantity, ranger and paladin with their +1 extra attack will end up with two fighting styles, a fighter that hypothetically made it all the way to 20th level would have 5 styles to work with, making them truly masters of combat.
I'd also just remove class assigned fighting styles, let the ranger take great weapon fighter, the fighter take divine warrior, or the paladin druidic warrior, i get that there are themes there somewhat but i don't think the benefits of the limitation outweigh the cons, i think the 'magical' fighting styles are a great way to let martials dip into cantrips without having to invest an entire feat or level to do it, i'd add 'bardic/arcane/sorcerous warrior' fighting styles for the bard, wizard and sorcerer spell lists too, (leaving warlock out because eldritch blast)
what are your thoughts on giving martials more fighting styles, are there niches that don't currently have a fighting style they you think should do? (superior flanker: provide and recieve a larger bonus when flanking an enemy, opportunistic: your opportunity attack have advantage to hit)
Martials would benefit so much and be so much more interesting if they gained multiple fighting styles over the course of their progression, as well as letting some light shine on the more niche styles that are interesting but a little too situational to be your pick when you're only going to get one of these things, stuff like blind fighting or protection.
I'd probably make extra fighting styles synonomous with extra attack, maybe not at the same levels but just in quantity, ranger and paladin with their +1 extra attack will end up with two fighting styles, a fighter that hypothetically made it all the way to 20th level would have 5 styles to work with, making them truly masters of combat.
I'd also just remove class assigned fighting styles, let the ranger take great weapon fighter, the fighter take divine warrior, or the paladin druidic warrior, i get that there are themes there somewhat but i don't think the benefits of the limitation outweigh the cons, i think the 'magical' fighting styles are a great way to let martials dip into cantrips without having to invest an entire feat or level to do it, i'd add 'bardic/arcane/sorcerous warrior' fighting styles for the bard, wizard and sorcerer spell lists too, (leaving warlock out because eldritch blast)
what are your thoughts on giving martials more fighting styles, are there niches that don't currently have a fighting style they you think should do? (superior flanker: provide and recieve a larger bonus when flanking an enemy, opportunistic: your opportunity attack have advantage to hit)