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[Mutants & Masterminds] A World Less Magical But No Less Fantastic


If by some horrific miracle she succeeds in confronting Ananke, and Abraxas has been removed from play, then Ananke will be sufficiently diverted by this to grant her wish and make her Daath's new ruler. She will be granted all the powers of the other members of the Shēngxiào, and the price will be her sanity.

Not its loss. Its restoration.

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If by some horrific miracle she succeeds in confronting Ananke, and Abraxas has been removed from play, then Ananke will be sufficiently diverted by this to grant her wish and make her Daath's new ruler. She will be granted all the powers of the other members of the Shēngxiào, and the price will be her sanity.

Not its loss. Its restoration.
Especially when it all hits her like a damn truck..


Madalin LeSinistre

Photo taken around 1968

By the middle of 1964, many authorities across the United States had become used to contactng the Institute in general, and Diane Fortune in particular, when unusual and bizarre phenomena occurred within their jurisdiction. Depending on her mercurial moods, Diane often passed these cases on to her colleagues (or occasionally to Jeremiah Wander) but sometimes took a personal interest, as she did when summoned to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to investigate a series of seemingly impossible burglaries. Working out that these crimes had been commtted by someone able to be both invisible and intangible, Diane developed a means of trapping the burglar, having -- somehow -- divined that they would be unable to pass through silver and -- somehow -- imbuing the force field she created with the "mystical essence of silver". Or so she claimed.

Regardless of how she actually did it, Diane wound up capturing a frightened young woman whom she judged to be about fifteen years old. In bizarrely accented English, she claimed to be the Princess Madalin LeSinistre of the Kingdom of Specially. Before Diane could interrupt to object to this absurdity, the girl continued with the tale that her parents had fled into exile here in America, but that she herself had been kidnapped by wicked people and taken underground to the Realm of Darkness. While the strangers in that place had treated her kindly, and even taught her their ways, she had nonetheless yearned for freedom, and after stealing one of their treasures -- the Cloak of Sh'Halla -- she had fled back to the Lands of Light. There, desperate, she had stolen only to feed herself.

Diane believed that at most one word in three of that was truthful, but part of it quickened her pulse nonetheless. She had heard rumors of a great city beneath the surface of the world, called Xinaián by some and inhabited by people known to others as the Shonokins, whose abilities supposedly included the same power to dematerialize themselves that "Madalin LeSinistre" demonstrated. The possibility of learning more aroused her curiosity, and she persuaded the Broken Arrow police to let her take custody of the burglar after everything that she had stolen was returned to its rightful owners, then took "Madalin" back to Washington with her.

Her hopes were dashed. Even when she was able to get as much of the truth out of the younger girl as she thought she could, "Madalin" had only been a child when she came to what she called the Realm of Darkness; she had not understood much of what she saw, and had learned through rote rather than any deeper understanding. Giving up on this idea, Diane employed the resources of the Institute to discover who the girl was and where she had come from. She was tentatively identified as Sheila MacMillan, who had gone missing in 1956 when her family had visited the Spiro Mounds in Oklahoma. Interviewing her parents confirmed that their daughter had frequently playacted as a princess named "Madalin", and they were thrilled when she was returned to them.

Madalin was less enthusiastic, and became a frequent headache for the people pretending to be her parents. Twice in the years that followed, she crossed paths with Diane again, once as a hindrance to another affair but once as an ally of some worth. For the most part, however, she kept her mischievous activities focused on her home in Little Rock, Arkansas, and rarely attracting any official attention. Her interest in young men captured much of attention, and while her boyfriends all considered her a spooky little girl, particularly in light of how she seemed to change her mind at the drop of a hat in response to her empathy or foresight, she was quite popular. On Halloween of 1968, one of them proposed marriage, and they were married early in the next year, with a daughter coming along soon after.

She met Diane Fortune for the last time shortly before the Battle of Vietnam, and also met her new apprentice at the same time. It is thought that she had some foretelling of what was coming, and attempted to warn Diane, only to have her claims dismissed as more lies. After her marriage broke up in 1974, she took her daughter with her when she left the United States, travelling through Europe and eventually settling in Finland, specifically in a tower she erected in Lemmenjoki National Park. There they both lived, only leaving on occasional trips to purchase supplies, until 1982, when Madalin was assassinated during one such trip at the start of the Pythonian Insurgency, which she apparently failed to foresee. Her daughter survived, stole the Cloak off her body, and used it to escape back to the tower. She still lives there, alone now.

Madalin LeSinistre -- PL7

-1 | STA 0 | AGL 0 | DEX 1 | FGT 2 | INT 3 | AWE 4 | PRE 4

Cloak of Sh'Halla:
Array (20 points); Removable (-4 points)
  • Cloaking Field: Concealment 10, Affects Others and Self, Passive - 20 points
  • Defense Field: Reaction Damage 5 (when touched) - 1 point
  • Disguise Field: Morph 4 - 1 point
Dematerialization: Linked Insubstantial 4, Quirk (cannot pass through silver); Linked Flight 4 (30 MPH) - 27 points
Empathy: Mind Reading 6, Limited to emotions - 6 points
Seer: Enhanced Advantages 4 (Defensive Roll 2, Evasion 2); Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 4); Senses 1 (danger sense); Senses 8 (postcognition, precognition), Unreliable - 17 points

Attractive, Equipment 3 (after 1977), Fascinate (Deception), Improved Initiative, Ritualist, Seize Initiative, Uncanny Dodge.

