D&D 5E New Crossover: League of Legends



Well WoTC had made another crossover with an established IP again. This time with League of Legends. The thing is though, It's free and digital only on DND Beyond. Some interesting notes about it.

They pretty much made their own "version" of the Mercer Gunslinger Fighter Archetype called Renegade. It's interesting because it has a feature where you can upgrade your gun and add stuff to it. They legit made a Gunblade option for the Pistol. It is also a CHA fighter since the Fire Arms Upgrade DC fuels off of CHA.

The Rogue is pretty interesting. You can subtract dice froma special "Loaded Dice" pool ,that equals your Sneak Attack Dice Pool, to decrease damage against ya and you get special abilities that change effects and also can use your Sneak Attack Dice Pool as well. It's a CHA Rogue as it's Save DCs are CHA as well. Also it's capstone "Super Mode" that a number of classes get seems really legit.

The Barbarian can breath underwater, has a Force Damaging Teleport, and the ability to multi grapple a number of things via Appendages. It's interesting.

Even if you don't like or play League of Legends, those are some pretty cool Subclasses. And I make the Argument that if you play the Mercer Gunslinger, you can jack the Renegade Firearm Upgrades to use on your guns. Whether you use CHA still or fuel em off of WIS, or even just treat them as basic upgrades. My personal opinion is choose whichever you want it to be.
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Blade and Black Powder
this reads like you have a dagger as well, but mechanically works better if it is a blade-pistol.
Damage is pretty bad. Obviously a one-handed weapon, but doesn't say. Doesn't describe reloading requirements -- can you use it with a shield?
Trial by Fire
This is the only way that Pistoleer doesn't suck. As a base, the Pistol is a 30 range 1d6 damage ranged weapon, which sucks. With this, it does +level/2 damage per attack, which makes it not suck.
This is what makes sniper not suck. As a base, it is a firebolt cantrip. With this, it is a double-firebolt.

Balance wise, here we have a minor upgrade doubling damage output. wth?

Lightning Round

lack of scaling is an issue. At level 3 these are awesome, but by level 20 your basic attack with Sharp Shooter and the above upgrades deals
Pistol: (1d6+5+10+10)*4 = 4d6+100 =~ 114, or 228 with action surge.
Sniper: (4d10+5+10+10)*2 = 8d10+50 =~ 94, or 188 with action surge

So the level 20 Pistol build is:
Blade and Black Powder (for the 5' no-disadvantage, and for easy fights)
Trial by Fire
Double Up (20 damage on a 2nd target per action isn't bad)
Cross-hairs (on high-AC foes, advantage + Snipe is "cheaper" than using Trial by Fire)

For Sniper it is:
Collateral Damage (why not)
Trial by Fire (not as good as for pistol, but still good)


Arms of the Deep. it uses "grapple", but the Dredge Line that it refers to does not. Confusing.

Comparing Depth Charge to Shifting the Odds isn't that good to the Barbarian ability. Bonus action, 4d10 vs 3d6 and 1 attack and action and requires water at start/end. (or does it? Does "disappear into water" require there to be water, or does it make the water to disappaer into? I have no idea; probably the second, given this is based off a RTS-derived brawler)
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Arms of the Deep. it uses "grapple", but the Dredge Line that it refers to does not. Confusing.
Yeah it makes it sound like it's a weapon, but then doesn't list damage. It is confusing I'll agree.

I'm regards to scaling, what's the best way/or form of providing "scaling" to an ability so that way it still remains a viable option ?


Pretty neat, especially the Rogue who uses gaming set... but they could have made a Yordles race if they're so important...

Arms of the Deep. it uses "grapple", but the Dredge Line that it refers to does not. Confusing.
Yeah it makes it sound like it's a weapon, but then doesn't list damage. It is confusing I'll agree.

I'm not sure what's confusing? 'Dredge Line' is a move that lets you pull a creature as a bonus action, nothing else. Then, when you get Arms of the Deep, you can use that same Bonus action to also grapple them. You need one free limb to grapple, and the Arms of the Deep grant you a second extra limb so you can use your Dredge Line ability to pull and then grapple two different creature, using two different bonus actions.

I'm not sure how good that is.


Yeah it makes it sound like it's a weapon, but then doesn't list damage. It is confusing I'll agree.

I'm regards to scaling, what's the best way/or form of providing "scaling" to an ability so that way it still remains a viable option ?
You can take an inspiration from cantrips. Cantrips burn your action, and get a scaling benefit at 5, 11 and 17, because your baseline action is worth more in each tier.

Abilities that consume your action and don't scale with other baseline abilities need to scale at roughly those levels to not be extremely far behind.

Things that take a bonus action need not scale nearly as fast. Things that augment an action need not scale at all (they can scale, and if they do, they become extremely powerful; smite, whispers bard, etc).
I'm not sure what's confusing? 'Dredge Line' is a move that lets you pull a creature as a bonus action, nothing else. Then, when you get Arms of the Deep, you can use that same Bonus action to also grapple them. You need one free limb to grapple, and the Arms of the Deep grant you a second extra limb so you can use your Dredge Line ability to pull and then grapple two different creature, using two different bonus actions.

I'm not sure how good that is.
So, in one sentence it both implies you can do the other action twice, and on success they are grappled; if that is what they mean, they should be more clear.

Another reading is that the original power was supposed to be a grapple, and the upgrade just lets you do it on two targets.


This isn't a WotC product. It's a collaboration between D&D Beyond & the producers of League of Legends.
True. Its still a collaboration/crossover, but very "light" when it comes to these things. In fact now the MtG planes articles come to mind. I keep on forgetting DnD Beyond is a separate entity most of the time.*

Plus it's free, which is another bonus perk. And surprisingly, I'm really digging the Wild Card Rogue.
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