D&D Movie/TV New D&D movie details? Vecna?!

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I do wonder about their source. Those are some very specific details. Going with a drow as the main villain...bold choice there, if accurate.

There's a lot to unpack, and (again, if true) I feel like it might be a lot to throw at new audiences:
  • Faerun
  • The Eye of Vecna
  • Vecna
  • A gold dragon (that also, apparently preferred to act invisibly and silently)
  • Gnomes
  • Drow
  • Torm
  • Tyr
  • Ilmater
  • Half-dragons
  • Tieflings

Sure, as a counterpoint, one could point to Guardians of the Galaxy, but that movie happened after the MCU had earned the goodwill of moviegoers.


Book-Friend, he/him
This is a sit ethat has legitimate sources. This all sounds probable enough, and probably comes from casting calls. The movie is set to be released in 2021, so they have to be gearing up to make it actively soon, if it will happen.

This is a sit ethat has legitimate sources. This all sounds probable enough, and probably comes from casting calls. The movie is set to be released in 2021, so they have to be gearing up to make it actively soon, if it will happen.

There's literally no way this comes from casting calls. Hollywood casting calls absolutely do not contain this kind of detailed information. They rarely even contain actual character names now, rather using codenames most of the time (yes even for non-huge movies).

This detail is likely either made up, or comes from an early story treatment or someone having looked at the script. My bet would be on one of the first two. I wouldn't necessarily expect anything listed her to appear in the movie as-is.


Book-Friend, he/him
There's literally no way this comes from casting calls. Hollywood casting calls absolutely do not contain this kind of detailed information. They rarely even contain actual character names now, rather using codenames most of the time (yes even for non-huge movies).

This detail is likely either made up, or comes from an early story treatment or someone having looked at the script. My bet would be on one of the first two. I wouldn't necessarily expect anything listed her to appear in the movie as-is.

Honestly, most of the nouns here could be code names.

I wouldn't per se bet on any of these details going all the way through, but the movie is set for release within two years (and has been reconfirmed by Paramount to be so on several occasions), so production should be gearing up about now.


I agree that this all seems a bit ... much. I'd still withhold judgement until the movie is actually released but there are so many more grounded stories that could be told.

I said this before in a thread about a D&D movie...a 10 episode TV show would be better to showcase what D&D is. Like any good campaign, start small. Save the village from raiders or something. Build up to heroes that do something larger by ep 10.

Movies want to be epic. There is too much temptation to jump into gods and god like beings before the audience can possibly gain any appreciation for who anyone is or why they are important.


I said this before in a thread about a D&D movie...a 10 episode TV show would be better to showcase what D&D is. Like any good campaign, start small. Save the village from raiders or something. Build up to heroes that do something larger by ep 10.

Movies want to be epic. There is too much temptation to jump into gods and god like beings before the audience can possibly gain any appreciation for who anyone is or why they are important.

Which is kind of my thought, possibly mistaken. The Avengers didn't start with the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos's snap.

But we'll see.

Well, I figure to avoid any LotR's related movie delaying lawsuits, there isn't much chance that the movie will have a Halfling in it (unless it is a kender or an Eberron Halfling), so a gnome seems likely as a substitute. Dark elves seem good to get elves in there without risking any legal issues (although I think Hasbro would win this one).

Vecna is a good bad guy, but I figure they will emphasize dragons (I could see a metallic and a chromatic making an appearance). I would say Tiamat would be the best big bad from a cinematic standpoint, but they might be building up to it.

I wouldn't per se bet on any of these details going all the way through, but the movie is set for release within two years (and has been reconfirmed by Paramount to be so on several occasions), so production should be gearing up about now.

Oh yeah I'm sure they're moving on it, and I'd be unsurprised if Vecna was involved, because he's hard to go far wrong with. I'd be more surprised by stuff like Half-Dragons (really? Could be a misunderstanding of Dragonborn by a non-player or last-played-in-3E person though) and putting a Gold Dragon in it seems, er, unlikely as Ralif implied.

Also just personal peeve but by god those are some terrible and un-Faerunian names.

Voidrunner's Codex

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