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[Mutants & Masterminds] A World Less Magical But No Less Fantastic


No, that was the first of "[a] series of riots".
Pity, because I had an idea of those cops who killed Umbra's family running into the Vagabond Pok', who didn't even feel their heads when she closed her fists, leaving just a vague stickiness that she'd wipe clean with a towel.

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Pity, because I had an idea of those cops who killed Umbra's family running into the Vagabond Pok', who didn't even feel their heads when she closed her fists, leaving just a vague stickiness that she'd wipe clean with a towel.
Sorry, while this was happening, the Vagabonds were in Hespera.



The whole thing is utterly ridiculous, really. For years, she understood that she was the weakest member of the Powerhouse, and behaved accordingly, staying back from the front lines and coming up with schemes that depended on her unique knowledge in between bouts of exposition. But now everything has changed, for the world is more magical, giving her the raw power that would allow her to stand with her friends. And one of the consequences of that change is that she has to step away from them.

In a way, it all started with her own first big lie. For more than two decades, Jennifer Chase has claimed that when she fled from the home where she was raised, she did so alone. The truth is that Gertrude Gallowglass had a second "apprentice", a Czech boy she took in to do the more onerous tasks that she was unwilling to do and could not delegate to her daughter. When Jennifer learned of her eventual fate, she persuaded Tomáš to flee with her. Until just a little while ago, she had believed that he had died during the attack on London, and saw no purpose in bringing up the death of her "brother". She mourned him, and then moved on. Except that he was not actually dead, somehow, but had made his way back to Prague, where he became infamous as Tommy Elagabalus.

(On some level, Jennifer suspects that this is a historical change resulting from the recent Catastrophe, as she has confused memories on this subject. Regardless of such confusion, however, it is what is true now. However, she finds it weird how their story seems to repeat, in reverse, the flight of Diane Fortune and Johnny Masters.)

Having discovered the truth about Tommy, she was understandably angry when she confronted him and demanded to know why he had hidden from her all these years. She found his answers wholly inadequate, but before she could really express her annoyance, she learned that he had become an agent for Merlin not long after the archimage had been awakened from his long sleep -- to be precise, she learned this from Merlin himself, when the latter made his presence known. However, Tommy had completed the last task that Merlin had asked of him, and was free of any obligations to him now. Merlin agreed with this, and idly wondered aloud where he would ever find such an effective agent after this.

Blakestone was not fooled by that pose for even a moment. The old monster was going to try and claim Prydain as his servant, despite the betrayal he had subjected to her all those centuries ago. Defeating him was beyond Jennifer, even with her recently increased might. Even if she called in all her friends, she might just be sending them to their deaths to little gain. So there was only one way to win this little game that Merlin was playing, and Blakestone volunteered her services as his servant.

This is costing her dearly. it means she has to avoid those she cares about. She knows full well that her morality and values might end up shattered by what Merlin demands of her. Still she goes on, because of faith. "The greatest act of faith we are capable of is that of loving another more than we love ourselves, and occasionally we can be quite good at it." She read that in a book that Tommy gave her as a covert gift, a long time ago.

Blakestone -- PL 11

0 | STA 1 | AGL 2 | DEX 3 | FGT 4 | INT 2 | AWE 6 | PRE 5

Astral Projection:
Remote Sensing 10 (1000 miles; auditory, mental, visual), Side Effect (physical body is defenseless and immobile, always) - 20 points
Coat of Protection: Flight 4 (30 MPH); Protection 12; Removable (-4 points) - 16 points
Mystic Awareness: Senses 3 (acute analytical radius mystic awareness) - 3 points
Mystical Talents: Array (28 points)
  • Burning Blast: Ranged Damage 14 - 28 point
  • Discern Thoughts: Cumulative Mind-Reading 9 - 1 points
  • Dispel Magic: Perception Range Nullify Magic 5, Broad, Simultaneous - 1 points
  • Ghost Hands: Perception Range Move Object 8 (3 tons), Precise, Subtle 2 - 1 point
  • Maddening Blast: Ranged Damage 9, Resisted by Will - 1 point
  • Phantasms: Illusion 4 (All Senses), Area (15 cft), Selective, Resisted by Will - 1 point
  • Portals: Extended Teleport 14 (16000 miles), Extended Only - 1 point
  • Spell of Speech: Selective Area Mental Communication 4 (planetary) - 1 point
  • Suggestion: Perception Range Cumulative Affliction 9 (Dazed, Compelled, Controlled), Hearing-Dependent - 1 point
Shielded Mind: Impervious Will 10, Limited to Mental Effects - 5 points

Power Stunt:
Cantus Bellax: Enhanced Advantages 10 (Close Attack 7, Improved Initiative 3); Enhanced Strength 9

Accurate Attack, Equipment 3 (Headquarters), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Redirect, Ritualist, Trance

House of Riddles: Size Medium, Toughness 10, Features Concealed, Dual-size (Huge), Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Sealed, Security System, Self-repairing, Workshop - 15 points

Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+6), Deception 7 (+12), Expertise: Magic 9 (+14), Insight 7 (+13), Intimidation 4 (+9), Investigation 8 (+10), Perception 5 (+11), Ranged Combat: Magic 5 (+8), Sleight of Hand 4 (+7), Stealth 5 (+7).

