NA Hobby Games Market Increases To $1.55B; D&D Remains On Top

ICv2 has released its latest industry report, including the top 5 roleplaying games for Spring 2018. Unsurprisingly, D&D holds the top spot still (it has for some years now), with Starfinder still outpacing Pathfinder, possibly due to people waiting on Pathfinder 2nd Edition. These are followed by FFG's Star Wars RPG, and their in-house Genesys generic game system (based on the Star Wars system).

ICv2 has released its latest industry report, including the top 5 roleplaying games for Spring 2018. Unsurprisingly, D&D holds the top spot still (it has for some years now), with Starfinder still outpacing Pathfinder, possibly due to people waiting on Pathfinder 2nd Edition. These are followed by FFG's Star Wars RPG, and their in-house Genesys generic game system (based on the Star Wars system).


1Dungeons & Dragons (WotC)
2Starfinder (Paizo)
3Pathfinder (Paizo)
4Star Wars (FFG)
5Genesysy (FFG)

That's three companies taking the top five spots. I've added those to my compiled year-on-year table which goes back to 2004.

In other news, ICv2 reports that the North American hobby games market has grown again, reaching $1.55 billion, growing 8% since 2016. You can see last year's stats here. Here's how that breaks down:

Collectible Games$725M
Non-Collectible Miniatures Games$270M
Board Games$345M
Card & Dice Games$150M
Roleplaying Games$55M
Total$1 545M

Roleplaying games have increased from $45M to $55M! Note that these figures do include Kickstarter. Here's how that looks year on year:

US Hobby Game Market 2013-2017 ($ millions); based on figures from ICv2

Collectible games$450$550$625 (+14%)$750 (+12%)$725
Miniatures$125$125$175 (+40%)$205 (+17%)$270
Boardgames$75$125 ($160)$250 (+56%)$305 (+22%)$345
Card & dice games$35$55 ($60)$105 (+75%)$130 (+24%)$150
Roleplaying games$15$25$35 (+40%)$45 (+28%)$55
Total$700$880 ($920)$1,190 (+29%)$1,435 (+21%)$1,545

Interestingly, despite large growth overall, the Collectible Games segment dropped by 3%.


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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
D&D and Pathfinder/Starfinder in the top spots isn't news. I find it more interesting that FFG's narrative dice system is claiming the last two spots. There are other systems out there that could present the alternative to d20 game systems, including other Rpgs from FFG. But seeing similar systems taking both remaining spots says a lot. Kudos to them!


5ever, or until 2024
From $15 million in 2013 to $55 million in 2018. Of all the stats thrown around here by some people (like me) that is the most amazing. I

Obviously a lot of that growth is 5e. But I do wonder how much is trickling down to other games? Morrus noted that this does not included kickstarter, it also doesn't include the specialized online sellers like Noble Knight. At the very least some people brought in through 5e should start to try other games.

How much does KS really matter? I would love to see what the numbers on it are. How many KS actually get released out of all that are funded, of those released how many have any releases beyond what was mentioned in the initial KS, and finally how many still exist 1 year after release, can you still get the books and is anything being released for it.

I get the feeling that each one of those numbers is a very small percentage of the previous number and that the final number is close enough that it might as well be zero.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
From $15 million in 2013 to $55 million in 2018. Of all the stats thrown around here by some people (like me) that is the most amazing. I

Obviously a lot of that growth is 5e. But I do wonder how much is trickling down to other games? Morrus noted that this does not included kickstarter, it also doesn't include the specialized online sellers like Noble Knight. At the very least some people brought in through 5e should start to try other games.

No, I noted it *does* include Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is massive. Bear in mind there are plenty of half-million-dollar RPG Kickstarters, and even a couple of $1-2M RPG Kickstarters. It’s a substantial part of that $55M. Bizarrely, Kickstarter might be one of the largest RPG companies in the world!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
D&D and Pathfinder/Starfinder in the top spots isn't news. I find it more interesting that FFG's narrative dice system is claiming the last two spots. There are other systems out there that could present the alternative to d20 game systems, including other Rpgs from FFG. But seeing similar systems taking both remaining spots says a lot. Kudos to them!

They’re the three largest RPG companies in the world. It’s been WotC - Paizo - FFG on theae charts for years. It’s the last spot that usually changes every quarter.


5ever, or until 2024
No, I noted it *does* include Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is massive. Bear in mind there are plenty of half-million-dollar RPG Kickstarters, and even a couple of $1-2M RPG Kickstarters. It’s a substantial part of that $55M. Bizarrely, Kickstarter might be one of the largest RPG companies in the world!

And so it does! Oops.

Its massive, though especially for other hobby games. I wonder what it would have been for RPGs in 2017?

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