NC Game Day XII: January 20th - BE THERE!


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I'll run something, though I want to play this time, too. Shemeska, remember that you promised to run something this time!

Here are some options. Chime in if there's one you really like:

(1) True20 Greek Heroes: I'm thinking of taking some historical situations in Greek history and mything them up a bit. My primary inspirations will be Sean Reynolds' "The New Argonauts" and also the totally sweet trailer of "300" I just saw. If you think the idea of the Persian army training chimeras to use against Sparta is awesome, consider this.

(2) Law and Order: Sigil. My first stab at running Planescape, and I'm not sure whether I'd use 3.5 or True20 for it. You'll have two PCs: an investigator and a lawyer. You'll have to find evidence to prove your case, bring in the bad guys, then attempt to circumnavigate the Baatoran defense's legion of technicalities in order to get an deadly efreeti-run bazaar brought up on fire code violations. Or something like that. I'm not really sure yet whether it would tend towards dark or humourous, so chime in if you want to sway me.

(3) True20 Marpocolypse Now. Yes, you heard me right, post-apocolyptic Mario. Mario dropped the Big Bob-Omb on Bowser, and turned the Mushroom Kingdom into a blasted ruin. Luigi is dead, Toad is blind and crippled, Bowser rules the world, Wario sells weapons of mass destruction, and Mario, Yoshi, and Peach lead a desperate rebellion. While I can't claim credit for the initial idea, I can't pass up such a great setting. If you want to play a fatalistic Goomba warrior, a Watermelon Style Yoshi martial artist, or a Magikoopa who delves into Secrets That Mushroom Was Not Meant to Know, this is the game for you.

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Mark Causey

Kunimatyu said:
(3) True20 Marpocolypse Now. Yes, you heard me right, post-apocolyptic Mario. Mario dropped the Big Bob-Omb on Bowser, and turned the Mushroom Kingdom into a blasted ruin. Luigi is dead, Toad is blind and crippled, Bowser rules the world, Wario sells weapons of mass destruction, and Mario, Yoshi, and Peach lead a desperate rebellion. While I can't claim credit for the initial idea, I can't pass up such a great setting. If you want to play a fatalistic Goomba warrior, a Watermelon Style Yoshi martial artist, or a Magikoopa who delves into Secrets That Mushroom Was Not Meant to Know, this is the game for you.

Neat. Were you inspired by this?


Jan 20th is a Friday, so the GameDay is Jan 21st?

If AF&G is at that mall, at least there will be plenty of parking and easy food. I'll do my best to get to this one!


Liquid Awesome
Templetroll said:
Jan 20th is a Friday, so the GameDay is Jan 21st?

If AF&G is at that mall, at least there will be plenty of parking and easy food. I'll do my best to get to this one!

Unless both my 2007 calendars are wrong, the 20th is a Saturday.

And yes there will be TONS of parking.


Rel said:
Unless both my 2007 calendars are wrong, the 20th is a Saturday.

And yes there will be TONS of parking.

Arrrgh.... stupid computer calendar did I what I told it to and not what I wanted. *sigh* Advancing the year along with changing the month does give the correct date. razzlefrazzitmargleblargen

I'll be trying to get there this time, anyway. :p


First Post
I would like to be a GM, and would like to run a Prime Time Adventures game at some point on Saturday. I've been to a previous GameDay and been very impressed and I'm looking forward to playing with some new people!


First Post
adamantineangel said:
Neat. Were you inspired by this?

I've seen that and some other darker-themed Mario artwork. If you do a search for the term on Google, you'll come across a wiki for the setting. I'm pretty sure it was run by a member of SomethingAwful awhile back, and again, it's too good to pass up.


adamantineangel said:
Yes, I will! Who wants old school dungeon crawl with a somewhat new rules flavor? We're going to play Shadow of Yesterday. I've got an ancient Dwarf tomb, overrun by goblins, who are protecting a magical Elf weapon. There should be plenty of ass to kick and some neat story, to boot!

The only warning I give is that this is not a tactical minis game. Otherwise, I think anybody can enjoy it. I'll teach the game as we go.

If it's old-school in general flavor, I'm in. I;ve actually been playing D&D most of my life and somehow have never attended a con. I'm looking forward to it.

Mark Causey

Remi said:
I would like to be a GM, and would like to run a Prime Time Adventures game at some point on Saturday. I've been to a previous GameDay and been very impressed and I'm looking forward to playing with some new people!

Good to see you here, Remi! Glad you can make it!

For everyone else, Remi's got this rep for some truly awesome games with "You won't believe what happened!" twists and turns.

If anyone is interested in trying something new, you couldn't go wrong with Primetime Adventures. If you like television at all, you'll be right at home with PTA. I was trying to decide between Shadow of Yesterday and PTA for this one, so I'm glad that it'll be represented.

Mark Causey

Dykstrav said:
If it's old-school in general flavor, I'm in. I;ve actually been playing D&D most of my life and somehow have never attended a con. I'm looking forward to it.

Cool! I'm glad you can make it. I'll do my best to make it an awesome experience.

I have four pregens right now, do any of them appeal to you?

Arthes, Elven Shield-Maiden
Theodred, Dwarven Hammer-Bearer
Aubrey, Priest of Lady Peace
Kemp, Dashing Rogue

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