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New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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As a patron of the Hanged Man Inn walks out and the door begins to swing closed, a pair of gray wolves dash through the opening and into the common room. Several people reach for their weapons on instinct, but the wolves don't seem aggressive, They proceed into the room warily, heads turning left and right as if watching for threats. The bigger of the two leads the way between the bar and the tables until the two reach the floor in front of the fireplace. The smaller wolf sits on her haunches while the big one circles once around looking from face to face with his ears cocked to pick up any threatening sound. The big one with darker coloration finally seems satisfied, touching snout to snout with the other and making a small yipping sound. The female lays down on the floor and begins to groom her lighter colored gray fur.

The bartender looks on at this in stunned silence before getting his composure back finally. "Do these animals belong to any of you?" he asks the crowd. "They seems fairly well behaved, and if their owner can vouch for them (and be prepared to pay for any damages caused) then I suppose they can stay." He waits for a moment for an answer, but the crowd is silent and just looking from among each other to see if someone will claim the creatures. When none stake a claim to the wolves, the bartender nods to a table of city watchmen that were here enjoying a meal in the off duty time. One of the men nods back as the four men rise and approach the wolves. Another patron goes to the door and opens it so that the beasts can be shooed out. The men form a 'U' shape around the animals with the open end pointed towards the door and begin making noises to try and shoo the animals onward. The smaller she wolf growls low in her throat as the bigger male rises again to its feet and turns to see all the men surrounding them.

Suddenly, the wolf's skin ripples beneath its fur and its body surges upwards to stand upon its hind legs. The fur and snout shorten while the body extends upwards and clothes, gear, and weapons seem to form out of nothingness around the Longtooth Shifter that now stands before the stunned crowd and city watchmen who take an involuntary step backward in surprise. The shifter wears dirty and patched clothes under his hide armor and bear cloak. A longspear and longbow are held tied across his back along with his pack. His golden eyes scan the room while his wide nose distends as if sampling all the smells in the room at once. His lower fangs stick up beyond his lips and his long fingernails and toenails are sharp and curved as the claws of the wolf which he was but a moment ago. His long, unkempt black hair hangs down to his shoulder blades and around his pointed ears. Turning to the bartender, the shifter speaks in a gravelly, halting voice. "We not 'owned' by anyone. We together here looking for work. This place for that, right?"

The bartender responds to the man with a little more surety of place now that he knew it wasn't just animals he was dealing with. Pointing at a sign near the door, he says "My pardon sir, but it's rules of the establishment that anyone coming in must state their name for the record like the sign says."

"Hmmmm" the man nearly growls with a humming sound deep in his chest. Pointing to himself, the shifter says "Talon." Then he points at the female wolf beside him and says "Dayna." Cocking his head to the side, he seems to be asking the bartender if this is sufficient. The man behind the bar blinks once before nodding in resignation. "I suppose that'll do. Back off boys. Sorry to bother you Mr. Talon, but please make sure to keep Ms. Dayna under control...unless she is a shapeshifter as well??" the man asks uncomfortably, not wanting to assume anything further.

Talon shakes his head in answer to the bartender as he approaches the bar. "Bowl of water?" he asks the bartender. After receiving it, he carries it back to the floor near the fireplace. Shifting form back to the form of a wolf, Talon joins Dayna in getting a drink from the bowl of water.


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First Post
"Have you ever seen such a thing, Rujah?"

The words filtered into Rujah's brain as he attempted to absorb what had just occurred. Afterwards, he turns towards the man and replies.

"Can't say I have, but it is fascinating..." The reptilian being replied, tilting his head and examining the being from across the room.


First Post
"Fenwick not familiar with this." The big orc says cheerfully to Rujah and Jin, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they seem to be ignoring him. But strange narratives told on islands. Anything possible."

He stomps over to look at the wolves. "Nice doggies! Fenwick suspect you uninterested in hides."

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Looking good; four PCs in the inn and I know there is an adventure going through the approval process.

Hang on! I know how tough it can be when you join with a bad timing.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
After the distraction of the shapeshifter, the door to the Hanged Man opens again. A figure wrapped in fine clothes of red and purple, their features hidden, strides into hall, almost directly for the memorabilia left by the Five. It is not a concious walk, but the newcomer is there nevertheless.

After looking at one piece a moment, the newcomer sits. Placing his hands on the table, it is clear it is not a person but a construct... a living construct with fire burning along its plating like a pulse.

The doom of the Five has been averted once more, and once more my steps are here. I am Incarnation, a Destroyer of the Sibylline Idol. And now I wait.


First Post
Fenwick stomps over to look at the wolves. "Nice doggies! Fenwick suspect you uninterested in hides."

Talon changes shape once more and stands staring at the Orc with a puzzled look on his bestial face. "Already have hides, why need more? Already said names too. You not call us 'doggies' again or I..." Talon pauses as if considering his next words carefully.

Turning to the bartender, Talon asks "Talon get locked up if I tear out his throat, yes?" he tilts his head indicating the orc, Fenwick. The bartender takes a moment to process the question before nodding and saying "Yes Mr. Talon, if you hurt somebody too bad or kill them, the city watch will put you in their jail where you'll be locked up for a long time."

Talon's turns back to Fenwick and his eyes narrow as if he's thinking hard. "I not be locked up again. Escaped last time, but they not know I shift." Touching his clawed fingertip to Fenwick's chest with exaggerated carefulness, Talon says "You just not call us names anymore."

Talon waits to see if the orc is done talking before he wastes the energy shifting back to wolf form. He notices the strange scent of the warforged as it comes in. Very few of that kind has he seen before. He wonders how they are in a fight.

Walking Dad

First Post
Riardon d'Cealis, Eladrin Warlord 2

"Riardon, also a Destroyer of the Sibylline Idol." Riardon entering shortly after the warforged.

He wears a hide of exceptional elven design and the grip of his sword shows an emblazoned sun. But his most striking feature are his cyan eyes.

Yet to be approved for 2nd level.


Everyone in 20 sq around Riardon gets a +2 to initiative.
When you spend an AP, you get a +3 on attacks.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 17 Insight: 12 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 16 Reflex 14 Will 14
Hit Points: 34 / 34 Bloodied: 17
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:6 Surges per day: 8 / 8
At-Will Powers: Commander's Strike, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Inspiring Word 2/2, Aid the Injured, Chilling Cloud, Warlords Favor, Feystep
Daily Powers: Calculated Assault

Condition: -


First Post
Fenwick wanders away, muttering to himself.
"Spends time as beast, but not want to be treated like beast. Fenwick nonplussed."


First Post
Jin nodded as the new comers entered, but stayed close to the Dragonborn. "It would appear we are not the only ones looking for work, Rujah... You are here looking for work right? You look as though you would be tough in a fight. I have fought beside many brave dragonmen."

Voidrunner's Codex

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