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MutantHigh Episode1: dawn of the future


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Joey grumbles in his sleep, as he hears the music, "Dude... what the hell is going on," he sets up with a sigh, "Hey roomie, you going in or out, man close the door! And tell that guy next door, to turn it down!"

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"I don't know, is it?" she asks, trying to carry some of the bags that were left in the hallway into her room. "If you wouldn't mind, I could use a little help with these bags." She says, regrtting it almost instantly, he might wake everyone up if he has another oops.

Robbert Raets

Clenching his fists, Jack turns around.
Ngnhhh!! That outfit doesn't leave much for the imagination!
Trying to keep his eyes off of Eris as much as is humanly possible, Jack carries some of the bags and boxes in.
''Where'd y'want them?"


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Michael carries his things to his room, and after putting them away , stares at the phone, and calls his father.

Please dad, please be there.

"Hello dad? Oh, it's the dang answering machine. Dad, I just wanted to let you know I'm all right. I'm out of the country now and in a new school. Don't worry about it as I believe it's free to you. But it's not the kind of school you wanted me to go to.

"It still beats being on the run though.

"There are other kids like me here though, each with their own abilities. So I doubt I'll get anything like what happened at home.

"Unfortuately I lost that guitar I got at the fair. You know the one I mean, the one autographed by George Straight himself. The one he gave me personally when our choir won the talent contest at the county fair.

"They let me have a credit card to get me a new one and other things I needed to get. I ended up getting two of them. I got something for you but the U.S. customs consfiscates all items sent to the U.S. from where I'm at, so I ended up returning it.

"So, tell mom I'm all right now and am definately better than when I was on the rrun and that I said hello. I've got to get some sleep."

Hangs up the phone. Lays down in bed but is unable to get to sleep.

So he ends up staring at the ceiling for a long while finally getting to sleep at around 4:30 a.m.
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"Right there'll be fine Jack," she whispers, trying to avoid waking Katie up, indicating the foot of her bed with her an extended leg. Once all of her bags were in the romm she took Jack by the hand and led him outside, and shut the door.

"Thanks for your help Jack," she says kissing him on the cheek, carefully avoiding his hands. "I think, we need to have a talk, about you and me, and this shooting off, well whatever it is you shoot off when I'm around."

Robbert Raets

Jack tensed up again when Eris leaned closer to him, but the innocent peck seemed to relax him a little.
"I managed to contain myself this time, didn't I? Besides, you're not the only one anymore, I slimed a girl who broke into the Institute earlier this evening."


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"Yea honey, but I don't think you meant to slime yourself this morning, you did mean to do it to the intruder, I take it." She pats him on the arm, trying to think of a way to let him down easy, and at the same time not betray her feelings for Patriot. "Look, Jack I really like it that you think I'm so beautiful, its really flattering, very very flattering, I mean you are pretty handsome and all, but... your roommate is more my type then you are." (Diplomacy check 15+1D20 trying to make this sound the best way possible)
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Robbert Raets

"Well, if we're being brutally honest..."
He looks away from her.
"It's not that I have a crush on you, Eris. I fell attracted to you, somehow. I've always had a keen eye for pretty girls, but when I first saw you your sexiness overwhelmed me."
He looks at her over his shoulder, and grins.
"But now I've seen you at max sex appeal, and I'll live. And now you'll have to excuse me, I have a date with a very cold shower."


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"It's not that I have a crush on you, Eris. I fell attracted to you, somehow. I've always had a keen eye for pretty girls, but when I first saw you your sexiness overwhelmed me."
He looks at her over his shoulder, and grins.
"But now I've seen you at max sex appeal, and I'll live. And now you'll have to excuse me, I have a date with a very cold shower."

Eris smirks when Jack has to look away to say he doesn't have a crush on her. "Well thanks for the sexy compliment, I get it a lot, but a girl can never hear it too much." She kisses him on the cheek once more and enters her room again leaving him with the words, "This isn't me at my sexiest," and a wink, as her door closes.

She gets dressed for bed, leaving her bags as is for the night, she changes into a pair of silk panties, and a t-shirt before slippig under her covers to await the morning trusting in her bodies heightened senses to wake her at dawn as it usually did.
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