New Miniatures... Info?

Keith Robinson

What is the price point for the Hereos sets with only 3 each? Why can't I find it anywhere?

You can see the prices here - so $10.99 for the Heroes sets and $14.99 for the delve boosters. That is a significant price rise from the present random boosters. Previously, the average price for a single non-huge figure came in at $1.87 (based on the current RRP of $14.99), but for the future sets it will work out at $3.66 per Hero fugure and $3.00 per Delve figure. So, the cost of a hero figure has all but doubled.

All of the above relies on those released prices as actually being the final RRP, of course.

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Wow... the greed is evident. They are really trying to grab hold of the aftermarket pricing...

Which... if they had thought about it, they could have been doing all along by selling the individual miniatures at a higher price point...


And yet, I have a plastic-crack mini addiction so bad... I'm really bad off now... I even ordered so WOW minis to bring some joy to my ever-shrinking heart...

My wife is going to have a melt down!



Retired game store owner
Not quite so greedy as you may think. WotC stated one of the reasons for the change was increased production costs. We saw a decrease in painting quality the last few sets. With the new pricing, WotC says the figures will get an increase in the painting steps. So the figures should look better


Not quite so greedy as you may think. WotC stated one of the reasons for the change was increased production costs. We saw a decrease in painting quality the last few sets. With the new pricing, WotC says the figures will get an increase in the painting steps. So the figures should look better
Did they say how many painting steps? The last big increase was due to transportation costs. Fuel is down...

Look at the pictures... I'll wait to see with my own eyes before I'm totally convinced, but really... $3.00+ a minis is steep... it is a piece of plastic!

Beautiful, beautiful plastic... I love that smell. the way they bend on a really warm day after sitting in the sun... how they talk to one another...

But hey, when demand is up, raise prices... I can't say I blame them, but it is greedy.


First Post
Reaper prepaints range in price from $1.99 to $6.49 each, and they don't come with any sort of card. And I'm hoping for better quality than Reaper's, but either way, it doesn't seem over the top to me. Amazon lists PHB Heroes packs for ~$8, btw.

Keith Robinson

one of the reasons for the change was increased production costs. We saw a decrease in painting quality the last few sets. With the new pricing, WotC says the figures will get an increase in the painting steps. So the figures should look better

You mean, like these, which were recently displayed at DDXP?



And here's an uncommon (which may be a desirable figure, but is still a very basic paint job):


I see no difference in quality here and the commons are as bad as anything I've seen. Compare them to these commons from GoL:


Also, here's the alternate paint master for the rust monster, which is kinda what I was expecting for the price hike:


While many of the rares 'seem' reasonable enough (though at this stage it is difficult to really set them apart from the rares we were getting anyway), I was expecting a higher standard for commons and uncommons.

Another interesting comparison is the goliath barbarian. When WotC announced all the changes, here's one of the pics they used to show us how much imporved the quality was going to be:


But here's the one that is being shown now and can be clearly seen in the pack:


I know which one I'd prefer :hmm:


First Post
The photos from GoL, as well as the Goliath photo, are paint masters, not production models. I think that Goblin is pretty amazing for a common. I'm curious, which rares have you seen? I've seen the picture of the Beholder on the back of the booster, but that's it. The visibles aren't rares.


Yeah, that grimlock is pretty bad. Fortunately, you can slap a coat of dark ink on it and it will look 100% better and requires no painting skills.

Keith Robinson

Reaper prepaints range in price from $1.99 to $6.49 each, and they don't come with any sort of card. And I'm hoping for better quality than Reaper's, but either way, it doesn't seem over the top to me.

Don't expect everyone to blindly follow WotC's lead. WotC dumped big time on the skirmishers and dumped big time on ddm collectors and those that had invested heavily in purchasing their minis line, so it should be no surprise that people are now taking a cautious and sceptical approach to a company that has, in the opinion of many, acted in a cynical manner with total disregard for those that had spent considerable money and time supporting them.

Amazon lists PHB Heroes packs for ~$8, btw.

I was using RRP for a price comparison on a level playing field. The old 8 figure random boosters were also cheaper on Amazon.
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Keith Robinson

The photos from GoL, as well as the Goliath photo, are paint masters, not production models.

True, but I have all the minis I mentioned and they're all fantastic commons and I can't really see any difference between what I own and those images. They're fantastic commons and what I was expecting from the new sets, given the price rise.

As for the goliath, other than the sculpt there's no comparison between the two figures. It's typical cynical WotC marketing IMO.

I think that Goblin is pretty amazing for a common.

Well, each to their own, though I think 'amazing' is stretching it by anyone's imagination. For me, it's a very poor sculpt (the face is very poorly defined, for example) and the painting is just plain poor.

I'm curious, which rares have you seen? I've seen the picture of the Beholder on the back of the booster, but that's it. The visibles aren't rares.

Sorry, I meant the visibles. I haven't see the rares.
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