Tower: Size Medium; Toughness 10; Features Dual-Size (Huge), Isolated, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Security System, Workshop - 12 points

Deception 7 (+11), Expertise: Magic 5 (+9), Expertise: Streetwise 7 (+10), Insight 5 (+9), Perception 4 (+8), Sleight of Hand 8 (+9).

Initiative +4
Unarmed +2 (Close Damage -1 and Reaction Damage 5)

Dodge 9/5, Parry 8/4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 5/0, Will 8

Abilities 26 + Powers 68 + Advantages 9 + Skills 18 + Defenses 14 = 135 points

Offensive PL: 6
Defensive PL: 7
Resistance PL: 6
Skill PL: 6

Thrills--Motivation. Deceitful
(exaggerates or outright lies.) Family (daughter, after 1969.) Fear (Xinaián.) Flirtatious.

Note: The stats above, with some modifications, can also be used for her daughter, Alison Auringvalo (alias Baba Zenobia.) While she lost the Cloak of Sh'Halla to Captain Mystic in 1991, she had learned how to partially replicate its Disguise Field with her own powers; add Animal Forms: Morph 3 (animal forms) to her powers. She also has Intimidation 6 (+10) and Stealth 8 (+8) as skills. Her motivation is Survival and she lacks Family, Fear or Flirtation complications, being Paranoid instead; during the 80s and late 90s she also had a Relationship (Killshot).

Photograph of Alison Auringvalo, c. 1986:



Surface view


Peshkera, the second planet out from its G-type main sequence star, was one of countless planets "discovered" by the Manguai in their first bursts of interstellar exploration and then promptly forgotten when neither it nor any of the other planets in its star system demonstrated either easily accessible resources nor life forms who could be convinced to become clients of their discoverers. It would much later be rediscovered by the Gebela, whose interest in pure science was greater, but even they were inclined to accept the verdict of their patrons that the second planet had next to nothing to offer them, with its acidic atmosphere and barren surface. But then the two peculiarities of this planet were discovered, one that made it fascinating and the other that made it frustrating.

The fascinating aspect was what their ground penetrating sensors revealed. Beneath that storm-wracked surface was a series of vast caverns that contained a breathable oxygen atmosphere, suggesting the presence of water and plant life. Accessing these caverns without exposing them to the hazards of the surface would be difficult, but not impossible. That was where the problem became frustrating. Some unknown factor in the makeup of the planet, whether geological or atmospheric, caused the gravitic thrusters employed by all spacecraft to shut down if they descended below a certain altitude. While other thruster types would still function, they were extremely rare, and constructing them for the sole purpose of exploring one planet was not economically sound.

Therefore, the Gebela explorers eventually set up an orbital platform to study the planet dubbed Peshkera, with generations of scientists passing through to perform their remote studies. It remained in operation even after the Gebela departed from the Imperium in the wake of the Schism Wars, passing into the hands of a scientific firm operated from a Chiraben-settled planet. They were therefore in the right place at the right time to benefit from the development of projective teleportation technology, allowing the first exploration of the caverns. They were everything that the remote observations had indicated, perfectly able to support humanoid life, with fungal growths that proved quite edible.

Just how the decision was made to use these caverns as gigantic unsupervised prison complexes remains somewhat obscure, but the project had been active long before the rise of the Crimson King. The orbital platform was converted into a fortress, from which the prisoners who arrived daily were dispatched by teleportation to the caverns. Exile to Peshkera was frequently framed as a merciful alternative. Rather than being confined or executed, sapients who had demonstrated that they could not or would not function as part of a civilized society were sent to a place where they could not harm those who could, but where they would also have the liberty to live as they pleased. And that was not even the freedom to starve, for the generous Imperium regularly sent supplies through the teleporter along with new prisoners. The situation has continued right up into the present; if anything, the authorities of the Crimson Imperium have slightly reduced the number of prisoners who are sent there.

Within the caverns, some of the exiles have succeeded in building a civilization, albeit an extremely low-tech one, farming the fungi for food and adapting to the darkness. Their settlements often come under assault by other prisoners who have proven themselves too violent to remain and been driven out, in what might seem an ironic echo of their own circumstances. No deliberate weapons are ever sent through the teleporter, but both sides have learned how to adapt farming or crafting implements into improvised ones. These internal struggles would be bad enough, but there are also bizarre sentient and mobile fungal growths haunting the lower caverns, preying on prisoners who stray too far from their communities and sometimes growing bold enough to attack large groups.

All this has led to the development of a class of armed explorers, sometimes just called "venturers", hired by the settlement communities to keep these so-called monsters and bandits in check. These threats cannot reasonably be eliminated, but they can be prevented from growing strong enough to endanger the settlements. In the process, the venturers also often discover new resources and new places to establish settlements. However, that is not all that they have discovered, and some of those discoveries have been new sources of concern for the exile leadership.

In the deeper caverns, there are signs ruins of an earlier civilization, created by a now-vanished sapient species. Where these people came from and where they went remain mysterious, but a handful of art objects have been found that suggest that they resembled the Vizugta people* of the Imperium, but with six fingers on each hand. (The Vizugta within Peshkera who have learned of this are just as mystified as anyone else.) Aside from this art, they have left behind some technological relics that are both highly useful and often quite dangerous, depending on whose hands they end up in. Needless to say, venturers and their patrons are keen to learn more, and so are many bandits.

