D&D 5E New D&D WotC survey! On classes.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
This is a pretty detailed survey. They only go in depth on classes you've actually played.

Ugh. That means I'm going to have to roll up a bard real quick and get him killed ...

Just so I can go in depth on how much Bards suck.

This? This right here is why gatekeeping is frowned upon. WoTC shouldn't be demanding that I suffer and play a bard just to tell them that they are a pox upon the land.

It is not true that all of God's children are beautiful and deserving of love; after all, some of God's children are bards.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
This is a good survey but makes me think they may be considering some PHB Errata or PHB 5.5.
I crave a better monk as I love the little guy.
Ugh. That means I'm going to have to roll up a bard real quick and get him killed ...

Just so I can go in depth on how much Bards suck.

This? This right here is why gatekeeping is frowned upon. WoTC shouldn't be demanding that I suffer and play a bard just to tell them that they are a pox upon the land.

It is not true that all of God's children are beautiful and deserving of love; after all, some of God's children are bards.
have you tried just lying?

Voidrunner's Codex

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