Initiative +5
Unarmed +6 (Close Damage 0)
Burning Blast +8 (Ranged Damage 14)
Maddening Blast +8 (Ranged Damage 9, Resisted by Will)
Suggestion -- (Perception Range Will 9)

Dodge 7, Parry 6, Fortitude 6, Toughness 13/1, Will 12

Abilities 46 + Powers 80 + Advantages 10 + Skills 28 + Defenses 18 = 182 points

Offensive PL: 11
Defensive PL: 10
Resistance PL: 9
Skill PL: 9

Responsibility--Motivation. Mystical and Enigmatic. Patron
(Merlin.) Relationship (Prydwen, Nick Grey.) Reputation (Witch.)


Captain Nemo

Appearance highly variable, but this is his most frequently employed form.

In his private journals, Professor Pierre Arronax included some speculations about the origins of the man who called himself Captain Nemo. He believed, on certain evidence which he chose not to disclose, that his rescuer and captor had been of Polish origin. When Jules Verne incorporated these journals into the serialized novel he dubbed Vingt mille lieues sous les mers, he expanded on this account somewhat, only to have those elements censored by his editor. Later, that same editor would insist on bringing the character back in a later story, in which he was revealed to be the (historically unlikely) son of the Raja of Bundelkhand. If there is any truth to this account, it remains unclear, and the individual currently under discussion is not the original Captain Nemo in any event.

As has been already mentioned, thousands of years in the future, one human culture remembers somewhat more of human history than others, while often confusing fiction with fact. The individual now known as Captain Nemo was the artificial intelligence who played that role in historical recreations. However, on learning of the escape of two other AIs involved in this program, something -- possibly the freedom-seeking personality that Captain Nemo had to have in order to fulfill his role -- inspired him to make the same attempt. His method was slightly different -- and thus not what the operators were looking for -- in that he uploaded his consciousness into an android body, one designed to employ advanced holography to project a variety of appearances.

Having made his escape, Nemo soon found himself caught up in the events of the Anachronic Calamity, alongside heroes and villains from many different eras, including those who had inspired his escape. Playing a key role in the affair by piloting the time ship that transported them, Nemo ultimately found shelter in the Sprawl not long before it became part of the World in the Aftermath. That he was finally in sight of the sea, which he had dreamed of but never personally observed, eased the disgust he felt at his surroundings.

Not long after that, Nemo was recruited into another mission, this time by Baba Yaga and some of her allies in the Sprawl. The mission of stealing a starship (which was also able to function as a submersible) from the Empire of Korea appealed to him, and he assisted in training the mixed crew of Sprawlers, Russians, and Korean expats to operate it. In the process, however, he quietly won their loyalty away from those who had hired them, and by the end of the episode, he and his new crew were in a position to insist that they were keeping the vessel for themselves, and flew off into the endless night. Since then, the Nautillus (the crew insisted on the same, somewhat to his embarrassment -- he wanted to christen it Star Albatross) has patrolled the solar system, conducting occasional raids on the Martians and fighting against extra-solar invaders.

While sincere in his wish to defend the planet Earth, Nemo has only contempt for those who remain bound by gravity, and will attempt to persuade any Terran space travelers that he encounters that there is absolutely no reason for them to ever return. It is entirely possible that he might not permit them to do so, in their own interest, of course. The major difference in personality between the historical Captain Nemo and the being whom he inspired is that, while the former supported a variety of rebellions against authority, the latter cares much more about his own personal freedom. That said, he also treats the members of his crew as though they were his family and will defend them to the utmost.

Possessed of a quirky sense of humor, Nemo often uses his holographic technology to give himself the appearance of various actors who have portrayed "him", especially when meeting people for the first time. His normal appearance is based on early illustrations of the character. If incapacitated, his disguise mode will shut down to reveal that he is a jet black, sexless humanoid figure. He finds this appearance somewhat embarrassing and will never voluntarily assume it.

Captain Nemo -- PL 8

3 | STA -- | AGL 3 | DEX 4 | FGT 5 | INT 7 | AWE 3 | PRE 4

Android Body:
Immunity 30 (Fortitude); Protection 8; Regeneration 1 (natural healing) - 39 points
Disguise Mode: Morph 3 (humanoids) - 15 points

All-out Attack, Defensive Attack, Equipment 25, Evasion, Fearless 2, Improved Initiative, Jack-of-all-Trades, Leadership, Ranged Attack 3.

Blaster Pistol (Ranged Damage 5), the Nautillus and 9 points of equipment as needed.