Early in the history of the Insurgency against the Crimson Imperium, captured insurgents were often sent to Peshkera. While that policy has stopped since Gelesh, with captives now rarely surviving their captivity, this has resulted in the presence of the Insurgency among the exiles. Unfortunately, they are divided between two factions: one seeks to covertly improve conditions within the caverns; the other, under the leadership of someone in the midst of a serious psychological breakdown, seeks to drill to the surface and flood the caverns with the toxic atmosphere, killing everyone within, on the dubious theory that this will cause outrage against the authorities within the Imperium.

One of the most noteworthy venturers, loosely associated with the former group of Insurgents, is a Chiraben woman who goes by the name Callixa Tall, who is keeping a great secret from even her supposed allies. A mystic, possessed of one of the greatest connections to the Source that any Chiraben has ever demonstrated, she was trained by one of the few members of the order to not retreat to their garden or go into hiding, and was on the verge of crafting a laser sword for herself when her mentor was killed by criminals. Seeking to punish them got her captured by the law and sent into exile. While understandably a bit upset about all this, Callixa still seeks to follow the teachings and protect the innocent, but she also hopes to find a way of escape.

That hope was recently both helped and harmed by her latest discoveries. In one particularly dark cave, further down than she had ever before ventured, Callixa discovered a group of creatures who seemed to be made out of living fire who had just come through what seemed to be some sort of free-standing portal. She hid and watched while one extremely large example of the creatures joined them, looked about and made a sound she took for laughter -- frightening, horrible laughter -- before returning through the portal.

The flame creatures headed off down one of the tunnels, but before Callixa could make up her mind about whether to follow them or to see where the portal led, a different group came through it. Another Chiraben woman, a green-skinned android, a rock creature and a drone of some sort. They stood a while talking, and Callixa decided to greet them. "Hello," she said, hand raised and ready to burn. "So, you came from the same place as the bad guys, but you don't look like them, so I'm going to ask first if you're the good guys. And I hope to Kaos that the answer is yes."

"Well," said Wissen. "We try."

Callixa Tall -- PL 8

0 | STA 1 | AGL 5 | DEX 3 | FGT 6 | INT 2 | AWE 4 | PRE 2

Adapted to Darkness:
Senses 1 (low-light vision) - 1 point
Draw On The Source: Impervious Will 8, Limited to mental effects; Regeneration 5 - 9 points
Sense The Source: Enhanced Defense 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 4); Senses 5 (Accurate, Acute, Ranged Danger Sense) - 13 points
Work With The Source: Array (32 points)
  • Burn: Perception Range Damage 8, Concentration - 32 points
  • Move: Flight 5 (60 MPH); Perception Range Move Object 7 (3 tons), Subtle - 1 points

All-Out Attack, Close Attack 3, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Takedown, Tracking, Uncanny Dodge

Sword (Strength-based Damage 3, Improved Critical).

Acrobatics 6 (+11), Athletics 8 (+8), Deception 6 (+8), Expertise: Galactic 8 (+10), Expertise: Survival 6 (+8), Insight 6 (+10), Intimidation 6 (+8), Perception 7 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+10), Stealth 4 (+9), Technology 5 (+7).

Initiative +9
Unarmed +9 (Close Damage 0)
Sword +9 (Close Damage 3)
Burn -- (Perception Range Damage 8)

Dodge 10/6, Parry 10/6, Fortitude 4, Toughness 6/1, Will 8.

Abilities 46 + Powers 56 + Advantages 13 + Skills 35 + Defenses 8 = 158 points

Offensive PL: 8
Defensive PL: 8
Resistance PL: 6
Skill PL: 6

Responsibility--Motivation. Secret
(mystic.) Temptation of Power.

* Such as Derat Bahasta, alias El Diablo Rojo.


Yamaguchi Kotaro

For Yamaguchi Kotaro, the Warhound of the Shēngxiào -- he prefers that self-appointed title to "occupant of the house of the Dog" -- it is an article of faith that he has seniority over all other members of its innermost council. He sincerely believes that Diorite recruited the members of the group in the reverse of the order of the progression of the cycle, so that only the first occupant of the house of the Pig (who died two years ago) would have been recruited before him. He thus possesses a primacy that other members of the group ought to respect ... they do not, but they should. Well, that will come in time.

Yamaguchi got his start as a member of a gang affiliated with the Sanno-kai yakuza, doing rather well for himself and rising in their ranks. By 2009, however, he had become dissatisfied with his lot in life. The increasing violence and treachery within the syndicate was not the problem -- honestly, that was fun -- but he was bored with how rarely such opportunities for amusement came his way, and how repetitive his daily tasks were. Yamaguchi wanted something new, and Diorite gave him what he wanted and then some. He was granted superhuman strength and toughness, and the ability to call up shadowy creatures that resembled dogs that could tear people apart without those people ever knowing what was happening to them.

His primary task within the Shēngxiào is to manage and supervise its illegal sales of weaponry, usually manufactured by factories in Vietnam and illicitly shipped to customers throughout the Pacific and parts of Central and Southern Asia, particularly criminals and terrorists. Matters being what they are, some of those "criminals and terrorists" are rebelling against unjust authority, and the Shēngxiào is notably supplying the resistance in both Hong Kong and the Korean Empire. This is done solely in the interest of escalating these conflicts to involve more death and destruction, rather than any benevolent motives.

For his own part, Yamaguchi does not care about the goals of his master, nor even about the money involved. (He makes a pretense of caring about the latter so that the customers do not come to think that they can take advantage; losing money is only fun if it is also exciting.) His sole interest in these activities is coming up with and implementing clever schemes to avoid (or subvert) the authorities so that the deliveries can be made. Well, maybe not his sole interest, as he also enjoys watching the weapons in use. Because of this, he is often absent from Japan while engaged in such adventures.

