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[Mutants & Masterminds] A World Less Magical But No Less Fantastic


Just a note in advance -- Monday is Thanksgiving here in Canada, and as I'm thankful that I'm not homeless after an apartment fire rendered my building uninhabitable at the start of September, I'll be taking the day off.

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Redesign by Dave Beaty

They diminished him.
In all the centuries of his existence, no being, not even the ruler of Daath herself, had ever done that. He has been manipulated so that he chose to lead his weaker brethren away from the world that should have been theirs rather than see that world laid waste. He has chosen to abandon a conflict that began to bore him to gain a world that he could shape to his liking. He has even abandoned another conflict that still interested him because the opposition, against all odds, had managed to fulfill the condition he had decided would prompt his withdrawal. But never has he ever known defeat and diminishment as he has now and these novelties fill him with fury beyond his imagination.

It is true that there are compensations to this new existence. While more vulnerable than he has been since before he was infused with the power to cause change in conformity with his will, his death will now result in his resurrection in the private sanctum he has shaped for himself. (It resembles the observatory he once created to orbit the planet Earth, which itself resembled the first home he built for himself in the orbit of Chirab.) On the other hand, the demise of one of the other new ascendants of this patchwork reality -- which he did not cause -- has made it clear to him that this form of immortality is no less flawed than any of the others he has encountered in his existence.

Likewise, while the range of his senses is less than it once was, their breadth has expanded to a greater degree than ever before. While aware of the existence of other dimensions -- he was drawing power from them, after all -- he was never able to perceive them nor understand their workings. The transformation he underwent with the rebirth of reality has changed that, opening his senses further. For the first time in an eternity, he has learned new things, which has awakened in him the desires to both gain further knowledge and also restore certain talents that he allowed himself to forget, as they were of no use to him. In this vulnerable state, the ability to recognize a lie when he hears it might be useful once more.

Especially since, as the ultimate part of the insult he has suffered, he is not alone in this level of power. The beings who arranged this diminishment are millions of years gone, but their catspaws remain. Among the hierarchs, Teleute (to use the name she now prefers) and Tiamat are at best indifferent to him, and the others are openly hostile. He remains the mightiest of his supposed peers -- since he is Power -- but if they were to combine their efforts against him, they could bring him down. He must work to keep them divided. The new one might be an ally in this, since he knows well their skill at lying ... but that means he must know when he is being told lies.

His goal is simple. He will regain all that has been taken away from him and punish those who benefited from his weakness. Then, and only then, he will return to Daath and lead its armies once again as the now unfettered master of the Dark Side. He has become a god -- now to take the next step, and become the god and finally become the master of this unrighteous universe.

Abraxas -- PL16

14 | STA 18 | AGL 6 | DEX 6 | FGT 12 | INT 9 | AWE 13 | PRE 14

Immortality 5 (one day), Only When On Home Plane; Movement 1 (dimensional travel to home plane), Reaction (death); Movement 2 (dimensional travel to mystical planes), Standard Action - 9 points
"I AM Power": Array (105 points)
  • Reality Is As I Deem It: Illusion 15 (all senses), Selective Area, Dynamic - 106 points
  • I Am Your Doom: Perception Range Damage 16, Variable Descriptor 2 (painful), Dynamic - 2 points
  • I Am Your Punishment: Cumulative Perception Range Affliction 16 (Resisted by Will; Dazed, Stunned, Transformed), Variable Descriptor 2 (humiliation), Dynamic - 2 points
  • I Am The Source: Burst Area Nullify Mystical Effects 16, Broad, Simultaneous, Sustained, Dynamic - 2 points
  • I See All: Remote Sensing 23 (Visual, Audio; 8 million miles), Dimensional 2 (mystical dimensions), Simultaneous, Subtle; Senses 10 (Auditory and Visual Counters All Concealment); Dynamic - 2 points
Strange Being From Another World: Flight 15 (64000 MPH); Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects); Impervious Toughness 18; Impervious Will 15; Movement 3 (space travel 3) - 99 points

Equipment 4, Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Improved Defense, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Seize Initiative, Weapon Break.

Home Plane: Size Colossal; Toughness 16; Features Communications, Concealed, Defense System, Dimensional Portal (Pandiomon), Grounds, Isolated, Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Security System - 20 points.