Deception 6 (+10), Expertise: Galactic 1 (+8), Expertise: History 3 (+10), Expertise: Science 6 (+13), Insight 5 (+8), Intmidation 7 (+11), Perception 6 (+9), Persuasion 5 (+9), Technology 5 (+12), Vehicles 8 (+12).

Initiative +7
Unarmed +5 (Close Damage 3)
Blaster Pistol +7 (Ranged Damage 5)

Dodge 8, Parry 6, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 8, Will 7.

Abilities 24 + Powers 54 + Advantages 35 + Skills 26 + Defenses 10 = 149 points

Offensive PL: 6
Defensive PL: 8
Resistance PL: 7
Skill PL: 8

Thrills--Motivation. Contempt for Earth-Dwellers. Honor
(law of the sea.) Responsibility (crew of the Nautillus.)


The Nautillus - 106 points
Size Colossal; Strength 18; Speed 14 (32000 MPH air/space/8000 MPH water); Defense 2; Toughness 15; Features Communications, Computer, Infirmary, Living Space, Personnel
Cannons (Ranged Damage 12); Cloaking Field (Concealment 3 [visual, radio]); Torpedoes (Linked Ranged Damage 12; Linked Ranged Burst Area Damage 10); Star Drive (Movement 1 [space travel 1])

Note: The historical Captain Nemo was similar, but subtract all powers, add Stamina 3, Fortitude 5, and Great Endurance, drop Expertise: Galactic and 1 rank of Persuasion and add Athletics 5 (+8). His equipment pays for the original Nautillus (treat as a submarine but subtract torpedoes and add ramming prow [Strength-based Damage 3]), a light pistol and an island headquarters. His motivation was Revolution.


Shuǎ Shé Rén/耍蛇人

Art by Ajax Love

The People's Republic of China makes something of a show of tolerating independent superpowered operatives within their borders, the better to uphold their claim that all members of the Metahuman Guard are volunteers. Of course, many of the "privileges" that superheroes in other nations enjoy are entirely absent, the most notable of which is the concept of the secret identity. Any individual in China, whether powered or not, who fails to present adequate identification when asked by the authorities will find themselves in considerable trouble. While this has created difficulties, most superheroes in China live within these restrictions and strive to do as much good as they can.

And then there are the Sīfa Zhuānjiā ("Experts of Justice".) Officially regarded as outlaws and criminals by the government in Beijing, they nevertheless strive to protect the people of the People's Republic from those who would threaten them, whether from within or without. In order to do so, they must necessarily keep their identities secret, both from the agents of their government and from others who might unwittingly (or otherwise) betray them. Thus, even Argus has many unanswered questions about them. Their first leader, who called himself Tiankui ("Leader Star") and was active between 2007 and 2014, claimed that there were exactly 108 members of the organization. Most doubt this number, but even the lowest estimates suggest that there might be as many as 36 and possibly more, making it one of the largest groups of extragovernmental superpowers on Earth.

The current leader of the group uses the alias Shuǎ Shé Rén ("Snake Charmer") and is known by the civilian name Xie Liyin. She has been a member of the organization since its establishment and was chosen to replace the fallen former leader of the group late in 2021, after her precursor apparently fell during the invasion. (It is not clear whether that individual died or only suffered injuries that forced their retirement.) What follows is the narrative she tells about her life, which may or may not be accurate or truthful.

She was born in Shenzhen in 1991 to a father who was already elderly at her birth, and who was then a well-respected teacher of qigong. Unfortunately for him, he became associated with a clinic that was associated with a certain group that fell under official suspicion of opposition to the state government. (No, not that one.) Perhaps a bit presciently -- though not enough to save himself from a horrid fate -- he had sent his only child to be taught by an associate and distant relative in the north, in the shadow of the Bayan-Har mountains.

There, she was tutored in certain practices that were contrary to those she had seen her father use. Where he only employed his talents to heal, she was carefully taught how to inflict harm. Finding herself increasingly uncomfortable with the antisocial and violent ideology expressed by her mentor, Liyin began to consider how best to escape. An opportunity arose when Tiankui attempted to recruit her mentor and came under attack; she joined forces with him to allow them to both flee successfully, and was accepted as one of the Sīfa immediately.

In addition to her ability to inflict "poison" effects on those whom she touches, Shuǎ Shé Rén is a highly skilled martial artist whose reflexes, balance and general coordination are all clearly enhanced. Her body has become impervious to the effects of both her own poisons (and similar abilities) and more mundane venoms and toxins. Her olfactory senses are keen enough to detect and identify such substances in even minute amounts.

Perhaps her most unusual ability, however, is a social one. Somehow, she has been recognized as a friend by a group of highly unusual snakes, similar in most respects to the Carpet Pythons, who demonstrate near-human levels of intelligence and a level of cooperation almost unknown among reptiles. The snakes cannot speak, but demonstrate some ability to understand human speech. Exactly how this connection was established is not something she has ever discussed even with her closest allies in the Sīfa.

