WotC New Interview with Baldur's Gate 3 CEO



Some interesting points Baldur's Gate 3 is "insanely big", it's much larger then they expected because they keep adding things!

They opened the Malayasia Studio so they can work on BG 3 for 24 hours per day, up from 17 hours per day. The Russia Studio sends it to the Belgium Studio, the Belgium Studio sends to the Ireland Studio, the Ireland Studio sends it to the Canadian Studio and the Canadian Studio used to send it back to Russia, but now will send it to the Malayslasian Studio who will send it to the Russian Studio to began the cycle again.

Btw Divine Divinity Original Sin 2 was originally supposed to have 200,000 words, it ended up over a million words. So if they we expecting say 2 million words for BG 3, we could end up with like 10 million words or something if the pattern hold true.

DOS2 had 9 writers and 1 writing consultant, BG3 has 22 writers and who knows how many consultants.

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