Expertise: Dimensional 9 (+18), Expertise: Galactic 10 (+19), Insight 7 (+20), Intimidation 7 (+21), Perception 7 (+20).

Initiative +6
Unarmed +12 (Close Damage 14)
I Am Your Doom -- (Perception Range Damage 16)
I Am Your Punishment -- (Perception Range Will 16)

Dodge 10, Parry 12, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 18, Will 15

Abilities 184 + Powers 222 + Advantages 11 + Skills 20 + Defenses 10 = 447 points

Offensive PL: 16
Defensive PL: 15
Resistance PL: 15
Skill PL: 16

Power--Motivation. Enemies
(Other Ascendants.) Sadism.


But never has he ever known defeat and diminishment as he has now and these novelties fill him with fury beyond his imagination.
Some drinking binges from over thirteen centuries ago say otherwise....
His goal is simple. He will regain all that has been taken away from him and punish those who benefited from his weakness. Then, and only then, he will return to Daath and lead its armies once again as the now unfettered master of the Dark Side. He has become a god -- now to take the next step, and become the god and finally become the master of this unrighteous universe.
Simply substituting one addiction for another I see.



Much like his friend Armonia, Ligyron was brought to Tanelorn as a child. Unlike her, he was not a babe in arms, but a two-year old boy who was nonetheless carried through the portal by Kent Wildman himself while the Warden flew ahead with his mother to the hospital. Sadly, the doctors lost the fight to keep her alive, and the two rescuers adopted her child as their own. When he was a little older, they told him that his birth parents had had fought with desperate courage against an army of mechanical monsters that sought to overthrow their world. They had been heroes ... but, as Kent sadly concluded the story, "heroes often fail."

From that point onward, all of his efforts were put towards training himself so that he could join the guardians of Tanelorn in their struggles to prevent the sort of disasters that had claimed the lives of his birth parents. He had a slight advantage in receiving tutelage from one of the originals, as well as his innate speed and physique. Ligyron knew that the power of the guardians chose its wielders according to its own purposes, but hoped that whatever mind guided it was watching his efforts nonetheless. Only hoped, never prayed -- he respected the gods, but would never rely on them.

During the final phase of his training, he befriended Armonia Getane during her own studies at the academy. She saved his life following one, um, "extracurricular training activity" that got a bit out of hand. Ligyron swore that he would repay this debt seven-fold when they were both guardians, fully expecting Armonia to be chosen before he was. He was shocked when she walked away from the final test a failure, and doubly shocked when he then passed. It made no sense to him, but that was reality for you.

During the Anachronic Calamity, Ligyron found himself working alongside Nike of the World Less Magical, whom he found hauntingly familiar, though there was no time to discuss the matter. Ultimately he fought in the final struggle to save reality and woke up in the aftermath to the news that his father had passed and that the guardian force was apparently gone forever. He has come to terms with the latter, relying on his own gifts to keep protecting his home, family and loved ones. He will never accept the former, even though he knows that it makes his mother unhappy and keeps him from giving her the support that she needs. It will all be okay in the end, when he brings the old man back.

In addition to learning the true fate of Kent Wildman, Ligyron is determined to find out what happened to Armonia, who disappeared during the final stages of the conflict but who apparently survived, somewhat to her own confusion. When he sought out help from the heroes of the new world, he was startled to learn that she resembled a major villain of its history, becoming even more concerned for her welfare. It should be said that their friendship is entirely platonic, as Ligyron is almost exclusively attracted to other men. Nevertheless, she is one of the most important people in his life, and their balance of saving and being saved is nowhere close to even. At least, not yet.

Ligyron -- PL9

5 | STA 6 | AGL 4 | DEX 4 | FGT 8 | INT 1 | AWE 4 | PRE 1

Enhanced Advantage 4 (Improved Initiative 4); Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 4); Quickness 8; Speed 10 (2000 MPH) - 30 points
Resilient Physique: Immunity 2 (cold, heat); Impervious Toughness 6 - 8 points
Speed Tricks: Array (18 points)
  • Rapid Strike: Selective Burst Area Damage 6 - 18 points
  • Sonic Boom: Burst Area Damage 9 - 1 point

Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Diehard, Fearless, Great Endurance, Improved Critical (unarmed), Power Attack, Takedown.

