3PP Release New 3PP release: Manual of Adventurous Resources: Complete! AVAILABLE NOW!

For those who have purchased already: check your files for PDFs updated with typo fixes and more useful bookmarks and also an errata sheet of a couple issues folks found.

Fortunately, it's not much, but I do try to stay on top of this stuff.
...so uh...i know you JUST updated the bookmarks, so i feel a bit bad for pointing this out, but uh...the artificer subclasses are listed as adept subclasses in the low res page file (and maybe the others as well but that's the one i checked).

edit: ok, those bookmarks are labeled correctly in the regular res page file.

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A5E Designer and third-party publisher
...so uh...i know you JUST updated the bookmarks, so i feel a bit bad for pointing this out, but uh...the artificer subclasses are listed as adept subclasses in the low res page file (and maybe the others as well but that's the one i checked).

edit: ok, those bookmarks are labeled correctly in the regular res page file.
That's actually a super easy fix. Give me a moment...

i just downloaded the most recent version (from the end of january...i forgot that pdfs update sometimes), and it runs way worse then my 1.2 copy and doesn't show bookmarks anymore to boot. i tried each option to be sure. the 144 versions didn't even finish loading, and the 72 versions kept freezing up.

think i'm just gonna hold onto 1.2 and the most recent errata for now...


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
I'll take a look at the files this evening. That's concerning; the bookmarks could be an oversight (I've had to edit those manually before), but the rendering problems are a different issue that shouldn't be happening.


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Updated versions of the files are uploaded. They have the bookmarks generated by Affinity, but at some point the bookmark modification features I'd been using to nest and fine-tune those in Foxit apparently got patched out/moved to paid-only features. What's currently up there should at least be better than nothing, but I need to figure out how to do the post-production tweaking with a different piece of software.

EDIT: seems I'm not the only one annoyed by this change to Foxit: https://kb.foxit.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/21212439428884?page=1#comments

If someone here has a recommendation for a competing product that allows bookmark editing without a charging a subscription fee for the privilege like Foxit now does (for Windows PCs), I'd love to know about it! A quick bit of research for an alternative seems to indicate that bookmark management has now become a subscription feature for all the major vendors and sadly the functionality inside Affinity itself is fairly rudimentary at present.
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hey, not sure if this is the place to ask questions, but i have to ask about the mining camp stronghold; it says you increase gold gained by your wisdom, con, or wis score. 1st) is score supposed to be modifier? 2nd) wisdom is mentioned as an option twice, is there supposed to be a different one instead of the second wisdom?


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
hey, not sure if this is the place to ask questions, but i have to ask about the mining camp stronghold; it says you increase gold gained by your wisdom, con, or wis score. 1st) is score supposed to be modifier? 2nd) wisdom is mentioned as an option twice, is there supposed to be a different one instead of the second wisdom?
I have reached out to the designer for clarification and will let you know when they get back to me. I suspect that's just a typo (and it should just be WIS or CON), but I'll make sure.

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