In the course of his exploits in Hong Kong, Yamaguchi has frequently found himself in conflict with its vigilante protector, Dú Láng. The fights between these two are some of the greatest thrills that Yamaguchi has ever experienced, even though he has usually either come out the loser (though never fatally) or had to flee to avoid capture, only rarely knocking out his opponent and never being able to finish him off. Truthfully, he is not sure he would want to do that even if he had the opportunity. Fighting him is just so much fun ... and the Lone Wolf of Hong Kong is rather attractive, if Yamaguchi was being really honest.

As a consequence of this, he finds it somewhat hard to listen to the complaints of his fellows about the problems that they face in fighting the Ghost Sweepers or that frog, who are (he thinks) just a bunch of children. And that is without getting into the annoyance that he feels about the lack of respect shown to him, especially by Shēng Lóng and that ape Akamatsu. Yamaguchi usually tries to keep a handle on his temper, but has not always succeeded when it comes to those two. One day, they are going to go just one step too far and he will take the pair of them down. Then they will all know who the top dog is.

Yamaguchi Kotaro - PL 10

7/2 | STA 1 | AGL 1 | DEX 1 | FGT 10/5 | INT 3 | AWE 2 | PRE 4

Aspect of the Dog:
Array (31 points)
  • "Let Slip the Dogs of War": Cone Area Damage 10, Concentration, Subtle - 31 points
  • Strength of the Hound: Enhanced Defenses 5 (Dodge 5); Enhanced Fighting 5; Enhanced Strength 5; Protection 5 - 1 point
Shielded Mind: Impervious Will 8, Limited to mental effects - 4 points

All-out Attack, Benefit 3 (millionaire), Connected, Defensive Roll, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative, Ranged Attack 8, Startle, Well-informed.

Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+13/+8), Deception 8 (+12), Expertise: Criminal 8 (+11), Expertise: Streetwise 9 (+12), Insight 8 (+10), Intimidation 9 (+13), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion 7 (+11), Technology 6 (+9), Vehicles 6 (+7).

Initiative +5
Unarmed +13/+8 (Close Damage 7/2)
"Dogs of War" -- (Cone Area Damage 10)

Dodge 10/5, Parry 12/7, Fortitude 4, Toughness 8/6/3/1, Will 10

Abilities 38 + Powers 36 + Advantages 18 + Skills 35 + Defenses 17 = 144 points

Offensive PL: 10
Defensive PL: 10
Resistance PL: 7
Skill PL: 8

Thrills--Motivation. Rivalry
(Shēng Lóng, Akamatsu Gori.) Subject to Orders. Temper. Veneer of Professionalism.



Darren Baldwin, grandchild of the founder of a major coffeeshop franchise, grew up in fairly luxurious circumstances that ultimately left him feeling rather hollow inside. Unlike his father or grandfather, he had no real interest in business (and no interest at all in coffee or wine-making) and struggled to find something that did interest him. Even when he did find that interest -- mechanized armor -- he found that he was exploring the road not less traveled by. Nevertheless, his family avoided cliché by supporting his studies, in the hopes that this would keep them within safe boundaries, rather than leading to him becoming a supervillain or something.

And they got their wish, but possibly not in the way that they wanted. When Darren was twenty-four, something happened that no one could have predicted. The famous Seattle-based hero Trouble appeared to have gone rogue, fighting the police and a number of her colleagues in the Powerhouse, escaping all attempts to capture her. Darren found the entire situation sufficiently disturbing that he decided that he had to do something, hoping that his latest attempts at constructing an armored suit, and the fact that he was an entirely unknown quantity to Trouble, might allow him to carry the day.

This worked out pretty much like you would expect, and Darren found himself defeated quite easily. However, Trouble -- who had been framed and was attempting to prove her innocence while cut off from her allies -- recognized that she needed all the help that she could get, and explained the situation to him. While unsure if she was telling the truth, Darren recognized that Trouble could have easily destroyed him if that was her goal, and so agreed to give her what assistance he could. As it happened, that was quite a bit, and within a few days they had unraveled the Saturn-directed conspiracy against her, saving the Space Needle in the process.

In gratitude, and recognizing that her occasional absences from Seattle left the city undefended often enough that they had probably contributed to this situation, Trouble offered to help train Darren as a superhero. Immensely flattered, Darren accepted, and debuted under the name Twilight shortly afterwards, using a shortened version of the nickname he had given his armor, "the Urban Twilight suit." He has not exactly covered himself in glory during his career, but has bounced back from every embarrassing defeat that he suffered. Twilight is a bit more popular with the average Seattlite than Trouble, in part because he observes a greater transparency about himself and his activities.

Unfortunately, while produced under better circumstances than a typical garage-built exoskeleton, his equipment is still not nearly as "ruggedized" as the armor employed by heroes like Cadmus or villains like Devilray. Virtually every outing results in at least one of his systems -- and often more than one -- suffering a breakdown due to damage that he suffers. Repairing these takes both time and money, eating up most of his funds, and so he can only afford to be a part-time superhero. Nevertheless, whenever danger threatens Seattle, he will go into action with his suit in whatever state of readiness it might be. He also engages in more quiet heroics by being someone Trouble can always rely on to examine her own technology when something goes wrong with it.

