.... that is not remotely what a "Hill to Die on" refers to...The MN won’t be taking me out, though they may remove my shackles on the way to killing the good.
It means no one, here, is going to take your side on altruism being "Slavery" or even "Subservience". That is a terrible redefinition of a word that diminishes the brutality of real world slavery to try and hold it up as defense for your ridiculous position. Hell, I doubt anyone will take your position remotely seriously because of it!
You are giving us a perfect example of why I've repeatedly stated the "Good is actually secretly evil, you guys!" argument is so laughably weak in the muscular neutrality discussion.
So yes. Fight and die on a hill no one cares about, and no one else wants. You'll be alone doing it and no one else will care.
But at least you'll have the view to yourself.