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New Spell: Liquefaction


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Transmutation [Water]

Level: Drd 4, Water 3, Wiz/Sor 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
Target: 1 creature or 1 subject to a maximum size 10x10 ft.
Duration: 1 round per level (I)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The spell reduces the target to a mass of water, equal volume, that immediately ruins to the floor, and slide until it reaches a point where it can stagnate, according to the normal law of gravity. Throughout the period of the spell, the victim therefore has no possibility of control over his new body, the sounds are muffled (-4 to Listen checks), and images are blurry (-4 to Spot checks), unless additional penalty if it is in motion, exactly as if it were under water in the throes of a current.
During this period it can not be separated or removed in any way part of the liquid which then acts as the glue of the same. Any magic that allows to split water in different parts, put an immediate end to the spell.
At the end of the duration of the spell, the mass of water generated by the creature or object, it picks up again on the same solid form and returns to normal. The spell can be used on oneself, to pass under a door (provided that the inclination of the floor promotes moving in that direction) or to escape an enemy "draining" through a grate. Similarly, it can be used to "liquidate" an enemy or an obstacle that gets in front of the PG, thus giving time to pass him.
The spell is ineffective against incorporeal creatures or bigger than large size.
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First Post
This should probably also be on the Sor/Wiz list. Add in stipulations for what actions a liquefied creature can take, and that magical objects cannot be affected, and I like it!


I'm not sure I'd put in the magic item restriction. otherwise it's a great way to separate someone from their gear.

As for actions: It seems to be saying that you can't take any physical actions. You have no control over your body.

Q: What happens if the water is in a container/area that the solid person can't fit in, when the spell ends?

Example: Down a drain and into a long narrow pipe.
Example 2: In a depression that's halfway under a door?

It's one of those things that will come up.

Can the person/creature/object take damage when in water form? Can they be boiled away? If they're partly boiled when it ends, what happens?


First Post
I'm not sure I'd put in the magic item restriction. otherwise it's a great way to separate someone from their gear.

You're right.

Example: Down a drain and into a long narrow pipe.
Example 2: In a depression that's halfway under a door?

Well, I suppose the DM should ask himself "what could happens if a person should try to press the character while the target is in its normal form?".
a) If the target is pressed with a thin wooden box, he would break the box without any consequence for him
b) if pressed within a stone box, the water would try to flow out (and then to return to the normal form).
c) If the target is pressed and "sealed" into a stone box, the target would suffer damage as if he were pressed within a stone press.

Can the person/creature/object take damage when in water form? Can they be boiled away? If they're partly boiled when it ends, what happens?

I think he's normally exposed to area magic effects (no reflex saving throws).

Maybe I have to change the range from "Close" to "Contact". Do you agree?

Bye, MadLuke.


...ok, here's what I suggest... just giving it a try


Level: Drd 3, Water 3, Wiz/Sor 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: S
Range: Touch
Target: Willing corporeal creature touched
Duration: 2 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The subject and all its gear turn into a watery mass of equal volume. The subject has no control over his new body.
Its material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, though its size bonus and armor bonuses from force effects still apply to his AC. The subject gains damage reduction -/- and becomes immune to poisons, diseases and critical hits. It can’t attack or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in liquid form. (This does not rule out the use of certain spells that the subject may have prepared using the feats Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Eschew Materials.) The subject also loses supernatural abilities while in liquid form. If it has a touch spell ready to use, that spell is discharged harmlessly when the spell takes effect.
The creature is subject to the effects of gravity. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all it was wearing or holding in its hands, as long as the spell persists. It also can’t manipulate objects or activate items, even those carried along with its liquid form. Continuously active items remain active, though in some cases their effects may be moot.
The liquid has no boiling point (although magical fire can harm it) and cannot be separated in any mundane way. Any magic that forces the liquid to split, ends the spell. (I agree with the general idea here... still this needs some better clarification IMO)
Once the spell ends, the mass of water turns back into the initial creature.

Based mainly on: Gaseous Form :: d20srd.org

To cut it short:
1) 4th level -> 3rd level
2) Only willing creatures (IMO, a forced transmutation is too powerful for 4th level even. Baleful Polymorph is 5th and has a save)


To cut it short:
1) 4th level -> 3rd level
2) Only willing creatures (IMO, a forced transmutation is too powerful for 4th level even. Baleful Polymorph is 5th and has a save)
Baleful Polymorph is permanent, where as this is rounds/level. Level 4 spell sounds about right, and against unwilling targets seems balanced.
This takes the place of paralyzing/hold person/stunning/sleeping any other method of neutralizing a single opponent from being a threat for a few rounds. It has the added versatility of assisting the PC's in certain circumstances. I think it's cool.

Definitely find a solid answer to [MENTION=6669384]Greenfield[/MENTION]'s question though.


No way in hell this is a fourth level spell.

Can you bleed to death while in water form? Die from poison? Disease? If so... why? Are you subject to critical hits? Can someone carry you into the next room in a jar (or a relatively large keg)... with an absolutely perfect disguise. This is another one of those crazy broken when you think about it for a while spells. Can you be harmed by electricity? Because you're now water what is your "creature type". If you have no creature type can you be hedged out of areas?


First Post
Now that's a kneejerk overreaction, I'd say: You can't move meaningfully and just flow wherever is lowest, making this a definitely-not-a-buff spell. Protection from crits, poison etc. is already part of Gaseous Form, which also lets you fly and move of your own volition, and which is in 3rd level. Still not everybody's first grab when they get to cast 3rd level spells. Your 'absolutely perfect disguise' requires someone carrying around an 80 liter tank for a male grownup (more if we're talking Half-Orcs or whatever), which won't, of course, raise suspicion...? Also, rounds/level. Electricity would probably still harm you, why shouldn't it? Creature type? Who said anything about creature type, why should it change?

Crazy broken? I think not.

My question about actions taken still stands, though. Just because you can't control your movement doesn't mean you can't take actions. What about spellcasting w/o somatic components? Quickened spells? Can you speak? Can you understand what's going on around you (seems you can, implied by the spot/listen penalties)? Can you take purely mental actions, as if paralyzed, e.g. manifest psionic powers, use telepathy, use devotion feats, Abrupt Jaunt etc.?


First Post
Can you bleed to death while in water form? Die from poison? Disease? If so... why? Are you subject to critical hits? Can someone carry you into the next room in a jar (or a relatively large keg)... with an absolutely perfect disguise. This is another one of those crazy broken when you think about it for a while spells. Can you be harmed by electricity? Because you're now water what is your "creature type". If you have no creature type can you be hedged out of areas?

I admit I have to better describe it, anyway...

While in water form bleeding, starvation, disease and poison are suspended (not healed).
Yes, you can be carried in a jar, like it was a disguise, no problem.

I think the new type should be "object" (does it exist?), not "water".

I don't understand your disappointment: "Gaseous Form" allows you to move wherever you want, fly, damage reduction and so on... And it is only a 3rd level spell.

Bye, MadLuke.

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