Acrobatics 7 (+11), Athletics 7 (+12), Close Combat: Unarmed 5 (+13), Expertise: Military 6 (+7), Insight 4 (+8), Intimidation 6 (+7), Peception 6 (+10), Stealth 5 (+9).

Initiative +28
Unarmed +13 (Close Damage 5, Crit 19-20)
Rapid Strike -- (Burst Area Damage 6)
Sonic Boom -- (Burst Area Damage 9)

Dodge 12/8, Parry 12/8, Fortitude 9, Toughness 6, Will 7

Abilities 66 + Powers 49 + Advantages 8 + Skills 23 + Defenses 10 = 156 points

Offensive PL: 9
Defensive PL: 9
Resistance PL: 8
Skill PL: 7

Responsibility--Motivation. Easily Mistaken For a Thrillseeker. Family
(stepmother.) Friend (Armonia.) Refuses to Accept That His Father Is Gone.

Note: Ligyron is an Olympian (contain your surprise) and will gain Immunity 3 (aging, disease, poison) and Regeneration 5 as additional effects of his Resilient Physique if he ever starts drinking ambrosia on a weekly basis.


Lt. Mav Oroshi

As already mentioned, most of the Seshai people present in what is now the Crimson Imperium are philosophically opposed to it, and have either chosen to take up arms against it or treat it as a natural disaster against which they are sheltering in place. But that ignores a small percentage of them who have chosen to serve, either because of personal ambition, sincere belief in the principles of the Imperium, or the notion that they can better improve matters from within the system than from outside it. The latter possibility is exceedingly hubristic, of course, but the Seshai have never been short of those who have an overly high opinion of their talents.

Lieutenant Mav Oroshi is one such Seshai, one of the first to rise to the post of Lieutenant in the Imperium Navy. This is not quite as awesome an accomplishment as it might seem. Creating the post of Lieutenant was one of the reforms introduced by the Crimson King when he overhauled the structure of the Navy following his rise to power. Before that, should the Captain of a Naval vessel be incapacitated or otherwise removed from duty, the most senior Commander aboard would take their post, where now the designated Lieutenant will do so. While this makes for a somewhat smoother chain of command, it seems likely that the large fees demanded to take the exams for the position, almost as much as those to take the exams for Captaincy, were the motivation behind the change.

At the start of his career in the Navy, Lt. Oroshi vacillated between a sincere belief in the Imperium -- or at least the idea that it was better than any hypothetical state that might exist in its place -- and an optimistic confidence that he could make a positive change in the way that it operated, at least in any small corner of it where he might be assigned. The last decade* has done a number on both ideas, but he has managed to avoid slipping into total self-interest and careerism. He has sometimes considered reaching out to contacts in the Insurgency in order to act as a double agent, but fear of the consequences of failure has kept him from doing so.

One of the sources of that fear is his genuine respect for the talents of his current superior, one Rylan Kester, Captain of Heavy Destroyer 3L1T3. Kester is practically his antithesis, being entirely devoted to his own advancement (and amusement) but Oroshi knows that he has one of the sharpest minds he has ever encountered, and combines a talent for strategy with a keen political understanding. If Lt. Oroshi were to betray the Imperium, Kester would discover it, eventually, and the possibility that Oroshi would not die as a consequence is truly terrifying -- because it would mean that he was being used to feed false information to the Insurgency.

Another source is the current assignment of their vessel, essentially ferrying the so-called Scarlet Knights on their debut assignment, a visit to a weird planet in the Unclaimed Regions. As the second-in-command of the vessel, Oroshi has had a number of encounters with these special agents of the Crimson King, and each of them has made him extremely concerned about the direction of the Imperium. The best of them is a dangerous opportunist and the worst a literal monster. But all of them are potential threats pointed at him, as well.

For now, he has chosen to focus his efforts on learning about this planet "Earth" that they will reach in a few months. Bizarre sounding place, but potentially interesting all the same ...

