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"Necessary Evil" IC


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Watching the Mimic make his thing, the Sorceress comments: “I hope it is not as bad, as you make it sound! If my Energy Shield helps, all the better.”

Planning to use her teleporting powers to get past the worst patches of underground sewage, she isn't exactly anxious to begin, but to get it over with, so she signals her readiness to the others.

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Voda Vosa

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"Thou are so affraid of getting dirty?" Helis grins. "Be a man, for Zeus's bottom!" barks the greek warrior, as he approaches the devices, and lifts it with one hand, his muscles bumping for the effort.

Walking Dad

First Post
Following the drainage pipe, you all end up in a series of damp, muck-encrusted brick (no pun) and stone passages that wind beneath the city proper. After wandering / flying through the sewers (what light sources, if any do you use), you suddenly hears strange 'screams' and the sound of heavy 'clicking' steps hitting the stone and trashing through the wastes... g'roks!

Reaction, please (you can also roll initiative)

[sblock]G'roks are a species native to one of the V'sori conquered worlds. They can best be described as two tons of ruthless killing machine with a stubborn persistence when tracking their prey.
G'roks cannot see and have a reduced sense of hearing, however they have six triangular nasal sensors that are placed across the front and sides of their skull, giving them an unparalleled sense of smell.
G'roks tend to eat anything smaller than themselves (are typically 10–15 feet long and weigh approximately two tons).
After several problems with a resistance group based in the sewers of Ocean City, the V'sori released dozens of g'roks into the system. Groups of these g'roks have survived by living off rats, cats, and anything else they come upon in the sewers.

The pic is from here:


  • 654px-GRok.gif
    153.9 KB · Views: 68
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"G'rocs! Don't let them come close, kill them from afar!" states Helis, leaving the device in the ground, and extending his hand. "Artemis, grant me thy precision!" at this command, golden energy surges from Helis hands, taking the shape of an elaborated bow. The greek warrior makes the gesture, as if loading an arrow, and a golden energy arrow appears in place.


Siren has no source of (Or need for) light. She finds little trouble navigating the sewers regardless of light, thanks to the same sonar-like ability that helps her navigate underwater.

"Curses, most of my powers will be useless against them, but I should still be able to assault their minds..."
She reaches out with her senses, trying to get a quick count of how many are coming
[sblock=ooc] Sonar (Accurate ultra-sonic hearing) and Telepathy to try and 'see' how many there are.
Also, is it G'roc or G'rok? you used both.[/sblock]


Octavia, The Fallen Angel PL10

Octavia became invisible upon entering the drain pipe and disappeared down a side tunnel. The others continued on with out her, not realizing that she was no longer in front of them.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +13 Def: +10 (2 ff) Tough: +10 (6 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +15 Will: +12 CMD: 27
Attack: Ring: +12 CMB: +2
Hero Points: 1 + 3 (for Inspire)
Health: Excellent specimen of female sexuality
Diplomacy: +7; Escape Artist: +20;
Notice: +18; Sense Motive: +14 Stealth: +20; [/sblock]___________________________________________
Fallen Angel


First Post

“That doesn't sound very pleasant. I can probably slow them down a bit, if they do not get here too quickly.”


*Aside: Earlier*
"Where do you think you're going?" Siren's mental voice boomed inside Octavia's head as the 'angel' tried cutting out early. "You think just because no one can see you that you can escape my notice and leave us to do the job on our own?"

Before you post that nobody notices you, you should check to see if that's the case. Siren would easily notice you sneaking off with her Sonar.

Walking Dad

First Post
GM: Announcements:

perrinmiller has left the game.
jkason still needs some time to come back.

It is g'rok, not g'roc. I changed the description above a bit and added a picture.

As you all heard them, you have 1 round worth of action before they arrive.
(You can also choose to Ready or Refocus as per the rules Core p. 158)

Their initiative is rolled below. Feel free to act if you beat theirs.

Edit: Ok, Helis acts first (better modifier)

Brick looks at Helis who just abandoned the device.
"I will take it back a bit and concentrate on defending it. If it breaks, the whole sewer crawl was for nothing."
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First Post

Making use of the time they have before the beasts arrive, the Sorceress conjures a blizzard of snow and ice in front of them, covering a large portion of the sewer tunnel, that the g'roks will have to use in their direct advance.

[SBLOCK=OOC]The Blizzard is a 50-ft. diameter Cloud Area Blast 10 linked with a Snare 10 (which can only entangle). The cloud will stay there for 5 rounds.

Blast 10 - “Blizzard”
» Feat : Indirect 1
» Feat : Progression (Cloud Duration) 2
» Extra: Area (Cloud, General)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Drwbk: Full Power
» Drwbk: Reduced Range 1
Snare 10 - “Freeze”
» Feat : Indirect 1
» Feat : Progression (Cloud Duration) 2
» Extra: Area (Cloud, General)
» Extra: Linked [+0]
» Flaw : Action (Full)
» Flaw : Entangle
» Drwbk: Full Power
» Drwbk: Reduced Range 1[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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