D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED

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Selossen moves back a few steps so he's out of sight from the corridor where Pyre is, casts bless, then move back to my previous spot and release it affecting everyone but the paladin (who I assume has very good saves). We are under his aura of protection right?


Selossen moves back a few steps so he's out of sight from the corridor where Pyre is, casts bless, then move back to my previous spot and release it affecting everyone but the paladin (who I assume has very good saves). We are under his aura of protection right?

This is using my free casting from Fey Touched, no spell slots were harmed by this action :)


The High Aldwin
Did we hear casting? or any words being spoken? other than my companions
No. You didn't hear anything other than the other PCs.

Selossen moves back a few steps so he's out of sight from the corridor where Pyre is, casts bless, then move back to my previous spot and release it affecting everyone but the paladin (who I assume has very good saves). We are under his aura of protection right?
Ok. You can step back just 5 feet and cast bless (via Fey Touched), affecting everyone but the Vyrlim. (No need to step back and "release", you have line of sight on the others from that position.) You can then step back and have 25 feet of speed remaining.

4.2.21 (Selossen): Stepping backwards 5 feet, Selossen invokes his connection to the Feywild and blesses himself, Pyre, and Ezabard. He then moves back 5 feet to keep a better eye on Pyre.

Yes, you are still under the paladin's aura of protection (range 30 feet, protects against charmed and frightened conditions, +5 to all saves).

(Lair Actions): Four Shadows appear around the PCs, two of them attack Ezabard , one attacks Selossen, and one attacks Pyre!

Green Shadow: Roll with advantage (flanking) 16,6+4=20 vs. AC 17 hits Ezabard! For 9 necrotic damage and 2 points of Strength loss. The fire shield inflicts 4 fire damage (half 8) to the Shadow.
Yellow Shadow: Roll with advantage (flanking) 9,1+4=13 vs AC 17 misses Ezabard.

Ezabard's Strength is now 6.

POINT OF INTEREST/ RULING QUESTION: Do you want to use flanking since we are using a grid? I think we did in the other thread, and it won't affect these attacks since the first rolls were what counted anyway. But what do you guys want to do?

Since Ezabard used his reaction to identify the flesh to stone spell, he cannot cast shield. He will regain his reaction on his turn at initiative 12.

Blue Shadow: Roll 9+4=13 vs. AC 17 misses Selossen.

Red Shadow: Roll 20+4=24 vs. AC 17 CRITS against Pyre! For 7 necrotic damage (half 14) and 4 points of Strength loss (not doubled!).

Pyre's Strength is now 4.


@FitzTheRuke, it is now Pyre's Turn on Initiative 19.
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"Aaiieee!" said Pyre, feeling weak. "I hate this place already!"

"Do we want to go forward, or back?"
she asks the others.

While waiting for a response, she will draw her rapier (while holding her toolkit in the other hand), her bow left on the floor next to the pressure plates). She will disengage from her own shadow and see if she can flank someone else's (bonus points if she can find a spot with no line-of-sight to the 'scary' room.) She will see if she can't take out the other person's shadow with a quick sword-slash.


The High Aldwin
While waiting for a response, she will draw her rapier (while holding her toolkit in the other hand), her bow left on the floor next to the pressure plates). She will disengage from her own shadow and see if she can flank someone else's (bonus points if she can find a spot with no line-of-sight to the 'scary' room.) She will see if she can't take out the other person's shadow with a quick sword-slash.
You can't disengage or move since you are restrained, your speed is 0. (Ok, technically, you can Disengage, but since your speed is 0 there is no point...)

Otherwise, you can draw your rapier (free interaction) of course and attack or take some other action if you choose.

Finally, you will have to roll another saving throw at the end of your turn. You currently have +4 + 1d4 from bless on your CON save. If you roll "low", do you want to use Lucky? How "low" is required for you to use Lucky?
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Ezabard calls out, "If Vecna is here this may our best chance to stop him. We have to fight on!!!" I will bring the fire and destroy these monsters!

(you all would know that your wizard here is an evoker, and so can launch fireballs and stuff but leave you all completely safe, so don't worry about having to avoid my area effects)


You can't disengage or move since you are restrained, your speed is 0. (Ok, technically, you can Disengage, but since your speed is 0 there is no point...)

Otherwise, you can draw your rapier (free interaction) of course and attack or take some other action if you choose.

Finally, you will have to roll another saving throw at the end of your turn. You currently have +7 + 1d4 from bless on your CON save. If you roll "low", do you want to use Lucky? How "low" is required for you to use Lucky?

For some reason I forgot that I hadn't made the save! Four hours sleep will do that to you. Can I teleport? If there's someone adjacent to my shadow, I'll just stay where I am and stab my shadow. If I roll low, I will use lucky, yeah. I really don't want to turn to stone.


The High Aldwin
For some reason I forgot that I hadn't made the save! Four hours sleep will do that to you. Can I teleport? If there's someone adjacent to my shadow, I'll just stay where I am and stab my shadow. If I roll low, I will use lucky, yeah. I really don't want to turn to stone.
You can do any action you want, just remember your speed is 0.

You have disadvantage on attacks and DEX saves, attacks against you have advantage.

Otherwise, you act normally (ex. draw rapier, attack shadow on you, and bonus action Fey Step to any location you can see.


The green circles show viable places in the hallway behind you that you can teleport to. The other squares in the hall are not in LoS.

FWIW, the green shadow on Ezabard burned from the fire shield spell, so is injured. None of the others are.

What are your thoughts on flanking, BTW???

Voidrunner's Codex

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