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My characters.


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She kinda would look like King from SNK ...

Awesome opossum!! I'm actually pretty impressed with how you did that. Though I have to admit i'm a little disappointed--I thought that Sarah's father was her before I read the whole first part of the post. I just got a thing for manly chicks for some reason, but Sarah's cute. ;)

So rock out, whenever you get around to more I'll be back!

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Acquana said:
I just got a thing for manly chicks for some reason, but Sarah's cute.

I noticed. The Sims only had one female and one male form. I make it a point to stick to the proper gender when I make my characters, so there's not much I can do about shape. None of the characters figures are exactly right, but it's close enough to get the idea. I think Victivyre does have a manly looking face though.

Okay, I've realized that you can't see the faces of these Sims very well because they're too small compared to the rest of the body. Since the face is the part I work the hardest on, I've made better images of just the face of each character and I promise to post both a headshot and a full body image of every character I make from now on.





















Sarah's father





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The other day, when I was putting up Seffris, I began to wonder why I hadn't made the most important person in her life other then her sister as well. So, last night (right before I passed out from exhaustion), I put together her half-elf boyfriend Thare. Thare and Seffris are the equivalent of high school sweethearts. When they met, he was living with his human father on a farm just outside of town. Thare and his father came into town for supplies one day when Seff, who was fleeing a childhood rival with her ill gotten goods (shhh! Don't tell Thare, he doesn't know.), came running down the street and smacked right into him. He looked into her solid black eyes and that was it for both of them--love at first sight. Anyway, he helped her escape her pursuer by pulling her into a crowded shop. Later, he joined the town guard. He's now a lieutenant and they live together in a house located almost exactly in the geographic center of town. Literally, it's only a matter of feet, just out their front door.

I made the chainmail.



I don't have much to say other than, "Nifty."

It is kinda odd how all the Sims have basically the same body shape and face shape, but you still managed to make a girl with a tiger nose. *grin*


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RangerWickett said:
but you still managed to make a girl with a tiger nose. *grin*

actually no i didn't, i downloaded that sim. all i did was change the hair and clothes on her. the weirdest thing i did was on Seff. i can't get an image that show it very well, but her eyelashes are about a mile long. the character does have unusually long eylashes in addition to blue hair and solid black eyes. she also has a forked tounge, red finger nails, and a spiny ridge on her back (teiflings are fun!)--but i couldn't make those without being much more talented then i am and breaking the code of my game, so...

as for the same basic face shape, i really like defined cheekbones and pointed chins. plus, i am my characters and my characters are me, so it's only natural to inject a bit on myself into the way they look.

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You make a good elf. Like the ears and costume.

You are purdy. Boyfeind should consider himself lucky - He probably does!

(Just a compliment not trying to be wierd or unsettling.)



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Today I have a special treat. My very first characters.


I started playing D&D (note the absence of the "A," it is significant) when I was 7 or 8 years old because my brother wanted to play. As Air Force brats, I was the only one who was around consistently, so it was either I played or I was beaten. Naturally, I choose to play. He was the DM, and I, as the only player, played the standard party of thief, fighter, mage, and cleric. (I wonder why my current group claims I'm no good at playing multiple characters, it was all I ever did before joining them.) As soon as I found out that they existed, I wanted to play a party of elves, but since all the was available to play before D&D became "Advanced" was humans, that's what I did. When we switched to 1st edition a short time later (not even a year I think), I was made to convert my characters and I again requested to play elves I was told that it still wasn’t allowed, but I could play half-elves. Fearing a beating and not knowing any better, I complied and made a party of three half-elves and one human--but I always thought of the leader as a full blooded elf. Now that I'm no longer faced with beatings if I don't comply, I've made my characters what they should have been all along. (Is it any wonder I quit D&D for more then a decade?)

Lira Cutpurse is the original eleven thief--the one that started it all for me. She was the leader of the group mostly because it turned out that the thief class was my favorite. But now that I'm more experienced, it makes more since to me. Rouges should always take point in dungeons to search for and disarm traps, and she was the smartest of the lot.



Lady Morgana was the fighter and second in command. She's the only one who's still human.



Zara the Fire Mage, a.k.a. Zara the Great. I remember her as "the Fire Mage," but the only character sheet I still have (the rest having been in a box in my brother's possession that had raw sewage leak on it at his former roommate's house) says "the Great." This is actually not surprising as they went through many incarnations as my brother wanted to change campaigns and settings and required that I remake them each time and I wasn't allowed to always use the exact same names.



Sister Laura the Cleric.



