New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

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Now I'm scared... absolutely yes!
Alright, I'll start working on it, it'll take some time, but yeah. 👹

I want to start working on Symmetric Matter, I have a few ideas, I like these things to fall on line with science to a degree but Symmetric Matter has almost nothing written on it. I did a deep dive several months ago trying to pin down what they are scientifically and what their properties might be but it's difficult. Without that basic understanding it'll be hard to make.

Basically, Strong Symmetric Matter is the the original state of the big bang, so big bang matter basically, all things combined, weak Symmetric Matter is like a nanosecond after the big bang starts where certain fundamental forces start peeling off but still is most the matter of the universe together. I'll have to look into what each force, the Weak Strong Electromagnetic etc forces are exactly, and I'll go from there. Strong Symmetric Matter I'm going to go on a whim and guess is going to be the realm of Supernals and UltraIs.


Alright, I'll start working on it, it'll take some time, but yeah. 👹

I want to start working on Symmetric Matter, I have a few ideas, I like these things to fall on line with science to a degree but Symmetric Matter has almost nothing written on it. I did a deep dive several months ago trying to pin down what they are scientifically and what their properties might be but it's difficult. Without that basic understanding it'll be hard to make.

Basically, Strong Symmetric Matter is the the original state of the big bang, so big bang matter basically, all things combined, weak Symmetric Matter is like a nanosecond after the big bang starts where certain fundamental forces start peeling off but still is most the matter of the universe together. I'll have to look into what each force, the Weak Strong Electromagnetic etc forces are exactly, and I'll go from there. Strong Symmetric Matter I'm going to go on a whim and guess is going to be the realm of Supernals and UltraIs.
I thought Kuvechim was for Supernals. The 9th dimension is made out of it, after all.

I thought Kuvechim was for Supernals. The 9th dimension is made out of it, after all.
Yes but we'll see how they all look statistically. Weak and Strong Symmetric Matter might very well be Metempiric Abilities. Also both Adamantine and Steel are standard materials evem though Adamantine is leaps and bounds more powerful so Strong Symmetric Matter may end up like the Steel to Kuvatchim's Adamantine. Not sure yet.
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New Material: Strange Matter

Strange matter is a tremendously dense, ultradurable, near indestructible material produced in the heart of large Quark stars known as Strange stars. When pressures reach a point where Up and Down quarks can no longer compensate, some quarks are converted into higher energy quarks known as Strange Quarks. These quarks have unique properties and for lack of a better term are 'stronger' than standard up or down quarks. When quark matter is converted into strange matter, normally the quarks would quickly decay into down quarks, it is instead held in perfect stability due to the unyielding gravitic forces placed upon it. The quarks can't decay and the liquid metal Quark Gluon bath that forms Quark Matter, compressed by gravity to it's absolute threshold, becomes the final stage of matter possibly formed. That material, pressing desperately back against the collapse before disappearing and becoming a black hole forever is Strange Matter: a perfectly stable, indestructible material without equal. The strongest form of matter that can possibly exist without breaking the laws of physics itself.

Strange Matter appears as a brilliant peridot green metal shining with threatening yellow green light. Tremendous electromagnetic and gravetic forces create immense amounts of photonic energy and cosmic radiation which blindingly burns in all directions from this material, illuminating and irradiating everything for hundreds of thousands of miles around it. The lensing from this is intense causing significant light disturbances around the material. Light appears to loop, again and again, the back of the material can be seen from the front, and a halo much like something between a kaleidoscope and a rainbow can be seen around the surface of Strange Matter shifting with near fractal properties. The intense gravity well created by Strange Matter will cause all non magical items to immediately begin to orbit and descend into even small amounts of the substance.

Sidereal smiths look upon Strange Matter much the way a mortal smith may look at Neutronium. An impossible material with terrifying properties. Even Transcendent beings view it as more a liability than a boon and only Omnific beings and the most prodigious Transcendent smiths have ever been able to successfully forge the material, even then it is extremely rare. Strange Matter represents the ideal state of matter. No matter born of the universe can damage it and, in fact, any normal matter (Orichalcum and below) that comes in contact with it is instantly converted into Strange Matter. reducing it's size to the point of nearly disappearing.

