3PP Release New 3PP Release: Spells from the Forgotten Vault!


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
The largest PMG release ever and essentially two books in one!

The first half introduces over 100 new A5E spells to the system. Some examples:
  • Edicts: These powerful no-save, vocalized-only spells allow spellcasters other than wizards to lay waste to their opponents with a word for a change. Edicts include ominous words such as Edict: Ignite,Edict: Flee, and even Edict: No.
  • Marks: Originally developed for heralds, these unique spells allow you to mark a creature in various ways, with the mark applied determining the effect. Mark a creature as your charge with Mark of Guardianship to protect them, as your quarry with Mark of Pursuitto hunt them, or as an exile with Mark of Exile to make them leave.
  • More Elemental Spells: Summon a Sacred Stone, blast your foes with high-pressure streams of water with Geyserblast, hurl balls of stony mud with Mudball, and flush contaminants from the air with Clear the Air.
  • Handy Utility Spells: Organize your collection with Librarian's Helper or force that monster to throw your friend it swallowed back up with Stomach Purge.
  • More Alignment Spells: Call the power of chaos with unstable magicks like Adhering Blast and Hungry Earth, use law magic to kick in doors with Breacher's Kick and force your enemies to comply with Cosmic Injunction, channel the power of good to guard your companions while they sleep with Safe Harbor or become a terrifying emissary of heavenly wrath with Be Ye Not Afraid, or succumb to evil and puppet your foes in vicious was with Effigy and bind them with Chains of Hell.
  • Truly Unique Magic: Run your foes over with a Tumbleweb, a sticky rolling ball that picks up everything and runs over everything else or use a Missage to deceive your enemies.
  • Signature Cantrips for more classes: Artificers, bards, heralds, sorcerers, and warlocks now all get access to a unique cantrip tied to the flavor of their class. No more sharing Prestidigitation with the wizard!
The second half ensures that you can actually use all of this great new content (and that from other PMG releases and every other 3PP A5E publisher who has put out new spells, too)! Included are a full set of lists of all new 3PP spells for A5E sorted both by class list and by non-classical spell school. With this reference, figuring out exactly which of those cool new 3PP spells you have actually can be used by your character should be much easier.

Spells from the Forgotten Vault Final Cover.jpg

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A5E Designer and third-party publisher
So you get two prolific people together on the same project and ... project done! :cool:

EDIT: the actual, serious answer is that I basically did nothing but eat, sleep, work at my day job, commute, and work on this for five days straight to get it released today. If I'd gone at a more leisurely pace, it'd have dropped next weekend or later this month; I really pushed to get finished.

The design portion? We divvied up the spells, worked on them in batches, handed them off to the balance guy, and while he was reviewing, moved on to the next batch.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
What sources did you use for the 3pp list?

I have the same question for her. She is also prolific.
ADHD Hyperfocus.

When it works it -works- and I can pound out 2-3,000 words in a 3-5 hour sitting. When it -isn't- working...

I can't even look at the Designer's Discord or any of my work-project tabs on Firefox without feeling waves of guilt, depression, and malorn.


ADHD Hyperfocus.

When it works it -works- and I can pound out 2-3,000 words in a 3-5 hour sitting. When it -isn't- working...

I can't even look at the Designer's Discord or any of my work-project tabs on Firefox without feeling waves of guilt, depression, and malorn.
I can absolutely empathize. My sessions swing wildly from no prep to the time I put together a whole crime tracking board with informant/suspect profiles and red string, depending where that needle is.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
View attachment 284086

ADHD Hyperfocus.

When it works it -works- and I can pound out 2-3,000 words in a 3-5 hour sitting. When it -isn't- working...

I can't even look at the Designer's Discord or any of my work-project tabs on Firefox without feeling waves of guilt, depression, and malorn.
Are the products from Ravine available on drivethru? I'm not seeing them. I want to get everything.

Voidrunner's Codex

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