Shuǎ Shé Rén considers herself a realist, first and foremost. While she would like to see China transformed into a more just and open society, she does not believe that this will happen in her lifetime, or the lifetime of any children she might have. She will do what she can to help those she can, and try not to think about those she has failed to help, or about those who have fallen in the struggle. She is not a god. She makes mistakes. And eventually, she too will fall. But not today.

Shuǎ Shé Rén -- PL 10

2 | STA 3 | AGL 6 | DEX 4 | FGT 7 | INT 2 | AWE 2 | PRE 2

Poisonous Kung Fu:
Array (25 points)
  • Agonizing Poison: Cumulative Affliction 8 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed & Vulnerable, Defenseless & Stunned), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Reversible, Secondary Effect - 25 points
  • Paralysis Poison: Cumulative Affliction 8 (Resisted by Fortitude; Hindered, Immobile, Paralyzed), Reversible, Secondary Effect - 1 point
  • Sleeping Poison: Cumulative Affliction 8 (Resisted by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated), Reversible, Secondary Effect - 1 point
Steeped In Poisons: Immunity 2 (own powers, poison); Senses 3 (ranged acute detect poison [olfactory]) - 5 points
Striking Strength: Strength-based Damage 2 - 2 points

Agile Feint, Assessment, Close Attack 5, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improvised Weapon, Minion 5, Power Attack, Takedown, Uncanny Dodge.

Acrobatics 5 (+11), Athletics 7 (+9), Close Combat: Unarmed 1 (+8), Deception 6 (+8), Expertise: Performance 6 (+8), Expertise: Streetwise 7 (+9), Insight 6 (+8), Perception 5 (+7), Stealth 4 (+10), Treatment 5 (+7).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +13 (Close Damage 4)
Agonizing Poison +12 (Close Fortitude 8)
Paralyzing Poison +12 (Close Fortitude 8)
Sleeping Poison +12 (Close Fortitude 8)

Dodge 10, Parry 12, Fortitude 6, Toughness 8/3, Will 8

Abilities 56 + Powers 31 + Advantages 21 + Skills 26 + Defenses 18 = 155 points

Offensive PL: 10
Defensive PL: 10
Resistance PL: 7
Skill PL: 6

Responsibility--Motivation. Hunted by the Authorities. Secret Identity.

Snake -- PL 5/MR 5

2 | STA 2 | AGL 4 | DEX 0 | FGT 4 | INT -2 | AWE 1 | PRE -2

Small But Long:
Permanent Shrinking 4 (-1 Strength, -2 Intimidation, +2 Dodge, +2 Parry, +4 Stealth), Innate; Reach 2 on Strength Damage - 7 points
Snake Feet: Movement 1 (slithering) - 2 points
Snake Nose: Senses 3 (acute olfactory, ranged detect heat) - 3 points
Snake Skin: Protection 1 - 1 point

Chokehold, Close Attack 2, Defensive Roll, Fast Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Startle

Athletics 6 (+8), Intimidation 12 (+8), Perception 6 (+7), Stealth 0 (+8).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +6 (Close Damage 2)

Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 4, Toughness 4/2, Will 4

Abilities 20 + Powers 13 + Advantages 8 + Skills 12 + Defenses 5 = 68 points

Offensive PL: 4
Defensive PL: 5
Resistance PL: 4
Skill PL: 3

Partially inspired by Eternal Phoenix's Poisonous Martial Artist.



When the city later known as Tanelorn and the island on which it rested were transported into extradimensional space away from the nuclear devastation of their original world, all animal life thereon -- not just the human inhabitants -- were granted various forms of superpowers. While the human populace received a great variety of powers, with families typically possessing similar ones, smaller variations of power were to be found in other species, with each species producing three or four "paraspecies". (A common hobby for Tanelornian youth is to try to capture -- through photography, of course -- examples of as many different sorts of meta-animal as possible.) One of the best examples of this was the way that the majority of canis familiaris, or domestic dogs, mutated into the creatures now called sundogs.

The most significant mutations present in all sundogs are found in the brain, granting them intelligence comparable to that of a human being. They have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to understand and problem solve at least as well as a human child, with exceptional examples being significantly smarter than an average human adult. However, all attempts to educate a sundog to recognize written language have failed, as their brains are apparently uniformly dyslexic. However, they are able to learn to speak languages quite easily.

Sundogs are given that name because of their most distinctive mutation, the ability to generate a small spacewarp around themselves that can transport them over a relatively short distance. A typical sundog can teleport just over 100 feet without difficulty, sometimes pushing themselves further with exceptional effort. Whenever this ability is used, an intense light discharge of roughly 3500 lumens ensues in the area where the sundog returns to conventional spacetime, often causing momentary loss of vision to those in that vicinity.

Sundogs are not considered citizens of Tanelorn, but their intelligence has made treating them as property problematic. Officially, they are treated as under the guardianship of their human associates, with the understanding that if a sundog were to ever seek to terminate the association, this would be immediately granted. Thus far, this has never happened in the history of Tanelorn; somewhat distressingly, sundogs have repeatedly chosen to return to humans who mistreat them when allowed to do so.

