D&D General New AD&D and Basic set D&D action figures.

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Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
There is a Youtuber that explains this kind of stuff on toy pricing. (Spector Creative)

Anyway, I'll have to pay like $30 or more to get one of these. Though I'd love to get that sorceress! Perfect to pose with the rest of my 10cm figures. n_n


Krampus ate my d20s
I really want someone to make a playset (or even a miniature I don't have to assemble and paint myself) of the idol from the front of the 1E PHB.
Not painted but can be printed to a size you like.
Dungeon Demon Idol

If you actually owned one of those when you were young, I feel compelled to disclose that you have now earned my eternal emnity... Hates the Bedrockgames we does, my Precioussss... :p

If it is any consolation it got destroyed about 6 months after I got it, so it has always felt like I just got a taste of owning the fortress of fangs


If it is any consolation it got destroyed about 6 months after I got it, so it has always felt like I just got a taste of owning the fortress of fangs
The toy line was released after I aged out of the toy phase of my youth and before I aged into the toy phase of my maturity, so I had to Google this one. So, yeah, envy. And, yeah, I am consoled by your loss.

The toy line was released after I aged out of the toy phase of my youth and before I aged into the toy phase of my maturity, so I had to Google this one. So, yeah, envy. And, yeah, I am consoled by your loss.

I think it came out in the early 80s but I probably didn't have it till about 85-86 (when I was around 9 or 10). The loss was pretty conclusive, despite repair attempts

I wouldn't mind a figure of... Oh, what was her name. She was a cleric NPC in one of the EARLY intro adventures, mayor's daughter, tragically dies by the end... Oh, what was it...? AH-HA! ALEENA! She's been my go-to image of a Cleric for a while.



Voidrunner's Codex

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