His work alongside Exile and others during the recent Konan assault also brought him to the attention of Marc Bolton, who has expressed an interest in licensing the Urban Twilight suit for mass production. This is a mixed blessing, for while it would help with his money issues, Darren is morally uncertain about the idea of his work being used by the military. Bolton has assured him that he would only market the mass production Urban Twilight to emergency services, but the way that the President is claiming that he intends to have every serving member of the United States Army in a suit of powered armor by the end of his term makes Darren unsure whether Bolton will be able to keep that promise ...

Twilight -- PL 9

0 | STA 1 | AGL 1 | DEX 2 | FGT 4 | INT 8 | AWE 2 | PRE 2

Urban Twilight Armor:
Removable (-11 points)
  • Armored Shell: Protection 8, Impervious 6 - 14 points
  • Cybernetic Controls: Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 4) - 8 points
  • Life Support: Immunity 2 (suffocation) - 2 points
  • Locomotors: Leaping 5 (250 feet); Movement 1 (slow-fall); Speed 6 (120 MPH) - 13 points
  • Sensors: Senses 2 (low-light vision, radio) - 2 points
  • Weapon Systems: Array (16 points)
    • Goo Gun: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 5 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage; Hindered & Vulnerable, Defenseless & Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Accurate - 1 point
    • Light Railgun: Ranged Damage 8 - 16 points
    • Meta-Taser: Ranged Affliction 8 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) - 1 point
    • Muscle Augment: Enhanced Advantage 6 (Close Attack 4, Improved Initiative 2); Enhanced Strength 5 - 1 point
Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Attractive, Benefit 2 (independently wealthy), Improved Initiative, Interpose, Move-by Action.

Expertise: Business 3 (+11), Expertise: Science 4 (+12), Expertise: Streetwise 2 (+10), Insight 7 (+9), Perception 6 (+8), Persuasion 8 (+10), Ranged Combat: Weapon Systems 6 (+8), Technology 5 (+13), Treatment 3 (+11).

Initiative +13/+5
Unarmed +8/4 (Close Damage 5/0)
Goo Gun +10 (Ranged Affliction 5, Resisted by Dodge)
Light Railgun +8 (Ranged Damage 8)
Meta Taser +8 (Ranged Fortitude 8)

Dodge 9/5, Parry 8/4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 9/1, Will 7

Abilities 40 + Powers 47 + Advantages 8 + Skills 22 + Defenses 11 = 128 points

Offensive PL: 8
Defensive PL: 9
Resistance PL: 5
Skill PL: 8

Responsibility--Motivation. Friendship
(Trouble.) Power Loss (fragile equipment, mechanical breakdown.) Public Identity.



It is said that if you offer a human sociopath five dollars now or ten dollars later, they will always choose the former. Of course, if the sociopath realizes what you are testing for, the already limited usefulness of this particular diagnostic tool becomes nonexistent. If you were to offer a member of the Barovaci species of the Crimson Imperium a small value now or a slightly larger one later, they will inevitably choose the slightly larger one. But you would be a fool to imagine that this tells you anything about the limitations of Barovaci empathy, because they will have already read your mind and know whether you have that money available to you. And if you should not have it, then the Barovaci will demonstrate that they are also patient when it comes to violence against those who would try to cheat them.

The swampy home world of the Barovacies was one of the last major discoveries of the pre-Imperium era. It was discovered simultaneously by a group of Augrah explorers seeking more resources for their Manguai patrons, and by a multi-species group of mystics following the Nightmare Path whose dark visions had led them here. Both sides fully expected to fight the other in order to claim this world; neither could possibly have expected what would happen instead.

The native sapient species of the planet was pre-technological, but highly intelligent, organized and psychic. Able to use their powers to dominate all other life on their planet, they had never needed to develop a tool-using culture. However, the mystics were unable to intimidate the Barovacies into teaching them the secrets of their telepathy, and the Augrah were unable to "persuade" them to turn over the rights to the resources of their planet in exchange for anything. They patiently explained to their visitors that everything on their planet, and they themselves, were the property of the Deep Master ... and that, as things that were on their planet, their visitors had also become the property of the Deep Master.

Inevitably, the Deep Master arose from the depths where it dwelled and attempted to assert its ownership. Augrah and mystics fought together as allies -- the only occasion in all of galactic history where this happened -- against this immensely powerful entity, and somehow triumphed over it, though both groups suffered terrible losses. In the aftermath, the mystics recognized their foe as one of the Xothi, and now wanted nothing to do with the planet where the creature had first rested and then fallen. That left the Augrah in possession of the planet and its residents, with the Barovacies shattered by the death of their owner. The Augrah generously offered to take its place.

Centuries later, that is still the relationship that exists between the Augrah and their most successful client species. Barovaci work within Augrah-run organizations, with some of the most famous of them working in the entertainment/propaganda industry as producers and directors. Others take middle-management positions within less legitimate businesses. While there have been examples of Barovaci betraying or supplanting individual Augrah, they have only ever done so at the behest of other Augrah. As such, while the Augrah do not trust them, they are considered the most reliable of their clients. The Augrah believe that they have fully instilled their own desire for profit above all else within the Barovacies, and thus think that they fully understand them.

They are wrong. All of their apparent dedication to that goal would change in an instant if the Barovacies were ever to somehow learn of the existence of a certain pale blue dot and what can be found in the depths of one of its oceans. Because the Augrah do not understand that every Barovaci telepathically imbues their spawn with the wish to find a new Deep Master to replace that which they lost, so long ago ...