Strange Matter requires a strength of 475 to wield a weapon or use armor made of the material. It is roughly 64x heavier than Neutronium weighing x 2,251,760,000,000,000 that of steel, It deals x384 base damage for weapons or x384 the base armor bonus for armor and shields, it has a hardness of 337,500 and 675,000 hp per inch of thickness. This hardness cannot be overcome even by other Strange Matter items or items of higher density and it's Hardness and hit points are considered effectively ∞ to all matter not as dense or denser than itself. It's basic hardness of 337,500 cannot be overcome by any means and it is immune to all standard forms of damage, including all magical and energy damage, it can only be ejected from a universe, it cannot be destroyed. Even Permanent Damage and Divine Energy fails to overcome this material's insane durability. Only Strange Matter and denser materials can actually damage the substance.

Being nearly unforgeable and utterly indestructible along with it's volatility makes the material extremely difficult to work with. The material is usually made into bricks or small interconnecting pieces vice a fully forged solid items.

In addition to it's nearly unbeatable Hardness, Strange Matter effectively cannot be destroyed only scattered, it cannot be damaged by any attack form except by items of higher density and if somehow destroyed or broken apart, the material explodes into a shower of Strangelets, small shards or chunks of Strange Matter that are released in all directions at speeds close to the speed of light like a fragmentation grenade,. These Strangelets deal damage as the Omega Immolation Transcendent Effect, annihilating it's damage multiplier in Hit Dice (384) upon it's destruction without save to all foes within 384,000 feet and threatening the same upon all foes within 384,000 miles on a failed reflex save equal to it's damage and armor multiplier x2 (DC 768), Divine Immunity is sufficient to ignore this effect, however all beings still take 384d100 Piercing and Bludgeoning damage from the bombardment if they fail a Reflex Save of DC 768 and take half damage if they make the save, in addition, incredible radioactive energy emanates off the material causing 384 points of Radiation Damage at all times to all beings within 384,000 miles of the material, though Divine Immunity negates this.

The material also sheds brilliant yellow green light like a sunlight spell in the same vicinity, within 384,000 miles. If any being without immunity stares directly into the source of this light for any amount of time, they are dazzled without save, if they continue to look directly at the source for more than 1 round they must make a DC 768 Fort save, failure indicates they are permanently dazzled and blinded for 384 rounds, success negates the blinding effect and reduces it to dazzled for 384 rounds. The lensing of this light creates multiple phantom images of the substance granting a permanent Mirror Image like effect around it at all times. This lensing effect is treated as an extraordinary effect, thusly immunity to illusions and spell resistance or immunity do not apply. True Sight, Blindsight and Blindsense will see through this however as will Tremorsense.

All Strange Matter items effectively are treated as having the Omnific Toughness Omnific Ability being treated as having effectively ∞ Hp against any attack or damage not made of Strange Matter or Denser material. Any being without Divine Immunity struck by Strange Matter or who comes in contact with armor or any item made of the material has 384 Hit Dice annihilated as per the Omega Effect Transcendent Ability without save as parts of their body are instantly converted into Strange Matter. Items and matter that comes in contact with Strange Matter is reduced in size by 10 Size Categories and converted into Strange Matter. Orichalcum is reduced in size by 5 Size Categories.

The only way to truly destroy a Strange Matter item is to sunder it with an item of higher density (Black Hole Matter or Weak Symmetric Matter for example) or throw it into a Black Hole.
So, how does the conversion work? If I were to forge say a suit of armor and place a bead of Strange Matter on it, would the armor be converted into the bead increasing the bead's mass, or would the armor itself start becoming strange matter armor?

So, how does the conversion work? If I were to forge say a suit of armor and place a bead of Strange Matter on it, would the armor be converted into the bead increasing the bead's mass, or would the armor itself start becoming strange matter armor?
It could go either way, i think there's an argument for it basically converting your armor into a micro version of it and turning turning it into strange matter, probably destroying the non epic magical properties of it in the process. I'd honestly just leave that to dm interpretation. Really it should probably just turn everything into a bead tbh. Great question.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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