D&D (2024) No Dwarf, Halfling, and Orc suborgins, lineages, and legacies

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Should WOTC recreate Drawven and Halfling subspecies?
Should WOTC create Orcs subspecies?
How fast do you want it?
Will you (re)create them if WOTC doesn't?
What are your ideas for them?

On release, or I will just use my own (3 Dwarves, 2 Halfling, 3 Orc).
Thats confidential. ;)


I mean, I don’t know about anyone else, but I won’t simply buy or use the books if I find them lacking in areas I find interesting such as races. There are other books with the material I am looking for.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
honestly while them being 'the original stealthy rogue archetype species' is great and all it's also an archetype that's gotten applied to pretty much all of the small species as time has gone on, i would absolutely love if halflings could lean a little more into some druidic leanings, or perhaps them being adept merchants or something, just anything to give them that extra bit of defining flavour, sure halflings were one of the earliest fantasy species but as more and more species come along just being 'the small, kind of sneaky ones' isn't enough to make them stand out from the crowd anymore.
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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Do they though?

Dwarves have the sufficient idea malleability to build nations that have different cultures, they also need more options to prevent elves from somehow living in all possible environments (a sign of total multiversal to omniversal collapse).

halflings do not as that was never in the design document either for Tolkien or gygax they were built to be small humble and away from big geopolitical action who rise to the occasion when called, thus outside of different environmental adaptations they need little change for most locations and do not even have a viable idea to corrupt into an evil version.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
honestly while them being 'the original stealthy rogue archetype species' is great and all it's also an archetype that's gotten applied to pretty much all of the small species as time has gone on, i would absolutely love if halflings could lean a little more into some druidic leanings, or perhaps them being adept merchants or something, just anything to give them that extra bit of defining flavour, sure halflings were one of the earliest fantasy species but as more more and more species come along just being 'the small, kind of sneaky ones' isn't enough to make them stand out from the crowd anymore.
they were designed as midlands English rural people as defined under the idea of merry England honestly all those would be too cool for them, Morris dancing would be too cool for them.


Dwarves have the sufficient idea malleability to build nations that have different cultures, they also need more options to prevent elves from somehow living in all possible environments (a sign of total multiversal to omniversal collapse)

I can't see dwarves living everywhere.

But a race of earth, stone, metal, and fire could be in or around many types of mountains and thus have cultural and biological changes depending on the differences in mountains divinely imbued by Moradin.

I could imagine telling a dwarf that all mountains are the same could get you smacked or worse.


Dwarves have the sufficient idea malleability to build nations that have different cultures, they also need more options to prevent elves from somehow living in all possible environments (a sign of total multiversal to omniversal collapse).

halflings do not as that was never in the design document either for Tolkien or gygax they were built to be small humble and away from big geopolitical action who rise to the occasion when called, thus outside of different environmental adaptations they need little change for most locations and do not even have a viable idea to corrupt into an evil version.

Small, Skinny, Fast, Tricky. Halflings.
Small, Fat, Communal. "Hobbit" Halflings.
Small, Hungry, Skinny, Sinister, Hurtful. Evil Halflings.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
So the 2024 versions of origins or species are likely close to locked.
However I am both shocked and not shocked that Elf, Gnome, Goliath, and Tielfing have lineages that split them up into popular archetypes for the origins but Dwarf, Halfling, and Orc have no internal major cultural or biological diversity within their mechanics.

Although it was UA, the structure is likely to remain.

This is odd. Dwarf and Halfling originally had subraces in 5e. Some say the subraces were veryuninspired or boring in lore or mechanics. However that could be fixed. Others liked them. They were classic or traditional. And poor Orcs were elevated to core PHB PC status and the attempt wasn't even made.

And before one can say there was no experimenting, these origins were revealed with an all new origin option and new sub option for Tieflings.

So the Stout Halfling and Mountain Dwarf mechanics were removed and replaced with nothing. And the poor Orc was merged with its former hybrid kin and never attempted to be giving lineages nor legacies. No Mountain Orcs or Orogs or nothing.

Personally,I think al these of these origins/races/species were penalized for being debuted early. Stout Halflings, Mountain Dwrves, and Orogs would have been great with Weapon Masteries. Martials could use a free mastery. Casters could use a free Mastery. However since Masteries are new, we don't have a conversion chart for what Masteries are equal to. Could you trade a skill for them? Dwarven toughness? Halfling Nimbleness?

And this is before you think about creating new subs for these origins. City halflings? Fire dwarves? Pig orcs?

So how do you think:

Should WOTC recreate Drawven and Halfling subspecies?
Should WOTC create Orcs subspecies?
How fast do you want it?
Will you (re)create them if WOTC doesn't?
What are your ideas for them?
WotC's species don't hold a candle to Level Up's origin system (heritage/culture/background/destiny) IMO. 5.5e is heading in the wrong direction as far as I'm concerned.

Voidrunner's Codex

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