Barovaci Overseer - PL9

3 | STA 4 | AGL -2 | DEX 0 | FGT -2 | INT 6 | AWE 3 | PRE 2

Strength-based Damage 2, Improved Critical - 3 points
Massive: Strength-based Damage 4, Limited to Slam Attacks; Protection 5 - 7 points
Shielded Mind: Immunity 20 (mental powers), Limited to half effect - 10 points
Sluggish Movement: Movement 1 (slithering) - 2 points
Species-Specific Telepathy: Mental Communication 3 (regional), Limited to Barovaci - 12 points
Telepathic Abilities: Array (28 points)
  • Blast Mind: Perception Range Damage 6, Alternate Resistance (Will), Subtle - 1 point
  • Implant Imagery: Illusion 9 (all senses), Limited to One Subject, Resistable by Will - 1 point
  • Invade Thought: Cumulative Mind-Reading 9 - 28 points

Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Speed of Thought, Well-informed.

Close Combat: Unarmed 9 (+7), Deception 5 (+7), Expertise: Business 6 (+12) or Expertise: Criminal 6 (+12) or both at 3 (+9), Expertise: Galactic 4 (+10), Insight 8 (+11), Intimidation 6 (+8), Persuasion 6 (+8).

Initiative +6
Unarmed +7 (Close Damage 3)
Slam +7 (Close Damage 7)
Blast Mind -- (Perception Range Damage 6)

Dodge 2, Parry 4, Fortitude 9, Toughness 9, Will 7.

Abilities 28 + Powers 64 + Advantages 4 + Skills 22 + Defenses 19 = 137 points

Offensive PL: 9
Defensive PL: 7
Resistance PL: 8
Skill PL: 7 or 6

Profit--Motivation. Dark Secret. Miserly. Slow-Moving
(permanently hindered, becomes immobile when hindered.) Others As Needed.

Note: While many Barovacies have large amounts of money, they hoard it rather than spending it. As such, the Benefit (wealth) advantage is not really appropriate.


The Rascal Crow

A handful of decades ago, in the land of Ginleng on the World More Sorcerous, the peace of a certain mountain abbey was disturbed by the arrival of a pair of fugitives. The male member of the couple expired of his wounds shortly after their arrival, while the woman lasted long enough to be delivered of the child she was carrying. The injuries they had suffered in their flight convinced the abbot that they had been bold rebels against the corrupt governor of the region, and so he swore to raise their daughter in a way that would honor their noble memories. And so he named her ... never mind, she has not used that name in years, not since she learned her parents were a pair of petty crooks who had inflicted those mortal wounds on each other. She goes by the name Shen Che-yu, often called the Enigmatic Sirocco, or her most common alias, the Rascal Crow.

Raised within the confines of the abbey, she was taught their most sacred arts, both sorcerous and martial. She demonstrated quite a talent for swordplay, which was encouraged by her mentors, as they believed that the way of the blade opened a path to deep and profound truths. She came to agree with this perspective. Unfortunately, she also came to believe that her soul was a fundamentally deceptive one, which made for an uneasy combination. When she reached adulthood, she stole out of the abbey and went off to pursue a career of larceny, and soon became notorious.

Shen Che-yu, or whatever she was calling herself at that point, soon found herself bored with scheming against the virtuous. There was no real excitement in it. So she began to instead practice her deceptions against other criminals, particularly those who demonstrated great ego. Her goal was less their destruction and more their abject humiliation, and for a while she found herself quite satisfied with her life. And then one of her schemes was interrupted by the actions of one Sao Pai Long, and everything changed.

He fascinated her. Most of the so-called heroes she had run across were just vainglorious, power-seeking boors, more concerned with their reputation for do-gooding than actually doing good. Here was someone who cared nothing for fame, glory, or power, just with helping people as much as he could and with completing a thankless task. And in his honesty, he was her literal antithesis; knowing who he was, she now knew herself, truly. And that felt wonderful. She followed him for a time, knowing that his path would inevitably intersect with villains seeking to claim his treasures for themselves, villains on whom she could prey. And because she wanted to follow.

The Rascal Crow was startled when he disappeared, and consulted oracles to determine his fate. According to those she consulted, he had been sent to another world by one of the Ascendants for a purpose that the oracles could not determine. Deciding that Pai Long would be in need of her help (and attract villains she could devastate) even in such a world, and curious about what other worlds might be like, she improvised a spell to allow her to follow in his footsteps, and sent herself to still another world, one with a shattered moon.

Finding no sign of Pai Long in this place, she was preparing to move on to yet another world when she caught wind of the activities of a villain. Old habits reasserting themselves, she inveigled herself into the associates of this person and worked to sabotage their scheme in a humiliating manner. But something went wrong. While she was sure that she had succeeded, when Che-yu faced off with this Jessica Drummond character, the latter seemed only amused by her activities instead of frustrated and angry. In fact, she offered critiques of those activities, ways that they could have had more impact if the Rascal Crow had just been more ruthless or callous.

The killing blow was her claim that, once Drummond had realized that Che-yu existed, she had adjusted her schemes so that her interference had actually resulted in their success rather than their failure. Horrified, the Rascal Crow decided that she must be confronting some sort of otherworldy Ascendant, a being far more cunning and powerful than she could hope to be. The only way that she could avoid destruction was to offer Drummond her allegiance until she found some way out of this. Amused by this misunderstanding of her nature, Drummond agreed and revealed more of her long term goals to the Rascal Crow ... which further horrified her.

Since then, the Enigmatic Sirocco has been dispatched to a place called Taiwan on yet another world, apparently known as the World More Grim, to keep an eye on events there. She has crossed paths with a number of its heroes and villains, such as Snow White and Mephistopheles, seeking to manipulate them so that their focus remains on their own world rather than those that lie beyond it, so that when the "dimensional crisis" that Drummond seeks to create comes about, the people of the place called Tanelorn will find no allies here. She sometimes wonders whether that means that she might find allies here, who could help her escape from this servitude and prevent the horror that is to come.

