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Non-Iconics Adventure. Dungeon of the Fire Opal Part 3

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While Murhid speaks an ungodly amount of words, Taz doesn't seem to listen to him, still chatting with Mistress Hardwalk... Of course, it rarely is what it seems...

Murhid said:
Well then it is settled, Split up into two groups, group one; Ubaar, Sollir, Taz, Jalon. Group two; Kytess, Ivellios, and myself.
The groups are for drastic situations, for example if we see the witch, split and then group two flanks, while group one rushes. We shall stick together for the most part though.

Anyone not like that ?!?!

“Errr... Ahem!?”

“Did I get this right? Jalon, Ubaar, Sollir and myself shall rush the enemy, while Kytess, Ivellios and Murhid flank them!? I don't want to question your tactical finesse, but well... this doesn't seem like a well thought out plan, really!” Taz blinks.

“How about this... Jalon, Ubaar and Ivellios rush, while Kytess, Murhid, Sollir and myself either flank or provide missile or spell support!? Tasks should be assigned to people best suited to them!”

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"Taz I know I'm no strategist, I was merely showing an example when the groups may be useful." Murhid smirks

"Yes I like your plan Taz! Great thinking story teller, we shall do as you say" Murhid nods slightly, *this tactics stuff is great* he says to himself.

Jalon Odessa

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Taz said:
“How about this... Jalon, Ubaar and Ivellios rush, while Kytess, Murhid, Sollir and myself either flank or provide missile or spell support!? Tasks should be assigned to people best suited to them!”

Jalon nods in agreement to Taz's tactical advice.

'A wise strategy, m'lady, and one we should do our best to follow. The first problem still lies before us, however - we must find this witch before we can bring her to justice.'

The priest of Tyr quickens his pace towards the ruins.

'And we shant find her loitering about here...'


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Later, on the trail...

On the way to the ruins...

The party is travelling along, making good time and admiring the scenery and the weather.

Then, as you approach the ruins and get higher up the hills, the forest gets older and harsher. The Giant's Run Mountains rise high in the sky to your right.

When you arrive at the ruins, everything is as you left it. On the top of a small round hill, huge blocks of stone lie here and there, indicative of a once large and solid monastery that is now destroyed. The forest stops at the hill's foot, leaving it clear, yet overrun with small plants underfoot.

Then, a large, coal-black wolf, with red eyes and an ugly grin on its face, steps from behind a large stone. It's front paws are red, as if stained by blood. It starts running towards the group.

What do you do ?


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Kytess tries to push herself to the front of the group to attack it when it gets close...

(Move to the front, readying an attack if I have enough time. AoO time!)


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Taz is busy fixing the vial to her potion belt in a way that it is kept safe from harm as much as possible...

“Ah, well... strategy is a big word... I just think, that everyone should do, what he or she can do the best... sounds like a clever plan to me!” :)

Taz says good bye to Mistress Hardwalk before the party leaves...

Later in front of the monastery ruins...

“Uh, do you see that big wolf over there? It surely doesn't look too friendly! Hope it didn't bring some friends...”

Taz gets ready, but will spare her powers for the witch and her followers. She draws a dagger and readies an attack, in case the wolf comes too close to her, looking around nervously, since she's expecting more wolves (they usually hunt in packs, right?).


Ubaar falls in with the others in the march back to the underground.

He truly admires the natural beauty of the land, taking in the mountain range, the forests.... breathing in the air, getting a feel for what wild spirit there is that inhabits these lands.

As he sees the wolf with the peculiar grin, Ubaar looks closely to see what resemblance, or distinctiveness, this beast has from a normal wolf, the type he's hunted many times before.

"Umm... Ubaar not see too many wolves with red eyes, guys..."

He sniffs deeply on the wind to catch any scents that may tell him information his other senses can't.

OOC: Wilderness Lore check? To see if there's any peculiarness to this scene? Should there be more wolves than this?

He unsheathes his greatsword and gets into a battle-stance readied behind Kytess to move in front and slice the wolf if it gets past her whirling chain.
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Murhid moves a little to the right (5ft), just behind Kytess's line of chain.

"Maybe that witch summoned this foul creature !" Murhid's gaze goes to the forest quickly, then back to the wolf.

Jalon Odessa

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Jalon draws his longsword, and moves to stand near Ubaar Kytess and Murhid. Adopting his battle stance and a two-handed grip on his weapon, Jalon awaits the wolf's attack.

'It would seem battle is joined...'

[OOC: Readied action to attack if it comes close enough.]

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