Everything on the preview list looks interesting except Ch.1 Group Storytelling. What has that got to do with running a D&D game?
In the sense that "our personal style is to have finding out who the character you are act as part of the exploration angle of the game," not much. In the sense that "our personal style is for players to create the characters they'd like to play and face challenges that are personally relevant to those characters and their personalities," it's rather topical.
Not everyone came to the game, even back in the dawn of time, from the perspective of "You explore the dungeon because it is there." Some folks always asked "why?"
"Why are we risking our lives in this dungeon?"
"Because there is money to be had in there."
"Why do we want money that bad?"
And with that answer, play style diverges. Sometimes it's "Because you advance in experience points by getting treasure, so money = powerups." Sometimes it's "Because I identify with fictional characters who chase money and would like to build a character along those lines." But you also get "If I'm going to be risking my life for that money, there must be something about my background that implies why I'd do such a crazy thing instead of getting an honest job." And although that last can still adhere to finding out more about your character as it goes on, the motivations you come up with may suggest more conflicts that aren't going to come up in the dungeon if the DM doesn't know about them beforehand.
You also can't rule out availability of time as a serious incentive to apply more metagaming as the hobby grays. "Maybe we have a good story at the end of it all and maybe we don't" is a gamble not everyone's willing to make with the time they can scrounge from jobs and families. Some folks want to make the best of that time, and that may mean pursuing more metafictional activity to make sure they're getting the kind of game they know they enjoy instead of just waiting to see. Naturally, if "waiting to see" is the kind of game you know you enjoy, you're already set. But not everyone's wired that way.