But what if all that she has been told by Drummond were lies? Or worse, if she was told the truth, but was expected to believe it to be lies and act in a way that is utterly contrary to her interests because of that? All her life she has manipulated others, and now she is herself the manipulated party. It is a miserable experience, and she almost feels sorry for all those she put in this position. (But only almost.) For the first time in forever, the Rascal Crow yearns for the truth that will set her free, but fears that it might only chain her further.

What a twisted web ...

The Rascal Crow -- PL 11

1 | STA 3 | AGL 6 | DEX 2 | FGT 11 | INT 4 | AWE 3 | PRE 6

"Deception is My Very Soul":
Array (28 points)
  • "Few Would Not Choose A Pleasant Illusion Over Banal Truth": Illusion 7 (all senses), Resistable by Will - 28 points
  • Flight of the Rascal Crow: Accurate Extended Only Teleport 9 (500 miles) - 1 point
  • "I See Into The Heart and Soul": Cumulative Mind Reading 9 - 1 point
  • "Who Shall I Be Today?": Linked Morph 3 (humanoids); Linked Variable 1 (traits associated with shape) - 1 point
Enchanted Blade: Strength-based Damage 3, Accurate, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2; Enhanced Defenses 4 (Dodge 2, Parry 2); Feature (can be disguised as a pipe); Easily Removable (-4 points) - 9 points

Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Assessment, Defensive Attack, Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll 2, Evasion, Fascinate (Deception), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Jack-Of-All-Trades, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Ritualist, Takedown Attack 2, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge, Weapon Bind.

Acrobatics 4 (+10), Close Combat: Sword 3 (+14), Deception 8 (+14), Expertise: Criminal 8 (+12), Expertise: Magic 7 (+13), Insight 6 (+9), Perception 7 (+10), Persuasion 6 (+12), Sleight of Hand 9 (+11), Stealth 6 (+12).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +9 (Close Damage 1)
Enchanted Blade +16 (Close Damage 4)

Dodge 12/10, Parry 14/12, Fortitude 6, Toughness 8/3, Will 9

Abilities 70 + Powers 40 + Advantages 22 + Skills 32 + Defenses 14 = 178 points

Offensive PL: 10
Defensive PL: 11
Resistance PL: 8
Skill PL: 9

Thrills--Normal Motivation. Terrified Obedience--Current Motivation. Secret Identity. Subject To Orders.

Note: If the Trickster Crow travels to the World Less Magical, or somewhere similar, she becomes PL 9, as her STA, AGL, FGT and PRE all decrease by 2 ranks each, while her Array decreases to 25 points (reducing her Illusion, Mind Reading and Teleport effects by 1 rank each.) She also becomes Disabled on Expertise: Magic checks until she adapts to her new circumstances. (As she has already adapted to a lower level of magic on the World of the Broken Moon, she may do this slightly more quickly than expected.)

The Italian word for "sirocco" is "ghibli", by the way.


Worldwrecker-class Ultra-Dreadnaught

The second-most powerful starships in the known universe (with Vulcan, if considered a starship, being the only more powerful example), the Worldwrecker ships of the Dark Side are exactly what their name would indicate. They are used sparingly, as the objectives of the armies of Daath generally run more towards conquest rather than the ruination of valuable worlds, but they are used as object lessons against rebellious worlds or those who have put up too much of a fight, at which point a squadron of two or three of these ships will be dispatched to deliver it.

Their operational strategy is to descend into a planet's exosphere, ignoring attempts at defense, and then fire their "grand cannons" at surface targets. Typically, these utterly annihilate anything not protected by heavy shielding within a mile of their impact points. Their major limitation is that they cannot fire repeated shots, but must recharge for roughly six seconds after each detonation. On rare occasions, when faced with enemies possessing firepower that pose an actual threat to them, the ships employ either their less-devastating secondary beams, or dispatch vast flights of android-piloted space fighters to intercept attackers. It would take a long time for even a large group of the ships to completely devastate the surface of a planet in this way, but the survivors invariably capitulate long before they need to do that.

The exact number of these vessels possessed by the Dark Side is not definitely known, but believe to number in the hundreds if not greater. A grand total of two have been lost in action. One was destroyed by a large army of prism-wielders when the Dark Side launched an attack on a world near the border of the Protectorate of Aperion; the other vessel in its squadron elected to withdraw, despite the heavy losses that the prism-wielders had sustained. The other vessel, out of a squadron of three, was sabotaged by a Laster boarding party led by Aun Taxad and Vittara. They arranged for the grand cannon to explode when it was next charged, then escaped the vessel. The self-destruct damaged the other two Worldwreckers to the point where they fled into hyperspace. Neither strategy is likely to work a second time.

Aun Taxad was essential to the mission to sabotage the Worldwrecker because he had studied the blueprints for the vessel while a student of Yacobus the Arch-Imaginist, whom he believes to be their designer. Ironically. he is mistaken in this. Those plans were reverse engineered from vessels used in an attempted attack on Daath centuries ago, by the Destrons. The original Worldwreckers are the ultimate, starship-scale Destrons, who are much less sparing in their use on those occasions when they are able to construct them. Fortunately, building such frames is probably not within the means of those Destrons active in the current era.

At least, not yet.

