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Netflix or Redbox?

I ditched Netflix streaming because their CD collection is still better; we have Amazon Prime and I find their free + paid movie selection is a better choice for streaming. Plus there's the free two-day shipping on Prime to boot ...

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Frank Hall

First Post
You definitely want to get Netflix. If you have high speed it is the best alternative out there. We use it more often then we do regular tv. Its almost tempting to get rid of the satellite altogether.


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Wow, this thread is still alive. I forgot I started it. :eek:

If anyone is still interested, I did decide to go with Netflix. It just seemed a lot more convenient.

I've mostly been watching the DVDs. It seems most of the movies I want to watch aren't available streaming. I did watch a couple of things online, just to see how well it works. No complaints about the video quality from me.

The DVD service has been pretty good. I was surprised at how quickly they ship them out. The only problem I've had so far is that I did get one disc that was broken in half. However, I reported it and mailed it back and got a replacement in a few days, so it wasn't that big a deal.

I still miss being able to browse around an actual video store (and I really miss being able to trade in my used DVDs), but I'm enjoying the service I'm getting with Netflix.


First Post
Amazon prime. $75 a year, you get all the same movies Netflix has, and you get a big discount on amazon.com purchases with free shipping for a lot of their stuff.


Amazon prime. $75 a year, you get all the same movies Netflix has, and you get a big discount on amazon.com purchases with free shipping for a lot of their stuff.
Prime may be a good deal --don't have it myself-- but the Netflix streaming catalog is much larger than Amazon Instant, and Netflix is better for less mainstream fare and/or whole TV series. It's not all "all the same movies" by a long shot.

For example, two of best things my wife and I recently watched, the 15 hour miniseries "The Story of Film: An Odyssey" (which was amazing if you have any interest in film) and Fritz Lang's "Woman on the Moon" aren't available on Amazon free streaming.


First Post
I have had netflix for many years and never a problem it is the cheaper and less hassle free option but I do use redbox occasionally when I get a free rental or want to watch something immediately. You can watch netflix on multiple avenues. Redbox can be accessed on app or computer at any time and reserve a movie if available.


So? On the 3 disk program, that means every 4th day, I need something else to watch. Maybe something in my instant queue, or one of my library of DVDs... Hmmm so tough. Unless the disk I ordered was crap (like last night's "Ted").
Not that big a problem. Of course, I happen to live in an over-night turn-around zone, so if I mail on Monday, they get it Tuesday, and I get the next one on Wednesday. I suppose that might be a problem in the week-long turn-around.


First Post
I would honestly suggest Netflix. My wife and I use their streaming service, and we really don't have any trouble with it. If we want a new release, we'll rent from U-verse. I'm quite content with their streaming selection, as there's a lot to choose from. What's more, there's some new movies on streaming, and older favorites. It brings back a lot of memories for me, so it's a happy purchase. If you want to have the selection of New Releases, their +1 feature works wonders (parents had it when I was younger). Feel free to check other places like Hulu as well, but I'm very happy with my service from Netflix. Just my two cents!

Netflix is cool but the online selection is limited. I only have an account to stream movies and do not get the in the mail. This means very few new releases and a omewhat incomplete library. But it is instant and I can watch as much as I want. So far I have found their martial arts action selection pretty good and they have the BBC stuff if you like Dr. who or anything like that.

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