Unearthed Arcana New Unearthed Arcana: Rune Knight, Swarmkeeper, The Revived

Another new Unearthed Arcana! "In today’s Unearthed Arcana, three classes each receive a playtest option. The fighter gets a Martial Archetype option: the Rune Knight. The ranger gains a Ranger Archetype option: the Swarmkeeper. And the rogue acquires a Roguish Archetype option: the Revived."

Another new Unearthed Arcana! "In today’s Unearthed Arcana, three classes each receive a playtest option. The fighter gets a Martial Archetype option: the Rune Knight. The ranger gains a Ranger Archetype option: the Swarmkeeper. And the rogue acquires a Roguish Archetype option: the Revived."

Screenshot 2019-10-17 at 21.14.02.png

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Book-Friend, he/him
The only common thing about all these subs is that that are unconventional. A fighter with runes. A necromancer rogue. A fiery pet druid. A chaos magic barbarian. Etc.

It doesn't fit any particular setting well. Not D&D, not even MTG all that well. You could make an argument about being planar, but there isn't a strong planar vibe coming from a twilight cleric or poet bard. Similarly, if it's MTG focused it's all over the place as far as origins; some might fit certain planes, but some do not fit any well and they don't all fit one single plane we know of.

I wager whatever this product is, it's going to be very off-kilter compared to what has come before. It's not another Xanathar book, I feel.

It fits Magic better, however, since Magic is just more Gonzo.

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So Swarmkeepers flavour text strongly implies the swarm is all mostly creatures. I'd think rats could have been a viable option, but then that would mean Mage Hand would be like a small tidal wave of rat spirits and flying would be done with a tower of rats.

That is a really sick image. Love it. I don't see any reason it couldn't be that.


Look, using real world mythology isn't automatically cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is a complex calculation of the the status and history of the originating culture, the specific and contextual use of the elements in question, and so on. For example, the problem isn't in using Native American headdresses and totem poles, but in using them in ways that ignores or disrespects their meaning and significance.

So I don't see any problem with a game using rune magic. It's no different than the laundry list of mythologically inspired Monster Manual denizens.


Lost in Dark Sun
I really think that the next expanded player options book will be “set” in Planescape. Looking at this and the other UA PDFs in this round, they definitely have an extraplanar feel of sorts.




I love this! Yeah, it’s a little too complicated right now, but it’s unique and cool, and would be very easy to streamline and implement into my games.

Someone at WOTC is clearly a big fan of Shino Aburame from Naruto. Good.

He was always a neat character, and the subclass looks really flavorful. Gathered swarm looks like it would combine really well with the hail of thorns spell.

Don’t like rogues, so I’m not the best judge of this subclass.


It fits Magic better, however, since Magic is just more Gonzo.
I'm not sure how much better, to be honest. While certain subs mimic elements of certain planes, nothing here screams "Magic!" As a setting. If you were going to try to encapsulate all of Magic's settings, I don't think these subs do it. At best, there might be a Mythic or Horror elementa to some of them, but nothing here feels uniquely Theros or Innistrad.


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm not sure how much better, to be honest. While certain subs mimic elements of certain planes, nothing here screams "Magic!" As a setting. If you were going to try to encapsulate all of Magic's settings, I don't think these subs do it. At best, there might be a Mythic or Horror elementa to some of them, but nothing here feels uniquely Theros or Innistrad.

Most of what would do are already in the PHB or XGtE, though: I have had no problem pairing any of these Subclasses with Creature Cards.


So....any ideas on what the next UA will be about, judging by the themes of the past two ones?

A warlock with a pet similar to the swarmkeeper and wildfire druid?
A bard that sings the songs of the dead, channeling their spirits?

So....any ideas on what the next UA will be about, judging by the themes of the past two ones?

A warlock with a pet similar to the swarmkeeper and wildfire druid?
A bard that sings the songs of the dead, channeling their spirits?
They've covered all classes in the PHB now. It'll be:

-The start of a new cycle.
-Refinements to the ones they just posted.
-Class variants/alternative features, they keep on mentioning for something like the Ranger
-The super-cantrip using Psion.

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