3PP Release New Release: Primal Sorcery


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Water, Wind, Fire, Ice​

It's up to you to become new wielders of these Primal Magicks, sorcerers ushering in the return of those magics long past.

Your Passions Burn Red-Hot with The Flamesoul​

Channel the destructive heat and flames to destroy your enemies, or perhaps call upon the powers of the mighty Phoenix to bring new life from within the ashes.

Empty your Mind, Be Formless, Shapeless, like Water with the Floodwalker​

Flow, Creep, Drip, and Crash your way past all obstacles, as with water itself, nothing will be able to stop you.

Ride Upon the Winds of Freedom with the Galeforce​

Whether you ride the breeze like a kite, or crash forth with the force of a great typhoon, there will be nowhere you can't go.

Withstand the Bitter Cold of the Artic with Permaforst​

From each snowfall to the a great blizzard, you thrive in the harshest conditions known to all. Brave the cold, for winter is coming.

Choose from 4 brand new powerful Sorcerer Archetypes so you can harness the power of the elements in A5E.

Check out Primal Sorcery, live right now on DriveThruRPG!​

Primal Sorcery - The Rogue's Collection | DriveThruRPG.com
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You know, I gotta admire the awareness of the meta here: not making an earth option because you know that one already exists in the DDG.

You know, I gotta admire the awareness of the meta here: not making an earth option because you know that one already exists in the DDG.
Trying my best to keep from any overlap! It's why I also didn't touch on lightning at all. Huge shoutout to your list of all the archetypes, its super helpful for it.

is this thread an appropriate place to ask questions about content in the product? i'm confused about how one of the subclass features is supposed to work.

Feel free. If it's enough to cause confusion it could be worth appending.
the 18th level feature of the floodwalker, tsunami rider (which i love, by the way). how exactly does the tsunami move? like, at what speed and for how many rounds? because it doesn't specify. or is it meant to move from 1 point within the 240 feet you create it in to another point you could have created it in? because if so then it's not very clear (or at least it wasn't to me).

also, after i asked that i noticed the first feature of permafrost repeats its first sentence twice in a row. no confusion there, just a typo.

EDIT: i guess another way to ask this would be "what's the area of effect when it says you can ride the tsunami to any point within said area of effect" and "how does the tsunami move if you're not on top of it, since you're not travelling on it but rather it's moving away from you"?
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the 18th level feature of the floodwalker, tsunami rider (which i love, by the way). how exactly does the tsunami move? like, at what speed and for how many rounds? because it doesn't specify. or is it meant to move from 1 point within the 240 feet you create it in to another point you could have created it in? because if so then it's not very clear (or at least it wasn't to me).

also, after i asked that i noticed the first feature of permafrost repeats its first sentence twice in a row. no confusion there, just a typo.

EDIT: i guess another way to ask this would be "what's the area of effect when it says you can ride the tsunami to any point within said area of effect" and "how does the tsunami move if you're not on top of it, since you're not travelling on it but rather it's moving away from you"?
Basically the tsunami moves in a straight line, it deals damage in a large area along its path, and you can be transported to any spot within its entire AOE, including height.

Thanks for the heads up on the permafrost.
I'll be pushing an update with more clear language, these both got through between different drafts, there were about 3 full distinct drafts for this, so I'm not quite sure how I didn't catch it 🤔.

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