3PP Release New 3PP Release: Spells from the Forgotten Vault!

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A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Yeah, Ravine's only on itch.io. The links in the PDF should all go straight to the product on whichever store it's on, though.

Phil Best

A5e Foundry Developer
For those of you on Foundry, a module for Spells from the Forgotten Vault was added yesterday. It's included for free when you purchase the PDF on DTRPG 😁

To use it, just download the zipped archive from DTRPG, navigate to wherever you keep your Foundry data, and extract the content in the modules directory.


Any hope of a POD or other physical version of this product? It's one of my most oft-referenced and would really benefit from a physical presence at my table.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Any hope of a POD or other physical version of this product? It's one of my most oft-referenced and would really benefit from a physical presence at my table.
Probably not any time real soon, much as I'd like to.

The reason for that is when I was working on SftFV, I hadn't yet learned how to set documents up for print with DTRPG. There's a hard limit of 240% ink on any one spot (if you do CMYK color, the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black all have to add up to 240 or less). I didn't pay any attention to that (because I didn't know about it) when I was doing layout for Spells from the Forgotten Vault. That means that the entire product is massively over-ink. The background/border, text, art - all of it. I also didn't include bleed (an 8th of an inch of extra space around the exterior border for print variance) when I was doing it.

So to do a print version, I would have to basically do an entire brand-new version from scratch. Not something I can whip up on a weekend, unfortunately.

A more likely scenario (but still don't hold me to this, because this is more in the "general idea" category than "thing I have specific plans for" one) would be to eventually do a sequel (or two) and then roll those into a collection that contained everything, which I could then do a print version of. Or even just do an "expanded" version with a bunch of new content; something that would justify all the extra work.
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Probably not any time real soon, much as I'd like to.

The reason for that is when I was working on SftFV, I hadn't yet learned how to set documents up for print with DTRPG. There's a hard limit of 240% ink on any one spot (if you do CMYK color, the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black all have to add up to 240 or less). I didn't pay any attention to that (because I didn't know about it) when I was doing layout for Spells from the Forgotten Vault. That means that the entire product is massively over-ink. The background/border, text, art - all of it. I also didn't include bleed (an 8th of an inch of extra space around the exterior border for print variance) when I was doing it.

So to do a print version, I would have to basically do an entire brand-new version from scratch. Not something I can whip up on a weekend, unfortunately.

A more likely scenario (but still don't hold me to this, because this is more in the "general idea" category than "thing I have specific plans for" one) would be to eventually do a sequel (or two) and then roll those into a collection that contained everything, which I could then do a print version of. Or even just do an "expanded" version with a bunch of new content; something that would justify all the extra work.

No worries, I appreciate you letting me know. It might also be a good opportunity to bundle in a bunch of your combat maneuvers too, they feel like a similar sort of selectable niche as spells, if you do approach a compilation product in future.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Okay, guilty. It DID get me thinking about solutions to answer that inquiry. Still - it will take some time once we get going and that likely won't really start in earnest for at least another month or so.

Voidrunner's Codex

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