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Hey, so I just picked it up and one of my players is interested in the Wielder but wants to know... why no cantrips?

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i mean, counterpoint...herald gets maneuvers, extra attack, half-casting, and cantrips. so if it is a trade off, it's probably for something else.
The thing wielders get that herald’s don’t is the ability to convert exertion into spells (heralds can only convert spells into exertion). Although nothing stops anyone from designing an archetype that gets a cantrip or two.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
The thing wielders get that herald’s don’t is the ability to convert exertion into spells (heralds can only convert spells into exertion). Although nothing stops anyone from designing an archetype that gets a cantrip or two.
Indeed! The Burdened from thematic Toolkit: Carry the Darkness is just such an archetype. The Accursed Magic feature gives you two affliction cantrips.


Wielder strikes me as a martial class (hence the maneuvers) who get a bit of magic from their "pseudo patron" the magic item. If they could cast cantrips they might get the idea that they don't really need the item.
I mean, it depends on the cantrip. Damage-dealing cantrips, yeah. Something like prestidigitation or dancing lights, probably not

The thing wielders get that herald’s don’t is the ability to convert exertion into spells (heralds can only convert spells into exertion). Although nothing stops anyone from designing an archetype that gets a cantrip or two.
Very good point. My friend was concerned that at low levels they're very weak, but I've messaged them this. Their other option was to go fighter but to use the Arcane Showoff archetype--their character idea was someone who was raised in a noble family who taught both wizardry and martial prowess, so they definitely wanted the gishiest they could find.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
I will also say: think the wielder is probably plenty strong, even at lower levels, and by the time you hit 5, they're likely to be an absolute wrecking machine. The spell list is really good (notably including shield), the combat traditions list is really good (including Tempered Iron, Cutting Omen and Unending Wheel), and the proficiencies are also excellent. The D8 hit die isn't that big of a deal with the rest of that stuff at your fingertips.

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