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D&D 5E Nerf to Divine Sense


What was the point to the nerf from the plkaytest? Now you can't detect the target if it's behind total cover. What's the point of the spell then if the target has to be in the open? Am I missing something here?

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What was the point to the nerf from the plkaytest? Now you can't detect the target if it's behind total cover. What's the point of the spell then if the target has to be in the open? Am I missing something here?

shape changing
illusion masked
normal looking

All times when this power would still be handy, even without detecting into the next room.

Sir Brennen

Well, I don't have the new PHB yet, but looking at the playtest, I'm guessing so it can't be used as an at will "Detect Invisible/Hidden" for creatures of the type mentioned.

As is, I'm not crazy about the fact that it can automatically see through shape-change and illusions for the affected creatures trying to hide their true nature. Pretty powerful for a 1st level ability. Never been a fan of the ability in any edition. At least it's no longer "Detect Evil"

Edit: rabbit ninja'd


First Post
shape changing
illusion masked
normal looking

All times when this power would still be handy, even without detecting into the next room.

Could, but it requires an action (limited by day) so unless you know to already actively look for something you wouldn't even start using. Probably the worst ability the Paladins get IMO, in regards to both mechanic and fluff.


I am assuming that is a minimum of 1 time per day. I have a half-gnoll paladin at my table (reskinned half-orc until we get better stats for gnolls) who has an 8 charisma. He rolls horribly most of the time, but he makes every important persuation roll.


I like it.

It's not constant Detect Evil and it's a few times between Long Rests.

Sure, the Paladin can discern that the Mayor of the town that the PCs are talking to is undead (if the player thinks to use the ability), but can he just pull out his sword and start swinging? I can see a lot of fun roleplaying opportunities out of the Paladin knowing, but him having to use his knowledge circumspectly (or not).


First Post
I like it.

It's not constant Detect Evil and it's a few times between Long Rests.

Sure, the Paladin can discern that the Mayor of the town that the PCs are talking to is undead (if the player thinks to use the ability), but can he just pull out his sword and start swinging? I can see a lot of fun roleplaying opportunities out of the Paladin knowing, but him having to use his knowledge circumspectly (or not).

Or give the target a Charisma Save... if successful immune to being detected for 25 hr.

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