While Tanelorn has settled on the World in the Aftermath, it seems likely that sundogs will continue to breed true with each other, but it is not at all clear what will happen if they have offspring with examples of canis familiaris sapiens, the extremely rare sapient dogs already present on this world. (Questions about what will happen if they breed with non-sapient dogs are considered to be extremely gross by all concerned.)

Sundog -- PL 5/MR 5

1 | STA 2 | AGL 2 | DEX 0 | FGT 5 | INT -1 | AWE 2 | PRE -1

Burst of Light:
Reaction (after teleporting) Burst Area Affliction 5 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude; Visually Impaired, Visually Disabled, Visually Unaware), Limited to One Sense; Teleport 2 (120 feet) - 24 points
Canine Senses: Senses 6 (acute extended tracking scent, low-light vision, extended ultrahearing) - 6 points
Four Legs: Speed 2 (8 MPH) - 2 points
Light Resistant: Immunity 2 (light-based sensory afflictions) - 2 points
Teeth: Strength-based Damage 1 - 1 point

Defensive Roll, Improved Trip, Teamwork.

Athletics 6 (+7), Insight 2 (+4), Intimidation 6 (+5), Perception 4 (+6).

Initiative +2
Unarmed +5 (Close Damage 1)
Bite +5 (Close Damage 2)
Burst of Light -- (Burst Area Affliction 5, Resisted by Dodge)

Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 3, Toughness 4/2, Will 4

Abilities 12 + Powers 35 + Advantages 3 + Skills 9 + Defenses 8 = 67 points

Offensive PL: 5
Defensive PL: 5
Resistance PL: 4
Skill PL: 2

Loyalty--Motivation. No Manipulators or Literacy. Truthfulness. Weakness
(become progressively Fatigued, Exhausted and Incapacitated in total darkness.)
Last edited:



To Sam Farrell, it was like waking up again. The Primal Pattern wielded their elemental powers to the utmost to stop or even just to slow Stardust, and saw their efforts come to naught. The fires that he had become were drowned and smothered in muddy water, and the world went dark. But the darkness only endured for an eyeblink before suddenly he awoke to find himself and his three comrades standing back to back in the middle of the central courtyard of the Pentagon. As though it had all been just a terrible nightmare.

But then he heard Protius gurgle, "I'll be damned, it worked." Before he could demand to know what his teammate meant by that, a new set of memories exploded into his consciousness. A year before the Battle of Vietnam, the four of them had been draw into a struggle involving time travel, and in the process learned of the fate that was to be theirs. Those memories were taken from them, but one of the allies they had made in that struggle had promised that if anything could be done to change that fate, he would do it.

But they could not be allowed to remember, and yet Protius had. And now, as the four of them escaped from the military personnel who were confronting these strange intruders in a secure area, the three who had not wanted to know why. Eventually, they got the truth out of him, learned the true nature of the beings they had become, and began the process of coming to terms with that truth, with this new world half a century after they had all died for the second time, and with the much greater power that all of them now possessed.

In the process, Antaeus stepped down as the leader of their group, ceding the position to Phoenix. Phoenix is himself uncertain that this was the best choice, but he understands why Antaeus no longer feels confident in his ability to lead, why Aeolia is uninterested, and why Protius cannot be trusted. He understands a great deal more than he once did, but Phoenix -- he thinks of himself as "Sam Farrell" less and less, especially since the friends and family he cast aside are now long gone -- wants to know more. He has learned secrets unimaginable, seen things he would never have believed. His fires, now, are fueled by discovery, not impulse. Something about what they have all endured has given him back the patience and stability that he lost in his original transformation. He still burns, but now with a somewhat cooler flame. In some ways this makes him even more intimidating than he once was.

In this, they have an ally in the ghostly visitor who claims to be the ally who facilitated their resurrection. Phoenix is unsure if they can trust him any more than they can trust Protius, but just as they are bound to the water-bearer, so too do they need all the support they can get. So for now, they will heed the counsel of Mentor as they strive to resume their role as defenders of Earth. Of Earth, he will sometimes emphasize. Whether they are defenders of humanity remains to be seen ...

Phoenix - PL 11

--/3 | STA 5 | AGL 4 | DEX 4 | FGT 6 | INT 1 | AWE 2 | PRE 3

Fire Control: Array (28 points)
  • Fire Blast: Ranged Damage 14 - 28 points
  • Fire Burst: Burst Area 2 Damage 9 - 1 point
  • Flame Flash: Ranged Burst Area Cumulative Affliction 9 (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Visually Impaired, Visually Disabled, Visually Unaware), Limited to One Sense - 1 point
  • Flame Jet: Line Area 2 Damage 9 - 1 point
  • Open Flame: Environment 7 (Extreme Heat, Bright Light) - 1 point
Resurrection: Immortality 10, Source (high temperature fire) - 10 points
Transformed Form: Impervious Protection 5; Reaction Damage 6 (touching or touched); Flight 8 (500 MPH); Immunity 10 (life support); Permanent Insubstantial 3 - 75 points

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Evasion, Extraordinary Effort, Great Endurance, Improved Initiative.