Lt. Mav Oroshi -- PL 7

2 | STA 3 | AGL 3 | DEX 4 | FGT 4 | INT 5 | AWE 3 | PRE 3

Boosted Reflexes:
Enhanced Advantages 4 (Evasion, Improved Initiative 2, Uncanny Dodge); Enhanced Defenses 4 (Dodge 2, Parry 2) - 8 points
Communications Implant: Enhanced Skills 1 (Technology 3), Limited to Security; Radio Communication 3, Subtle; Senses 2 (acute radio) - 15 points
Eyemods: Enhanced Advantage 1 (Improved Aim); Senses 3 (analytical visual, infravision, ultravision) - 4 point

Assessment, Defensive Attack, Equipment 6, Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2 (blaster rifle), Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Ranged/Cover), Seize Initiative, Set-up, Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge.


Protective Uniform (Protection 4, Subtle), Blaster Rifle (Ranged Damage 8, Accurate), and 8 points as needed.

Athletics 5 (+7), Deception 8 (+11), Expertise: Galactic 6 (+11), Expertise: Military 7 (+12), Insight 9 (+12), Intimidation 6 (+9), Perception 6 (+9), Technology 3 (+11/+8), Treatment 2 (+7), Vehicles 6 (+10).

Initiative +11
Unarmed +4 (Close Damage 2)
Blaster Rifle +6 (Ranged Damage 8, Crit 18-20)

Dodge 7/5, Parry 6/4, Fortitude 5, Toughness 7/3, Will 9

Abilities 54 + Powers 27 + Advantages 15 + Skills 29 + Defenses 10 = 135 points

Offensive PL: 7
Defensive PL: 7
Resistance PL: 7
Skill PL: 7

Duty--Motivation. Blind Without 'Em
(becomes visually Unaware if Eyemods are nullified.) Obviously Alien.


Guardian Flora

None of this was supposed to happen to her, and even though she is glad that it has, it really messed up her plans for her life! Well, plans for her life that someone -- okay, that abuela made, but she has always known that you never ever go against abuela! Fortunately -- and surprisingly -- abuela seems to understand, okay, no, not understand, maybe, but at least she has decided that this is nothing she expected or asked for, and is focusing her terrible anger on whatever made this happen. Which is probably going to make all kinds of trouble later, but for now, no hay problema.

Fiorella Perez never really thought about plants before the episode. She liked flowers -- who hates flowers? -- and she thought that people should do what they could to make sure that flowers and other vegetation had the chance to thrive, but these were vague ideas. Most of her energy went into being the perfect student at her school and the perfect daughter at home, which left no real time for any sort of causes. Even without that, she would probably have cared more about cutting loose and having fun.

Then she fainted while being fitted for her quinceañera dress, which would have been a serious embarrassment at any time. Of course, she could absolutely not tell anybody about how she woke up in a great dark space lit by a gleaming tree, which spoke to her quietly about how it had slept for an eternity, and now it was time for it to once more flower within her. "Speak for the trees," it said, and then she woke up to the panicked faces of her parents and the couturier and abuela -- okay, abuela was not panicking, she was glaring angrily at her. Somewhat spookily, abuela was specifically glaring at her right hand, clenched around a necklace with a tree charm.

Since then, Fiorella has gone through a lot of changes beyond simply accompanying the other Guardians as Guardian Flora and using her plant magic to support them in fights. She has joined every ecological group in the Vancouver area that will have her, giving them all of her spare time. Her popularity is suffering, and so her grades. But she is happier than she has ever been before, even if she is also constantly terrified of what abuela is going to do now that she knows.

It happened just the other day. She caught an Uber home after a meeting at SPEC, only for the driver to start talking to her as though he knew all about her activities as Guardian Flora. She hesitated to call on her powers and confirm his wild allegations, but then he pulled into the driveway of her home and started talking about how they were going to be having a lot of conversations like this. He got out of the car to open the door for her -- and the next thing Fio knew, he had been shot right in front of her, and abuela was pointing a pistol in his direction!

Apparently, abuela was a semi-retired agent for Argus, some sort of international security agency, and the guy she had just killed was an assassin from Saturn or some other group. Whatever abuela might think of her grandchild fooling around in a costume, she was not about to let a latter-day Pythonian kill her like they had killed her first husband, so long ago. However, she was going to be giving Fio the benefit of her experience in fighting the powers of darkness. Gratitude was not expected, but obedience was. Well, that was sort of taking it well, right?

