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New Imperial Order IC

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The docking bay was quiet as Vek-Tu entered, broken only by the distant sounds of heavy machinery in another part of the station, and the quiet footfalls of a man walking around the ship. Apparently he was the pilot, checking for any last minute problems. Vek approached him confidently, pulling his white cloak about him as his eyes, hidden behind his visor, flicked over the man in measure.

“Is everything ready for us to leave?” he asked simply, voice echoing strangely from beneath his helmet.
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Xado stopped as the man approached him, and could think of only one word to describe him. *Thug...*

"We'll still need to wait for the last person thats supposed to be coming aboard. I'm your pilot, Xado Naar", he said. "And you are...?"
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"You may address me as Lord Mang," the white garbed warrior returned imperiously, drawing himself up to every centimeter his moderately built frame could muster. “I will prepare for our prompt departure,” he informed, though it was only part statement, with equal part suggestion and perhaps even a little command.

The pilot seemed adequate, Mang thought as he turned to climb the ship’s ramp. He obviously did not recognize the true authority when he saw it though, but that was understandable. It was difficult for those who were not one with the Force to comprehend the true nature of things. Such was the patient, righteous virtue of Vek-Tu Mang that he was willing to suffer through the ignorance of lesser mortals.
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After she quickly settled into the captain’s quarters (which meant tossing out anything in there that wasn’t hers into the nearest empty bunk) the young Lady Meiko made her way to the engineering station for a quick look at what this ship had to offer. What she discovered much to her amusement was that she could connect the speaker system into the small audio player she brought with her.

Grinning like satisfied feline, the mischievous teenager flipped the switch and the most incredibly hip, happy dance music filled the air with some teenage song princess crooning her heart out in some familiar theme of teen angst.

Finally something good to listen to while I settle in,” Phoenix declared before heading back to her room for further unpacking.

Her slim hips a-shaking and her arms in the air, she boogied back down the corridor singing along with her teenage idol. And ran smack into Mang.

Rubbing her forehead where she conked against his chest, clear eyes blinked and she stared for a shocked moment at the much larger and well-armed man. "What're you supposed to be? A friggin' wall?"


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I am Lord Mang. And you, young woman,” he chastised in that oddly echoing voice as he took her by the shoulders, helping her up and pushing her back from himself, “should be more careful.”

The woman seemed terribly young, but he doubted that pilot would let anyone who wasn’t supposed to be here on board. He looked her over a little skeptically, but with as open a mind as he could manage, for there had to be a good reason that the Empire had sent her along.


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“You are not allowed to touch me, ” Lady Meiko informed him haughtily, as she shrugged off his hands. Lord Mang? Was he some kind of Jedi? Why did they send a Jedi on this trip? And what did she have to do with one either? A slicer, jedi and a pilot. Well, at least the pilot she could understand. One did have to get around somehow.

Brushing her blonde hair back slightly so she could get a good look at him, she frowned a bit at the fact that he was wearing a helmet and she couldn’t make out his face. “Why are you dressed up like that? Are you going into battle, Jedi? Should I go get some blast armor?”
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*Lord Mang, yeah right...*

Then Xado's thoughts were interrupted by some noise coming from his ship. It was the worst excuse for music he had ever heard.

*She's going to be the death of me...*

He walked back inside the ship, spotted Phoenix talking to Mang and said; "Nice to see that you're getting along...", while walking past them towards the control panel (and the audio player), not really trying to hide his grin.

He stopped near the audio player, which was clearly the soucre of this unbelievable noise pollution, turned to Phoenix and said; "Turn that off."


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At that, Meiko spun around, her hands on her hips to give Xado the most incredibly snobbish look he had ever seen, even with all that gold hair in the way. She took one step toward him, close enough that he could smell the scent of Jasmine from her shampoo.

No.” Her blue eyes glinted. “And don’t you dare ever…ever think you can give me an order…” Her chin lifted slightly and she added rather unnecessarily while her nose twitched slightly, “...Stinky.”


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Xado raised an eyebrow to Phonix's comment. She really thought that she was in charge did she?

"Oh, I'm REALLY SORRY, your HIGHNESS! Well just have to do it the hard way then."

Then he draws his (heavy) blaster pistol from his side, and blasts the sound polluter (the audio player, not Phoenix :D) into tiny bits that scatter around the place.

"Thank you for your cooperation", he says with a grin, and then adds and bows; "Your highness..."
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Lady Meiko’s mouth dropped open in shock, black lashes blinking for a moment before she was able to find her voice. And what a voice it was.

You…you filthy, putrid, common, insolent fashion-deficient dim-witted thug!” she shrieked in indignation both hands coming up to shove hard against his chest to punctuate each lovely insult. “Who do you think you are? I could have you strung up by your nether regions and stripped whipped for my pleasure if I so wanted! And how stupid are you?! We’re in engineering, you idiot! You could have damaged the ship with that far less than brilliant display!”
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