I was proposing that bonuses be drastically reduced (but by 1/2 or 4/5ths, for example)---but dropping them altogether is fairly intriguing.
Giving this some thought.
Right. You would still have some bonuses when building your PC. Full Plate is still +8 to AC and so forth. You might still have a weapon focus feat and so on. So a level 1 PC in 5e would look a lot like a level 1 PC in 3e or 4e. Virtually identical in fact. (Yay, prior edition compatibility!

But then you get off the ascending bonus treadmill, at least as far as level goes.
You could still have spells like Barkskin, but instead of an ever increasing bonus it just grants a flat +1 or +2. Caster level could effect say duration, or susceptibility to dispel. You'd have to be far stricter on bonus stacking rules as well, where most bonuses don't stack. But you could bring back some of the variety of 3e bonus types that 4e got rid off. Its a nod to verisimilitude for fans that want that, but it never becomes overwhelming for the 4e fans that wanted to get away from it. And like I mentioned before, it makes multi-classing far more viable without being over or under-powered.