Acrobatics 6 (+10), Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+10), Expertise: Firefighter 6 (+7), Intimidation 6 (+9), Perception 8 (+10), Ranged Combat: Fire Control 6 (+8).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +10 (Close Damage -- plus Reaction Damage 6)
Fire Blast +8 (Ranged Damage 14)
Fire Burst -- (Burst Area Damage 9)
Flame Flash -- (Ranged Burst Area Fortitude 9)

Dodge 12, Parry 10, Fortitude 7, Toughness 10, Will 7

Abilities 56 + Powers 117 + Advantages 7 + Skills 18 + Defenses 19 = 217 points

Offensive PL: 11
Defensive PL: 11
Resistance PL: 7
Skill PL: 6

Discovery--Motivation. Eerily Calm. Inhuman Appearance. Out of Time. Vulnerability (anything that extinguishes flame also does damage.)



Art by Ricardo

To Steve Panagakos, death had come as something of a release, with a sense of a great burden finally being set down. For so long, he had borne up under the weight of his powers and the responsibilities that came with them, and the isolation that they had both brought. Now that was at an end, in the only way that it could end. More than the terror of what was happening to him and his closest friends, that was the clearest sensation that he felt as Stardust drowned him beneath the risen river waters.

And then, in an eyeblink, he found himself restored, aware that the weight had grown even greater from the very first moment of his consciousness. He has not become any stronger, as the others have, but his body is much more massive and resistant to damage. Even if it should suffer enough damage to disrupt his awareness, that can easily be repaired by completely burying him within the earth, as he was at the start of all this. His body is much harder to damage than the mind within it.

Unfortunately, that mind has suffered several serious shocks. He was the leader of the team and its smartest member, but had no idea that one of its members was manipulating him and all the rest from the moment that they met. Can someone as easily fooled as he was be a leader? Can a scientist who has managed to miss some fifty years of advancements really be considered a scientist? And without such traits, is he anything more than a stone statue that wanders around?

Despite such angst, and his enduring regret about the way that his powers distance him from the world around him and humanity, Antaeus did not spend too long dissolved in grief. After turning over leadership to Phoenix when the latter demonstrated that his impulsiveness had turned to decisiveness, he began an intense course of study to let him catch up with all that he had missed. The internet has been a boon for this, though he has learned to always double check what he learned. (He considered carrying a tablet with him to let him do that at all times, but could not find one rugged enough to stand up to the punishment he routinely endures.)

Both because of this desire to get caught up and his enduring reputation as a former leader of the Institute, Antaeus has the warmest relations with other groups of superheroes out of all the reborn Primals. He finds little enjoyment in posing as the friendly giant that he used to be, but if that is what his responsibility demands of him, that is what he will do. As a consequence, however, he has encountered the Vagabond called Pok' and learned about the role someone very like him played in the sagas of her people. Clearly, there is to be more time travel in the future for him and his team, and he wonders what more will be demanded of him.

Antaeus -- PL 11

10 | STA 6 | AGL 2 | DEX 1 | FGT 8 | INT 3 | AWE 2 | PRE 2

Strength Tricks:
Array (10 points)
  • Groundstrike: Burst Area Affliction 10 (Resisted by Fortitude, Overcome by Dodge; Dazed and Vulnerable, Stunned and Prone), Extra Condition, Limited Degrees, Limited (targets and attacker must both be in contact with the ground) - 10 point
  • Shockwave: Burst Area Damage 10, Limited (targets and attacker must both be in contact with the ground) - 1 point
Resurrection: Immortality 10, Source (burial within earth) - 10 points
Transformed Form: Reaction (being struck in melee) Damage 6, Limited to lesser of this Damage rank or that of the triggering attack; Immunity 10 (life support); Immunity 80 (Toughness), Limited to half effect; Impervious Protection 8; Regeneration 10, Source (contact with natural earth) - 89 points

Benefit (make Well-informed checks with Technology), Fearless 2, Improved Defense, Interpose, Leadership, Move-by Attack, Power Attack, Well-informed.

Expertise: Science 6 (+9), Insight 6 (+8), Intimidation 6 (+8), Investigation 4 (+7), Perception 6 (+8), Technology 4 (+7).

Initiative +2
Unarmed +8 (Close Damage 10)

Dodge 6, Parry 8, Fortitude 9, Toughness 14, Will 9.

Abilities 68 + Powers 110 + Advantages 9 + Skills 16 + Defenses 14 = 217 points

Offensive PL: 10
Defensive PL: 11
Resistance PL: 8
Skill PL: 4

Responsibility--Motivation. Clumsy
(inflicts Reaction Damage on held object.) Inhuman Appearance. Massive (mass rank 6). Out of Time. Weakness (when separated from the earth by air or water.)