Alas. A lifetime of reflexively obeying her grandmother has not done Fio many favors when it comes to learning how to recognize when the old woman lies. She has never worked for Argus. She was a loyal Python in her native Venezuela, forty years ago, though she is sincerely contemptuous of Saturn, and is certain that her granddaughter can be turned into a figurehead for a new Insurgency ... just give her time. Or perhaps she will have to die, like that Argus lacky did. Or like her husband did. Same way, too.

Guardian Flora -- PL9

2 | STA 2 | AGL 3 | DEX 1 | FGT 4 | INT 1 | AWE 3 | PRE 2

Enchanted Necklace/Costume:
Feature 1 (quick change); Flight 6 (125 MPH); Impervious Protection 8; Regeneration 10, Source (plant life); Visual Concealment 4, Limited to while in vegetation; Removable (-7 points) - 31 points
Plant Magic: Array (18 points)
  • Green Network: Remote Sensing 6 (auditory, olfactory, visual), Medium (plants) - 18 points
  • Pollen Cloud: Cloud Area Affliction 9 (Resisted by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhuasted, Incapacitated) - 1 point
  • Rapid Growth: Continuous Create 8, Feedback, Subtle - 1 point
  • Seed Bolt: Ranged Damage 7, Indirect 4 - 1 point
  • Shape Plants: Perception Range Transform 3 (any plants into any other plants) - 1 point
  • Tanglevines: Selective Burst Area Cumulative Affliction 6 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobile), Extra Condition, Limited Degrees, Requires Ambient Plant-life - 1 point
Speak For (And With) The Trees: Comprehend Plants 2; Senses 4 (postcognition), Limited to while in vegetation - 8 points

Attractive, Extraordinary Effort, Improved Defense, Interpose, Tracking, Trance.

Acrobatics 4 (+7), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+6), Deception 8 (+9), Expertise: Current Events 7 (+8), Expertise: Nature 7 (+8), Perception 4 (+7), Ranged Combat: Plant Magic 6 (+7).

Initative +1
Unarmed +6 (Close Damage 2)
Seed Bolt +7 (Ranged Damage 7)
Entanglement -- (Burst Area Affliction 6, Resisted by Dodge)
Pollen Cloud -- (Cloud Area Affliction 9)

Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude 6, Toughness 10/2, Will 5

Abilities 36 + Powers 62 + Advantages 6 + Skills 20 + Defenses 13 = 137 points

Offensive PL: 9
Defensive PL: 9
Resistance PL: 6
Skill PL: 4

Doing Good--Motivation. Family
(large.) Green Concerns. Secret Identity. Unknown Nemesis.


Guardian Umbra

Once upon a time, there was a young woman who lived in Happy Valley, a suburb of Portland, with her mother, her father, and her little brother. They were not wealthy, but they were comfortably well-off. Her parents volunteered at a homeless shelter every weekend because they believed, and taught their children, that helping people was both its own reward and that the good deeds one did for others would eventually come back to aid yourself in the end.

And then the police chief of Portland shot the mayor of the city on live television and declared that he was going to eliminate homelessness by eliminating the homeless, and sent his officers to do just that. They followed their orders like good little soldiers. They were stopped, of course, but not before many people died -- among them a mother, a father, and a little brother, too young for preschool but temporarily lacking a babysitter. The people who killed them even made video recordings of the fun they had with the body of the little boy. So nice of them.

The young woman, Enya Beaufort, was taken by child protective services, and fled from that place on her first night. She did not know why they were pretending to be concerned about her, when they were clearly just holding her until whoever had murdered her parents came for her; she did not understand anything about what had happened, and it no longer mattered. She was leaving, and she would not come back until she found some way to set this right.

Over the next year, she made her way up the Pacific coastline, crossing over the border into Canada during the confusion of the Konan invasion. She reached Vancouver and settled down to winter there before moving on to her next destination, whatever that might have been. Any plans that Enya had formed were shattered when she collapsed while eating in a soup kitchen, at the same time as four other people in the Vancouver area. She found herself floating in a dark place, staring up at a deeper darkness yet. The silence of that darkness became oppressive, and Enya finally spoke up, asking it what it wanted of her.

