Level Up (A5E) My 4 level 9 PCs took out the CR 17 Emerald Dragon!


So my PCs decided to go hunting for a dragon, and what I thought was going to be a TPK turned into a dragon slaughter.

The background: The PCs made a deal to take out the dragon for a fey lord. They knew it was powerful but not THAT powerful (aka CR 17). The dragon is in the employ of another fey lord, and the party tracked it back to a crater near the fey lord's complex.

The party had gotten some potions for the occasion and had studied emerald dragons. They had thunder and psychic resistance potions, as well as potions of heroism.

The party ranger and rogue snuck up on the sleeping dragon (rogue got a nat 20 on stealth, and has the ability to share his result with one other player). The rogue disabled the 4 alarm type traps all around the dragon (emerald dragons are supposed to be super paranoid, so I decided not to leave any guards directly near it because the dragon couldn't' trust them while it was sleeping).

the party also detected a major item underneath the dragon. The rogue couldn't' get it out but was able to disable it temporarily with another insane disable device check (it was a custom magic item: 1/week when the attuned creature takes damage, they are under the effects of invulnerability for 1 round).

The rest of the group was close, and then the party started. The ranger went first, going double crits on the sleeping dragon using the crazy ranger alpha strike power with accuracy bonus (about ~140ish damage). I then had the dragon wake up (so no more coup de grace's) but it was still on surprise round. Then the rogue went, and another nat 20, dealing ~80ish damage. In total the two did like 220ish damage.

I allowed the dragon to use legendary actions on surprise round (to give it something to do), and it used its maddening harmonics, which the whole party saved (potions of heroism are SO FREAKIN GOOD). The cleric was smart and cast silence on the area, and the dragon can't use its breath weapon in silence because its thunder damage. The warlock then did a bit more damage, and ultimately he dragon was on the knife's edge of death.

The dragon fortunately won initiative, however, he was so hurt any further damage was likely to take him out, even the OAs from the meleers around him. So I used grapples with his claws to fling the rogue out of the hole and over a nearby cliff! (not technically in the stat block but I gave it a little juice to still show it could be threatening). Rogue took a good amount of falling damage and was out of the fight, but had already delivered the payload if you will. It tried to toss the Ranger but the ranger avoided it.

Then the dragon tried to leave, thankfully the ranger's OA missed. However, the warlock did get its attack off and down the dragon went. A CR 17 down for the count!

Now back at the feylord's manor, its guarded by 4 clockwork golems. What the party didn't know is that the golems had what amounts to artillery cannons, and started pelting the area with "fireballs". I did some damage and scared them a bit, but ultimately they were able to run away, triumphant.

Just goes to show you, no CR can beat a party with surprise and coup de graces.

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good job on your players' part. planning clearly goes a long way.

maybe you should have had the dragon be attuned to that invulnerability magic item to throw the party off 😉

By the numbers, if we ignore the fact that the CR of the dragon is pretty much twice the average PC level, this was a medium to hard difficulty encounter (1/3 < 17/36 < 1/2).
The rule about not using monsters with CR higher than 1.5x the average PC level is mostly about swinginess of combat to the PCs disasdvantage. If they didn't surprise it and it won initiative, you would have very likely gotten a couple of PC deaths, at least.

In this case, the party was very well prepared, had an entire round worth of surprise actions, critted several times in a row, and most importantly the dragon was not flying. Basically, the odds of the dragon surviving were exceptionally low, given the circumstances, and without any additional protections I don't find it so surprising that it was defeated so easily.

Now, two considerations:
1) The party was well prepared and clevely used any and all means to deal with this encounter properly. This is something I would celebrate, and could also be a great plot point: maybe the fey lord will turn it into a dracolich who'll hunt them down, and it'll want to revenge
2) Alpha strike as currently written is broken, especially at low to mid levels. It's not the first time this has been brought up, and certainly won't be the last

Edit: I don't recall a coup du grace rule in LU.


Great encounter and glad the party had fun.

That being said, I think you did the dragon a disservice. Sneaking in to the lair is one thing. Being able to disable all the traps without waking the dragon is another. Given the acoustics in an Emerald dragon lair, I think it would setup things so the disabling of a trap would alert it. Also, the dragon is supposed to have previous victims there as battle fodder. The dragon isn't paranoid of them, as they are completely mad and in the control of the dragon. Also silence wouldn't impact the dragon's breath weapon. Emerald dragon's breath is both psychic energy and telekinetic force causing thunder damage. it isn't loud.

Great encounter and glad the party had fun.

That being said, I think you did the dragon a disservice. Sneaking in to the lair is one thing. Being able to disable all the traps without waking the dragon is another. Given the acoustics in an Emerald dragon lair, I think it would setup things so the disabling of a trap would alert it. Also, the dragon is supposed to have previous victims there as battle fodder. The dragon isn't paranoid of them, as they are completely mad and in the control of the dragon. Also silence wouldn't impact the dragon's breath weapon. Emerald dragon's breath is both psychic energy and telekinetic force causing thunder damage. it isn't loud.
I agree with what you said overall, but at the same time it's clearly stated that Silence grants immunity to thunder damage. The emerald dragon's breath is thunder damage, not psychic or psychic/thunder, so RAW it's correct.
But based on the description of its breath weapon, more than on its stat block, I agree that its damage type should include a psychic component


I agree with what you said overall, but at the same time it's clearly stated that Silence grants immunity to thunder damage. The emerald dragon's breath is thunder damage, not psychic or psychic/thunder, so RAW it's correct.
But based on the description of its breath weapon, more than on its stat block, I agree that its damage type should include a psychic component
This is where you need to interpret the rules based on description. When the thunder damage is caused by a psychic/telekinetic force and not sound, silence wouldn't work.

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