I'm thinking about doing some of my Rifts characters next, specifically a dragon hatchling named Bob Sherman. (Rifts was again a "play-or-be-beaten" situation. In fact, I actually was beaten because I was 14 and had the courage to resist briefly.)


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Well, I don't have any Rifts Sims for you today for two reasons. 1.) I haven't had much time for or interest in the Sims for a while. 2.) I've just made a Star Wars character that I've become extremely fascinated with.

This is another of my boyfriend's campaigns and he had this really neat idea to do a character creation session where he'd briefly run though the timeline from the beginning of episode 1 to the beginning of episode 4 when actual game play starts. Now I'm not nearly as familiar with the Star Wars universe as the rest of my group--I've always been more of a Treky then a Star Wars fan, even though I was raised as both--so I can't explain this as well as they could, but I'll do my best.

The idea was he'd describe the major events and when we got to the point we wanted our characters to be introduced to the story we'd let him know, then he'd start running us through little scenarios appropriate to the time frame so we'd have some idea of what skills we'd need to develop to go the direction we wanted to go in--the earlier in the timeline we introduced ourselves the higher level we'd be when actual game play started.

My character is a female Twi'lek following the Jedi Wanderer archetype--that's Jedi Consular with a bit of Scoundrel thrown in--by the name of Lyn Me. I was found by the Jedi at the age of 4 at the end of episode 1 at the same time as one of the other PC's (played by my boyfriend's sister-in-law) who is that one blind race that wears a veil because they have no eyes--I forget what they're called. We were in the same group of younglings until we became padawan at 13 and went off to separate adventures with our respective masters. During this time period my master and I would occasionally have contact with other Jedi--this is how I met another Twi'lek padawan who was about 5 years older then me (my boyfriend's NPC). I was a 3rd level Jedi Consular when the purge came. My master arrogantly believed that nothing could kill a Jedi and, after dropping me off on a planet where he thought I'd be safe, returned to the temple despite the warning to stay away. When I felt him leave the force, I had to learn how to survive on the streets and stay hidden very quickly--that's when I got my first level of Scoundrel. I disassembled the lightsaber I'd been training with (despite the fact that I don't yet know how to reassemble it) to avoid being identified as a Jedi--I still have the parts. Shortly before the purge, my fellow PC had been given an undercover assignment posing as a dancer for Jabba the Hutt to find out if the Hutt had any connection to the separatists. She remained in hiding there for the next two years at which point she escaped with a super battle droid (my boyfriend's brother) Jabba purchased after the separatist army was disbanded. During those two years, I had been telepathically reaching out to everyone I knew to discover their status and try to locate them. I regularly sent flashes of my location to the ones I could find in the hopes that they would find me when it was safe for them to do so--so naturally, when my friend and her droid friend escaped, they came to me. About the same time they left Tatooine, I managed to discover the location of my other Jedi friend from a smuggler I'd befriended while I was in hiding, so as soon as the PCs arrived, we left to meet up with her. She'd become a full Jedi Knight just before the purge so she can help us finish our training. We spent the next 10 years hiding there and studying with her, then the rest of the time until episode 4 bouncing around the outer rim (avoiding Tattooine). On one of our stops, we managed to pick up a force adept (another PC), but had to leave that planet in a great hurry while being chased by a Jedi hunting squad that included Darth Vader. After a scene or two, we'll get the final PC--a Storm Trooper demolitionist called TK421. We'll all not kill each other because of the giant neon signs sporting the letters P and C and two blinking arrows pointing towards our heads we all have floating over us. TK is from a previous Star Wars campaign (that I was not a part of) in which he taught us 2 things: 1.) toggle-happy Storm Troopers can literally blow up the plot (if he tries it again he gets his neon sign privileges revoked), and 2.) the words "Look! Jedi!" spoken by a Storm Trooper in distress have the power to actually summon Jedi in the direction he's pointing.

So anyway, here's Lyn Me. I made the skin, clothes, and eyes and downloaded the lekku (head-tails).



There are two minor problems with the outfit. On the headdress, I wanted there to be crisscrossing straps all the way down the lekku instead of just two horizontal bands, but when I tried to recolor it I couldn't get it to look right and it's still good enough to get the idea so, meh. Also, there is no way to get the skirt to look like what's in my head in the Sims. It's not really supposed to be a skirt. It's supposed to be a little bit fuller and slit up the side seams to the waist band. She wears tight pants underneath it and it's supposed to look like it's just a skirt when she's standing or walking normally, but when she has to take a combat-ready position or run it obviously isn't a skirt. Did that make sense? I hope so.
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