And the darkness replied, in a voice of infinite rage, "Never stop making them pay." Enya awoke holding a necklace with a smooth black stone charm. Sometimes, in private moments, she sits and dangles the stone in front of her eye. Doing so has helped her achieve a greater understanding of her condition than most of the others have. No peace of mind, though. Never any peace.

In some ways, Guardian Umbra is just like her comrades. She supports all their struggles against Kishu and provides them with a perspective informed by her experiences on the streets, rarely discussing them otherwise and never volunteering much about her private life. (With the help of Guardian Technon, she has obtained both shelter and employment at a Salvation Army facility in downtown Vancouver.) Unlike her fellows, however, she goes out at night alone in her form as a Guardian, looking for both street crime that needs to be answered and signs of police misconduct, especially violence directed at the unhoused.

Every time she finds what she is looking for, she gets a little bit angrier, and the voice she hears when she speaks starts to sound more and more like that voice of infinite rage. And she wonders, sometimes, whether the "them" in that mantra will some day be "everyone".

Guardian Umbra -- PL9

1 | STA 2 | AGL 2 | DEX 3 | FGT 4 | INT 3 | AWE 4 | PRE 2

Enchanted Necklace/Costume:
Enhanced Advantages 3 (Evasion 2, Improved Defense); Enhanced Defenses 10 (Dodge 5, Parry 5); Feature 1 (quick change); Morph 2 (disguise power); Impervious Protection 5; Removable (-6 points) - 28 points
"Never Stop Making Them Pay": Immunity 5 (emotion effects), Special* - 2 points
Shadow Magic: Array (18 points)
  • Shadow Consumption: Nullify Magic 6, Broad, Simultaneous - 18 points
  • Shadow Domination: Perception Range Affliction 6 (Resisted by Will; Dazed, Compelled), Concentration, Limited Degree - 1 point
  • Shadow Poison: Cumulative Affliction 9 (Resisted by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated) - 1 point
  • Shadow Step: Accurate Teleport 9 (2 miles), Medium (shadows) - 1 point
  • Solid Shadows: Perception-Ranged Damaging Move Object 6 - 1 point
Shadowed Eyes: Senses 2 (darkvision) - 2 points

Benefit (cipher), Close Attack 2, Contacts, Evasion 2, Grabbing Finesse, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative.

Acrobatics 5 (+7), Athletics 5 (+6), Close Combat: Shadow Magic 3 (+7), Expertise: Magic 6 (+8), Expertise: Streetwise 5 (+8), Insight 4 (+8), Investigation 4 (+7), Perception 4 (+8), Sleight of Hand 6 (+9), Stealth 8 (+10).

Initiative +6
Unarmed +6 (Close Damage 1)
Shadow Poison +9 (Close Fortitude 9)

Dodge 11/6, Parry 9/4, Fortitude 5, Toughness 7/2, Will 7

Abilities 42 + Powers 55 + Advantages 7 + Skills 25 + Defenses 10 = 139 points

Offensive PL: 9
Defensive PL: 9
Resistance PL: 6
Skill PL: 5

Justice/Revenge--Motivation. Hatred
(cops.) Secret Identity. Suspicious and Untrusting.

* Whenever Guardian Umbra has to make a resistance check against an emotion effect, she automatically succeeds but must make a Will check against an effect of the same DC, becoming Vulnerable (due to anger), Defenseless (due to anger), or Unaware (due to anger) depending on the result of her check, treated as a cumulative effect. She must recover from these conditions normally.

"You’re too kind. Remember this and take it to heart: kindness sometimes leads to even greater tragedy."


And then the police chief of Portland shot the mayor of the city on live television and declared that he was going to eliminate homelessness by eliminating the homeless, and sent his officers to do just that. They followed their orders like good little soldiers. They were stopped, of course, but not before many people died -- among them a mother, a father, and a little brother, too young for preschool but temporarily lacking a babysitter. The people who killed them even made video recordings of the fun they had with the body of the little boy. So nice of them.
Spectra pulling a scorched earth?

And I imagine what happened to the Portland PD in retaliation as well as what was needed to stop them was not pretty...

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