Art by Hoihoisan

For Corey Murphy, death was agony. In the moments before the world went dark, it felt like every cell of her body was on fire as Stardust ionized her. Even after it ended and she found herself alive again a half century later, something of that fire remains within her. But now she has mastered it, rather than allowing it to master her. Or so she tells herself.

The consequences of this are that she has stopped being an embodiment of wind, and started to become an embodiment of storm. Lightning, thunder, fog and even rain are within the purview of what she can direct against an opponent, now, and she has learned how to use her winds as though they were another pair of hands. And she flies faster than she could ever imagine having flown before.

On the one hand, she still believes that she died all those years ago. On the other hand, she is no longer all that certain that she cares. Her moods shift from euphoria to gloom without warning. It seems likely that she would abandon the other Primals if not for the fact that they are the only beings in the world who share any part of her experience. Of course, the fact that they are the only beings in the world who know how to bring her back from the grave for a third or subsequent time is also a factor.

For all that, Aeolia still yearns to be accepted by humanity, and to regain what she has lost, though she often puts up a front of indifference and belief in her own superiority. Her experimentation with her powers is largely directed towards being able to transform herself so that she can at least have a momentary substance. The sensation of touch remains denied her, however, and possibly always will be.

Protius claims otherwise, of course, but she knows what a liar he is. You might as well try and catch the wind.

Aeolia - PL 11

--/3 | STA 4 | AGL 6 | DEX 4 | FGT 6 | INT 0 | AWE 3 | PRE 1

Immortality 10 (one hour), Source (altitude) - 10 points
Transformed Form: Visual Concealment 4; Enhanced Defenses 12 (Dodge 6, Parry 6); Flight 9 (1000 MPH), Subtle; Immunity 15 (electricity damage, life support); Permanent Insubstantial 2 - 64 points
Weather Influence: Environment 4 (250 feet; 3 points of effect), Selective - 16 points
Wind Control: Array (25 points)
  • Blinding Winds: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 12 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude; Visually Impaired, Visually Disabled, Visually Unaware), Limited to Vision - 1 point
  • Lifting Winds: Move Object 12 (100 tons), Precise - 25 points
  • Lightning Bolts: Ranged Mulitattack Damage 8, Indirect - 1 point
  • Shearing Winds: Damaging Move Object 8 (6 tons), Precise - 1 point
  • Suffocation: Perception Range Cumulative Affliction 8 (Resisted by Fortitude; Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated) - 1 point
  • Thunder: Burst Area 2 Cumulative Affliction 8 (Resisted by Fortitude; Auditory Impaired, Auditory Disabled, Auditory Unaware), Limited to Hearing - 1 point
  • Weather Mastery: Enhanced Environment 6 (2 miles; 3 points of effect), Selective - 1 point
Accurate Attack, Daze (Deception), Defensive Roll, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action.

Deception 8 (+9), Intimidation 6 (+7), Investigation 7 (+7), Perception 6 (+9), Ranged Combat: Wind Control 6 (+10), Stealth 5 (+11), Vehicles 4 (+8)

Initiative +10
Shearing Wind +10 (Ranged Damage 8)
Lightning Bolts +10 (Ranged Multiattack Damage 8)
Blinding Wind +10 (Ranged Affliction 12, Resisted by Dodge)
Suffocation -- (Perception Range Fortitude 8)
Thunder -- (Burst Area Fortitude 8)

Dodge 16/10, Parry 14/8, Fortitude 7, Toughness 6/4, Will 9

Abilities 54 + Powers 121 + Advantages 6 + Skills 21 + Defenses 15 = 217 points

Offensive PL: 11
Defensive PL: 11
Resistance PL: 8
Skill PL: 6

Acceptance--Motivation. Inhuman Appearance. Moods Shift Like the Wind. Out of Time. Vulnerability
(temperature-based attacks.)



Art by Egor Grositskiy

As Wayne Manderville died, he was probably torn between the emotions of utter terror and anger at what he saw as bad luck. Protius made a genuine effort to save him, just like anyone would have done under the circumstances, but the panic that his rescuee experienced when being approached by a creature of animate water proved fatal. Sad, really, but life is full of unfortunate events, and it made no sense to cry over them, even if he did have water to spare. And the fellow was no longer using his identity, so why not put it to good use? So he claimed to be the late Wayne Manderville and no one, for his whole second life, ever questioned the narrative.

The truth: Protius was born Noah Gibson in 1942 on an island in the North Atlantic. When he was older and had left the island behind with his mother, she told him that she had been rescued from a shipwreck by his father, the wizard who called himself Thaumas. While they initially lived a happy life, Thaumas was apparently angered that his firstborn child showed no signs of having inherited any of his magical powers. In fact, he was angered enough to suspect that Noah was not actually his child; how that was supposed to have worked was not clear to Noah.

