D&D 5E New Vecna Battle (Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!) - CONCLUDED


So confirming that Prye actually failed their disable check?.... I'm not sure how they triggered the symbol since they knew it was there.

Oh Vyrlim has a permanent prot from evil on? Well in that case I would have cast it on pyre (not that it will help for the current scenario, but anyway).

Does Ezabard believe the stoning is coming from the symbol....do I think its dispellable?

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Do we notice Pyre turning to stone, was it immediate? or will it take a few rounds? if it's the latter no part of him should be stone yet, it's a gradual process but it should not impose any penalties like hands turned to stone...

"psst Pyre, what's the hold up?" Selossen says quietly


The High Aldwin
So confirming that Prye actually failed their disable check?.... I'm not sure how they triggered the symbol since they knew it was there.
Pyre is at her current location (about 15 feet or so from the symbol spell that Ezabard sees), so you do not think it is from the symbol. You do not know if it has something to do with the trap (since Truesight doesn't reveal "magic" like Detect Magic would) or from some other source.

You can use your reaction (or action if you wish) to make an Intelligence (Arcana) check to determine what the spell is. Given Ezabard's Arcana +12, you will most likely make the check! Then you will know if you can dispel it or not, if you successful identify the spell.

NOTED: your spell is on Pyre instead.

Does Ezabard believe the stoning is coming from the symbol....do I think its dispellable?
Unlikely since if the symbol had been activated, it would be visible to everyone at that point and glowing in a powerful (but dim?) light. You already made your check for that. If you get closer, you might be able to identify the specific effect of that symbol as well.

Do we notice Pyre turning to stone, was it immediate? or will it take a few rounds? if it's the latter no part of him should be stone yet, it's a gradual process but it should not impose any penalties like hands turned to stone...
For the current round we are resolving, only Pyre knows she is turning to stone. Ezabard has noticed she is not moving really, so suspects something is wrong. Vyrlim was casting this round so has not noticed yet, and Selesson was paying more attention to the hallway behind the party, but when glancing notices Pyre isn't moving and says:

"psst Pyre, what's the hold up?" Selossen says quietly

@FitzTheRuke you know you are slowly turning to stone. So far, it is affecting your hands and legs, and the rest of your muscles are tightening up. For the present, you are RESTRAINED (your speed is 0, you make attacks with disadvantage and attacks against you have advantage, and you have disadvantage on DEX saves), but you can still act, speak, etc.

You have the LUCKY feat. Do you want to use it to reroll the first failed save? Or save your uses? Such as for the Initiative roll?

Once I know Fitz's response, I will change the action if the new saving throw is successful.


Ezabard will hiss out, "Its not the symbol trap, something else is petrifing Pyre, there's something else here!"

I will use my reaction to identify, and then action to dispel magic if the effect is dispellab.e


The High Aldwin
Ezabard will hiss out, "Its not the symbol trap, something else is petrifing Pyre, there's something else here!"

I will use my reaction to identify, and then action to dispel magic if the effect is dispellab.e
Ok. Just waiting on @FitzTheRuke to see if he wants to use Lucky since if he makes the save retroactively you won't need to do these actions.

So, we'll see what happens (hopefully soon LOL!)...


The High Aldwin
Yes, I would want to use Lucky, for sure. Being stone sucks.
PRYE: She has escaped many tight spots in the past, but it looks like her luck has failed her this time! (Roll 8+4=12 vs DC 22) Fear grips Pyre as she slowly turns her head towards the others behind her.

EZABARD: You see the color begin to drain from Pyre's face, turning it slightly gray. You have seen this spell before... (Roll 10+12=22 vs DC 16) It is a flesh to stone spell! Such powerful magic is not surprising to you here, and you fear Pyre won't be strong enough to resist it. Dispelling it might be her only chance!

VYRLIM: You notice Pyre has stopped working, but are weary of danger as your daylight spell was foiled!

SELOSSEN: Pyre doesn't answer you and you also see she has stopped her work at spiking the trap.

Time for Initiative! Here is the rolled order. You will not know Vecna's place in the order until he chooses to act against you on his turn.

SELOSSEN 21 (19+2)
PYRE 19 (9+10)
EZABARD 12 (9+3)
VYRLIM 2 (2+0)

@FitzTheRuke do you want to use LUCKY for Initiative?

Selossen (@DragonBelow) will be acting first (unless Fitz rolls higher with Lucky...), so what do you want Selossen to do?

Off to work, so I can start resolving actions for the round once I get home and know if Fitz wants to use Lucky again.
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I had said that I was doing the spell identify as a reaciton so I could immediately dispel as an action, so can I still do that before initiative?


The High Aldwin
Nah. No lucky for Init.
Ok. I didn't figure you would want to but needed to ask.

I had said that I was doing the spell identify as a reaciton so I could immediately dispel as an action, so can I still do that before initiative?
The spell was cast to affect Pyre after your turn in the order (in the prior "round"), so you can use your reaction to identify it but it will be your action for this coming round. You can tell the others about the spell being used in case anyone else wants to dispel it.

Ruling Note: If you had said, "I am Readying dispel magic in case Pyre is affected by magic while disabling the trap." You could have used your reaction to dispel the spell, but without knowing at the moment exactly what it was.

Sorry for any confusion on the timing.

Since we are 4 minutes into the scenario at this point (since you arrived), I am going to use the following labelling system to track time.

4.1 Pyre takes out stuff to spike trap and gets affect by flesh to stone while Ezabard is observing the symbol spell ahead, Vyrlim's casting of daylight was disrupted, and Selossen was keeping an eye out behind the PCs.

It is now 4.2 (round 2 of minute 4).

Selossen has the initiative so acts first on count 21. @DragonBelow what do you want Selossen to do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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