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No! No! Baaaaaaad Marvel Comics!


Staff member
Just saw a clip from the new Fantastic Four movie...

The first one seemed bad enough in the clips that I didn't go to see it, and apparently, I wasn't alone- like Yogi Berra said, people stayed away in droves. However, it did well enough to spawn a sequel.

A sequel in which, for some reason, coming in contact with the Silver Surfer causes the FF to exchange powers.


This is one of their iconic characters & storylines...and they screw around with it? What's next? Is Galactus going to be a giant Pac-Man? Will he even be sentient or will he be just some kind of mindless natural phenomenon?

When will Hollywood learn? When you're working with an established classic of any genre, you don't need to mess with it.

Apparently, I'll be ignoring this movie even more than the first one...JOIN ME!

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Dog Moon

Don't worry, I won't go see it. Different reason than you though: never really was interested in the FF. Didn't see the first movie either.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
BTW I happen to love the first movie, I guess that is why I'm buying the extended version of it and most likely watching FF4 2 in the theater like 4 times.
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No reason to say the Power Cosmic couldn't cause power switching...

Honestly, I love what they've shown. The first movie was great except for Doom, and that wasn't even as bad as it COULD have been.

With this one, I just love the Silver Surfer and it looks like they've got him nailed down right. Not only that, but the crazy cosmic stuff is always where FF has been the best. Oh, and there was a trailer not too long ago that showed a quick clip of Saturn's rings fading and a very Galactus-like shadow on the planet...

EDIT: Oh, and one of the best things with the power switching is that we're getting clips of Super Skrull type powers without them having to put the whole craziness of the Skrulls into things.


The EN World kitten
It's the price we pay for trying to squeeze the "mythology" into about a hundred minutes of screen time. Anyone who has a problem with the fact that movies based on comics can't be absolutely true to what was printed shouldn't go see the movies at all.


First Post
There was a period of time where Sue and Johnny Storm switched powers; they're probably dong a play on that.


First Post
Dannyalcatraz said:
A sequel in which, for some reason, coming in contact with the Silver Surfer causes the FF to exchange powers.


Hullo? Power Cosmic? Matter manipulation? Harnessing cosmic forces akin to the cosmic rays that gave the Fantastic Four their powers in the first place? The Silver Surfer has pretty badarse abilities if he bothers to use them, at least as Galactus' Herald.

This is one of their iconic characters & storylines...and they screw around with it?

I hardly think they'd have that change persist throughout the movie. At some point the Silver Surfer or Reed will switch their powers back to the way they were, have no doubt.

They're just playing with the storyline a bit, not breaking it. So Johnny and Ben swap powers for a half hour or maybe hour and a half in the movie, big deal! The producers are showing just how reality-warping the Power Cosmic is and, by extent, the Silver Surfer and, even moreso, his master Galactus. Who must surely be a dire threat when his herald alone can tinker with matter and energy on a fundamental level with ease.

It's a plot twist anyway, except one we'll all be expecting since we saw the previews. So Ben can't count on his inhuman durability and strength for a short while, Johnny can't rely on his flight and fire-blasting, and the rest have to worry that the Surfer could change around or negate their own powers if they're not careful.

Mainly, though, it's just meant to be a source of comedy in the movie. One more thing for Johnny and Ben to snipe at each other about with wise cracks and threats, and a turn-around on Ben's dour attitude from the first movie, I'd bet. Suddenly Johnny the hot-shot playboy-sort is all ugly and probably moody over his condition, and Ben's his old self. He had come to terms with his altered form in the first movie, and now he's free of it again for a while but probably expects it to be a fleeting semblance of normalcy.

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