Their second child, Nora, was apparently more satisfactory. Nevertheless, the relationship between the two adults had apparently deteriorated enough that by the time Noah was seven, his mother worked a magic that took herself, her son and several of the most valuable texts in the library on a voyage through darkness that deposited them in Freeport, Texas. She hoped that would be far enough away from the island to allow them to hide, that being left with the child her ex-husband favored would keep him busy, and that she could find a buyer for the books. The lattermost hope failed her.

Five years later, having seen his mother pass away, Noah found himself alone in the world, with his only assets the five books he had managed to hold onto and a certain low cunning. He managed to eke out a meager existence for two years before his worldview was disrupted by the Atlantean attacks of 1961. Self-centered in the extreme, Noah developed the belief that the entire affair had been directed by Thaumas, hunting for him. That being the case, he had to do something to obtain the sort of power that would allow him to fight back.

He found what he was looking for in the Book of the Great Scorpion, specifically a ritual that could allow someone to transform a collection of four people into immortal, elemental warriors under the command of the one who performed it. The problems were twofold -- it required the caster to risk their life as part of the casting, and would consume the other four books that Noah still retained. Well, only the first part made him hesitate, really, and when he made up his mind, he unflinchingly burned the only known copies of the Book of Good Farming, the Book of Heaven's Bull, the Book of Sacred Twins, and the Book of the Deep One, then walked into the Gulf of Mexico.

There, in the same moment that Aeolia, Antaeus, and Phoenix were transformed into beings of air, earth, and fire, he was transformed into a being of water. After trying and failing to save Manderville, Protius returned to land to gather up the Book of the Great Scorpion and await the arrival of his soldiers. But that was when things started to go wrong, for he found that someone had stolen the Book! Without the words of power contained within it, he would be unable to exert control over the other three elementals; worse, he was by no means certain that he had performed the finishing touches of the ritual, which would make him and them able to resurrect themselves through connection to their elements.

Thus, when Antaeus sought him out, Protius chose to go along with the notion of being a "superhero", in order to keep these beings on his side. That said, he came to find this life enjoyable and much more exciting than his existence beforehand, so there were compensations for every misfortune. He was also surprised to find that his younger sister, whom he barely remembered, had also escaped from the island -- or so he interpreted her story, at least -- and befriended the Selkie without ever revealing the truth about her. (After all, none of this had been her fault, but that of the old man, and getting her on his side would be another victory over him.)

When Protius died for the second time, he did so with frantic uncertainty about whether or not he would awaken again. When he finally did, thanks to a "nudge" from Mentor, he was excited enough to forget himself and speak of this aloud, alerting his teammates to the fact that he knew more than he was supposed to know. He ultimately did tell them the whole story, and finds the fact that they still distrust him despite that to be horribly frustrating. He has risked his life for theirs so many times, what do a few minor untruths matter? It almost makes him want to go find that darn book, after all this time ...

Protius is also interested in building a relationship with his nephew, Nereus, but recognizes that this will be difficult. Still, the boy should be interested in opposing his damned grandfather, even if the old bastard seems to have completely disappeared at some point.

Protius -- PL 11

4 | STA 4 | AGL 4 | DEX 3 | FGT 6 | INT 3 | AWE 4 | PRE 3

Immortality 10 (one hour), Source (deep water) - 10 points
Transformed Form: Visual Concealment 4, Limited, Only in liquid; Elongation 8; Immunity 12 (life support, water effects); Permanent Insubstantial 1; Movement 2 (Slithering, Sure-footed); Protection 8; Regeneration 10, Source (Water); Senses 3 (extended 2 ranged touch); Flight 8 (500 MPH), Aquatic - 68 points
Water Control: Array (25 points)
  • Drowning: Progressive Affliction 12 (Resisted and Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Grab-based - 1 point
  • Hard Water Objects: Create 12 - 1 point
  • Water Blast: Ranged Damage 12, Indirect - 25 points
  • Water Snare: Ranged Affliction 12 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Immobile and Defenseless), Extra Condition, Limited to Two Degrees, Reversible - 1 point
Close Attack 3, Daze (Deception), Favored Environment (water), Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Ritualist, Seize Initiative, Taunt.

Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+10), Deception 8 (+11), Expertise: Magic 6 (+9), Expertise: Streetwise 6 (+9), Insight 4 (+8), Perception 4 (+10), Ranged Combat: Water Control 6 (+9), Stealth 6 (+8).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +13 (Close Damage 4)
Water Blast +9 (Ranged Damage 12)
Grab +9 (Strength or Dodge 12 plus Fortitude 12)

Dodge 8, Parry 10, Fortitude 9, Toughness 12, Will 8.

Abilities 62 + Powers 104 + Advantages 12 + Skills 22 + Defenses 17 = 217 points

Offensive PL: 11
Defensive PL: 11
Resistance PL: 9
Skill PL: 4

Thrills--Motivation. Inhuman Appearance. Out of Time. Trickster. Vulnerability
(anything that boils water also damages him, freezing attacks also Hinder, Immobilize and Paralyze him.)

"I told you that story, so I could tell you this one."

Voidrunner's Codex

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