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New Imperial Order IC

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Xado's grin had widened to the point that he had trouble not to burst up laughing. "To ansver your first question; I'm this ship's pilot, and I'm completely aware where we are thank you. Second, your noise pollution was far more dangerous to the ship than my shot. Third, this ship is under MY command for this trip, NOT yours. If you're not fine with that, you can walk to Corellia. Understood?"
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“You’re delusional if you think I will follow any command you make…either yours or Lord Mang’s.” Lady Meiko straightened to her full height, a glint of something not so pleasant in the depths of those dark eyes. “And I would think twice about offending a slicer if I were you. I could make your life very…uncomfortable.”

With that melodramatic turn of phrase, a melodramatic exit was in order and she did so, spinning around in a huff, her back to both Xado and Mang and stalking back toward her cabin with one last parting shot. “If its your ship, you can clean up the mess you just made in engineering...Stinky.”
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"Sure...", he said. "At least I know how to clean, I bet you haven't ever tried..."

Then Xado looked around for the cleaning closet (or something, I hope there is one), and started sweeping the bits of audio player either to the nearest trash can or outside the ship.

*Besides, I thougt twice and even gave her a warning. But did she listen? Noooope... ...And where the hell is that last passenger?*

OOC: Oh, and if that record (CD, Disk, Datacard or whatever) survived the blast, Xado will confiscate it.
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Vek-Tu turned his gaze from the young woman to the pilot, frowning slightly behind his visor. They were like children, but playing with lethal toys. Perhaps this mission would be a worthy test of his abilities, after all.

“You should be careful too, Captain,” Mang advised, echoing his earlier remark to Meiko. “Destruction of personal property can carry unpleasant consequences, if she wishes to press charges against you. Next time, simply disconnect the offending device from your ship,” he instructed helpfully, if a little coolly, implying that this perhaps was something Xado had not known was even possible.

Assuming his decree had solved the problem, the masked warrior turned and resumed his efficient stride down the corridor, looking for suitable quarters.

OOC - I'd guess music would be carried on the same datacards that datapads use, and an audio player is just a specialized datapad without any other functionality, kind of like an MP3 player versus a PDA.


You are able to easily find a cleaning closet and sweep up the pieces. The disk didn't survive the blast, so don't worry about it. ;) As you are finishing up, there is a beeping from your comlink. You are informed by the docking overseer that your final passenger has been delayed, and you are to wait.

OOC: If Thomas Hobbes doesn't post within the next 24 hours, I'll find a replacement for him, then you can be on your way. The republic's up to 5 people, and they're just boarding their ship.

Thomas Hobbes

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Cabe easily finds the appropriate docking bay, surveying the ship and finding it to his satisfaction. He glances at his cronometer- delayed public transportation and foot traffic had delayed his arrival; he was unused to the time it took to get places on this planet. Hopefully his new commanding officer wouldn't be too vitrolic about the matter.

His boots ringing on the metal floor of the docking bay, he approaches the ship and climbs the lowered ramp. He raises his voice slightly. "Hello? Sir?" and waits at the entrance for someone to greet him.


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Lady Meiko yanked her jacket off, tossing it to one side the minute she stepped into the captain’s quarters. Why? Why did she get stuck with a thug who didn’t know his place? Well, she would have to teach him, that’s what. Destroy her audioplayer did he….

Taking her datapad and another datacard out of the silver case, she began to work on the ships systems, patching into the main speaker systems from the captains cabin. That done (if the GM allows it) she inserted the datacard into her ‘pad and turned the volume up on the latest music from one of the top teen boy bands on Corellia for the entire ship to hear.

The young woman grinned, remembering to tap the security lock on the captain’s door. Standing back to look at her handiwork, she pulled off the blonde wig from her her head and pulled apart the tight bun to release the long waves of her black hair. Shaking that up, she popped the blue lenses off to reveal her real eyes, the warm dark brown almond-shaped eyes.

How long would it take to get to Corellia? Perhaps she had time for a nice nap.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
ooc: I agree with the others- your character is amusing... :)

Cabe jumps a foot into the air as the music blasts over the loudspeakers, and drops into a combat stance before recovering himself. What the hell? he thinks, and tries yelling again. "Hello? Is anyone there?"


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Mang was just setting his helmet on the bunk as the ship’s speakers again blasted with sound, whining and booming with precarious volume. Pausing at the new interruption, the warrior let his helm rest on the cushion and then pulled back, returning through the open hatch to the corridor. The girl had not been in any of the open cabin’s he had passed, so she must be in the only one that remained.

The knuckles of his leather wrapped hands rapped sharply on the door, just loud enough to be heard over the noise, but not enough to be excessive. Mang folded his hands beneath his cloak, sheathing the fabric around him as he waited calmly for an answer.


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Xado's mood could only be described as furious. Hearing somebody shouting, he walked to the entrance, spotting another man, probably the last passenger, and shouted; "You're late!"

Then, while cursing slightly, he walked to the engineering/control panel and tried to cut the whole speaker system off (OOC: take 20 if I have to).
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