Need ideas for an interesting Necromacncer type


I am trying to come up with a LN necromancer concept for a PC.

I have access pretty much all of the WoTC books for the design.

I am looking for something different and interesting.

I am undecided about class as of yet I could see going wizard, cleric of Wee-Jas, mystic theurge or dread necromancer etc. so sell me on what you think is cool.

Race can be up to ECL +1 for free.

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Teflon Billy

See if you can track down Necromancers Legacy from the now defunct Mystic Eye Games.

It is--far and away--my favorite Necromancer-specific game resource (though it is 3.0)


Staff member
One I have been toying with for some time, but haven't used as yet, is a more Voudoun-style Necromancer.

Use the Oriental Adventures Shaman- make sure you have the OA 3.5 Update from Dragon #318- and take the appropriate Domains...say Death & Magic. Since one of the most famous martial arts forms from the areas in which Voudoun arose in the Americas is Capoiera, you should take levels in Perform: Dance. Capoira moves were designed with 3 things in mind- combat utility and effectiveness, deceptive dance-like maneuvers that could be practiced in public, and the ability to be effective even if the martial artist were shackled. With that in mind, see if your DM will let you be proficient in manacles as weapons (like either the Bloodhound or Justicar PrCl is).

While originating in the Phillipenes, another semi-appropriate martial arts to mimic for this idea would be Escrima. The escrima sticks- essentially clubs- could be disguised as a pair of Rhythm Sticks (those notched wooden sticks that are rubbed or struck together for percussion). They're solid hardwood, and range from 8"-14."

Heck...go for both.

Take levels in Specialist Wizard: Necromancy, with the Focused Specialist Alternative Class Feature. Mix the classes as you see fit, then take Mystic Theurge (or any other PrCl that lets you improve both your arcane and divine prowess).

In addition, check out BoVD, there is a Feat in there that raises critters you've slayed with your spells as undead.


First Post
You know the one type of Necromancer I've never seen played, but would love to?

A jolly one. He's friendly, charismatic, treats undead as old friends that he's happy to see again, treats them with respect. He views the control of death and undeath as a responsibility and it's his job to make the dead and undead feel at home.

How would that play out, do you think?


Staff member
Would you give him the last name "Adams" or "Munster?"

Playing that kind of necro could be cool, kind of like Neil Gaiman's take on Death.

It might creep out his partymates, though.


Staff member
Here's another thought: Why not play an undead Necromancer?

Check out Ghostwalk and Heroes of Horror- I believe there is a way to play an undead PC in one of those.


Staff member
A Warforged necromancer would have a very different viewpoint on animated dead, given the similarities between constructs and undead.


Sage of the Scarred Lands

I think maybe he's got something. If not well you know what I'd suggested...but considering this probably isn't the Scarred Lands...probably not a good idea.


Dannyalcatraz said:
Since one of the most famous martial arts forms from the areas in which Voudoun arose in the Americas is Capoiera,
I think you failed your Knowledge: Geography check. Cool idea all the same, though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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