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Look at the pictures... I'll wait to see with my own eyes before I'm totally convinced, but really... $3.00+ a minis is steep... it is a piece of plastic
You don't buy many toys for kids, do you?
Compare to Scheich plastic figurines... They are a much larger scale (about 1:20) than D&D and are "hand-painted", and so they can have much more detailed sculpts and paint jobs. They are also not random. However, a single mounted knight costs $15.00, and a pack of three generic foot soldiers costs about $18.00. A single animal, such as a dog, a horse or a tiger, costs about $6.00.
And of course, as with D&D minis, the ones displayed on the website are the best of the bunch. The actual models you find in the store suffer from all the same weapon-bending, and misaligned details in the paint that D&D minis suffer from.
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