Worldwrecker - 385 points

Awesome; Strength 25; Speed 12 (space only); Toughness 25; Defense -2.
Communications, Defense Systems, Hangar, Holding Cells, Living Space, Personnel.
Heavily Armored:
Impervious Toughness 24 - 24 points
Hyperdrive: Movement 2 (space travel 2) - 4 points
Weapon Systems: Array (319 points)
  • Grand Cannon: Ranged Cone Area 8 Damage 30, Activation (Standard Action, -2), Extended Range 19 - 315 points
  • Secondary Beams: Ranged Multiattack Damage 15, Extended Range 19 - 1 point
  • Tractor Beams: Move Object 25, Extended Range 19 - 1 point

Note: The space fighter accompaniment of some Worldwreckers are exactly as described in the Hero's Handbook.


Andy Mickiewicz

Considering that he has only been in Argus for a short time, Andrezj "Andy" Mickiewicz has gotten into more trouble than any one person should ever experience. He would tell you, if you asked and possibly even if you did not, that he has been through more trouble in the last two years than he had managed to get into over the previous twenty. (Which might not mean much, but you have never met his family.) And things are just getting started.

After graduating from technical school in his native Poland, Andrezj found himself considering enlisting in the army. Instead, he decided to investigate the prospect of working for Argus, which seemed like a more exciting job. He was right, but would also come to regret that choice. Had he known then what he knew now ... well, matters being what they are, he would probably have gotten himself killed during the invasion. Regardless, soon after finishing his training, he found himself assigned to guard duty on some moldy old castle in Romania. It seemed a pretty boring task and not anything that he had ever expected to do, but it would probably be easy, right? After all, there were no such things as vampires, right?


So then the vampires showed up -- just three of them, mind -- and Andy has still never gotten a straight answer about what they were trying to do. All that he knows is that they killed just about all of guards on duty, and Andy himself only lived because he had the good fortune to be working alongside Beretta Staunton, who seemed to have a genius for killing vampires. Once they and the few other survivors were airlifted to Vienna and treated for their injuries, they were informed about the disaster that had enveloped Argus HQ in New York at the same time, and about the extent to which Dracula had seized control of the United Kingdom. Andy was soon transferred to North America to give a report on the raid on Poenari Castle; Beretta, as the senior surviving agent, should have done this, but he was already on his way back to London to start his personal war. For his part, Andy knew that he owed Beretta his life and was willing to do anything he could to help.

As a consequence, though, he ended up tapped to work for the Combination Taskforce, where situations almost as terrifying were a weekly event. That assignment finally wound down after the invasion and after the boss turned into a superpower. (Technically, that is the second time one of his direct superiors went that route. Spooky, right?) At least he managed to avoid serious injury in that little episode, but he had a feeling that the reward for his hard work was going to be more hard work. And he was right, for now Andy had been tapped to work as a handler for a newbie superhero. What in his background made them think that he was qualified to do something like this? Who knows? He read up all that he could on this Jewel person, starting with the interviews that she had given soon after she arrived on Earth, and then set off into the Yellowstone valley where she was posing as a simple hiker. He greeted her with a friendly smile, and the next thing he knew they were about a mile up in the air with her holding his shirt collar and shouting, "Who are you?!"

Quickly deciding that he had been made, Andy went for full disclosure and confessed everything. To his further confusion, Karsa seemed bewildered by this, but she brought him safely back to Earth, apologized and agreed to work with him in the future. He is glad to be making progress on this assignment, but still has no idea what tipped her off. (The answer is nothing -- she was simply startled to be confronted by someone who could have been a twin of the sergeant in the Dhakimite army unit she wound up commanding, who wound up saving her life at the cost of his own. She has not yet told Andy about this.)

While Andy is utterly terrified of vampires, this should not be understood as inspiring flight or inaction in him. Rather, he will fight in incredibly risky ways against such creatures, risking everything on the understanding that he will lose everything in any event if he is defeated. Unfortunately, he has been developed some dangerously false beliefs about the limitations and weaknesses of the undead, potentially putting him in even further danger. Fortunately, he is also slightly misinformed about how likely he is to encounter a vampire.

Andy Mickiewicz -- PL6

3 | STA 4 | AGL 1 | DEX 2 | FGT 3 | INT 1 | AWE 2 | PRE 2

All-out Attack, Defensive Roll, Diehard, Equipment 4, Fast Grab, Fearless 2, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3, Teamwork.

Blaster Pistol (Ranged Damage 5), stake (Strength-based Damage 1), garlic and 9 points of equipment as needed.

Athletics 5 (+8), Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+6), Deception 3 (+5), Expertise: Magic* 2 (+3), Expertise: Military 5 (+6), Expertise: Streetwise 2 (+3), Expertise: Survival 4 (+5), Insight 2 (+4), Investigation 4 (+5), Perception 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Blaster 2 (+4), Stealth 6 (+7), Technology 3 (+4), Treatment 3 (+4), Vehicles 4 (+6).
* INT-based.

Initiative +5
Unarmed +6 (Close Damage 3)
Stake +3 (Close Damage 4)
Blaster Pistol +7 (Ranged Damage 5)

Dodge 4, Parry 6, Fortitude 5, Toughness 6/4, Will 5

Abilities 36 + Advantages 19 + Skills 26 + Defenses 10 = 91 points

Offensive PL: 6
Defensive PL: 6
Resistance PL: 5
Skill PL: 3

Responsibility--Motivation. Delusion
(a stake through the heart permanently kills vampires.) Secret (Argus agent.) Terrified Rage (vampires.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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