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Non-Iconics Adventure. Dungeon of the Fire Opal Part 3

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Sollir Furryfoot said:
(Sollir moves 15 ft. over to the left, drawing his crossbow, readying an action to fire two normal arrows at the wolf.)

Sollir moves aside a bit and draws his bow and an arrow in one smooth motion.

Murhid said:
Murhid moves a little to the right (5ft), just behind Kytess's line of chain.

"Maybe that witch summoned this foul creature !" Murhid's gaze goes to the forest quickly, then back to the wolf.

CRGreathouse said:
Kytess tries to push herself to the front of the group to attack it when it gets close...

(Move to the front, readying an attack if I have enough time. AoO time!)

She gets ready…

Taz said:
“Uh, do you see that big wolf over there? It surely doesn't look too friendly! Hope it didn't bring some friends...”

Taz gets ready, but will spare her powers for the witch and her followers. She draws a dagger and readies an attack, in case the wolf comes too close to her, looking around nervously, since she's expecting more wolves (they usually hunt in packs, right?).


Ivellios draws his bow.

reapersaurus said:
"Umm... Ubaar not see too many wolves with red eyes, guys..."

He sniffs deeply on the wind to catch any scents that may tell him information his other senses can't.

OOC: Wilderness Lore check? To see if there's any peculiarness to this scene? Should there be more wolves than this?

He unsheathes his greatsword and gets into a battle-stance readied behind Kytess to move in front and slice the wolf if it gets past her whirling chain.

This wolf isn’t like any wolf Ubaar has seen before, that’s for sure. It looks positively unnatural.

Jalon Odessa said:
Jalon draws his longsword, and moves to stand near Ubaar Kytess and Murhid. Adopting his battle stance and a two-handed grip on his weapon, Jalon awaits the wolf's attack.

'It would seem battle is joined...'

As everyone gets ready for an attack by the wolf, Sollir cries out from your left.

A big rat, as large as a human arm, with fangs and little horns, has jumps out from behind a stone right at him. The nimble halfling easily avoids the attack, however. The big rat lands right beside him.

At the same time, the wolf approaches the party running. It slows down as it nears Kytess and Ubaar and eyes their weapons wearily. Then it stops, about 30’ away, and looks at the party. It seems to reach a decision when it sees Taz behind the front line warriors and starts moving again, circling to your right.

At that moment, a blast of snow explodes amongst the party, showering everyone except Sollir in freezing frost. Murhid reacts like lightning, jumping out of the way and totally avoiding the blast. Kytess, Ubaar and Jalon do likewise and avoid the worst of the blast. Taz and Ivellios, however, react slowly and are caught full-on by the frost.
(That’s 10 points of cold damage, 5 for those who made the save)

Murhid, Kytess and Jalon immediately spot a robed form, a woman with demonic features, appear floating in the air, about 50’ in front of the party and 30’ in the air.

(The others will see her at the end of their next action or after the first time someone acts against her.)

Party Status

(S) Sollir Furryfoot : Hp(15/15)
(M) Murhid : Hp (15/15)
(T) Taz : Hp (3/13),
Sheela : Hp (6/6),
(I) Ivellios Nailo : Hp (13/23)
(U) Ubaar : Hp (16/21), Endure fire (12 hours), 2 points of dexterity damage
(K) Kytess : Hp (15/20)
(J) Jalon Odessa : Hp (12/17)

(Who are the two other party members you cast endure fire on yesterday, Ubaar ?)

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Kytess moves to position herself between the wolf and the party, hoping to protect the smaller members.

She considers for a moment using her powerful bow, but decides to leave that up to Ivellios.

(Ready: attack any foe that get within 10 feet)


Ubaar will wait until either he has something get within range to attack him, OR he realises there's a flying witch nearby. (can't believe both he wouldn't realize she's there AND noone would tell him!)

So if anyone attacks the witch this round, or even motions towards her, he'll sheathe his greatsword and pull out his longbow and do some huntin'! :)

"Hey, witchie-poo!
I got somethin' for ya!"

He'll try to move far enough away from the others to avoid another cold blast.
He'll try to keep Kytess between he and the wolf and not stray too close to the rat while preparing his strung-to-strength bow.

OOC: He's got a MW Mighty Composite Longbow that he loves hunting with.
Ubaar cast Endure Elements: Fire on Kytess and Jalon yesterday.
Ironically, I wanted to cast Endure Elements: Cold and Electricity on Ubaar, but wasn't sure they'd stack, so I figured i'd spread the fire wealth. :)


First Post
“Ouch! What was that?”

Does Taz happen to know about the spell with spellcraft?

Taz will move next to Sollir and ready an attack against the rat.


First Post
Murhid attempts to run the 50 or so feet so as to be directly under the witch (though without nearing the wolf), while running he'll pull out three masterwork shuriken from beneath his bracer.

Jalon Odessa

First Post
Taz said:
Taz will move next to Sollir and ready an attack against the rat.

Jalon follows the halfling to her new location, before uttering a quick prayer to Tyr and laying his hand upon her shoulder.

Jalon then adopts defensive stance near Sollir and Taz, ready to defend the halflings from any future attacks

OOC: Jalon foregoes a memorised Bless to cast Cure Light Wounds on Taz. I may not get a chance to post before the next round of combat, so if not Jalon will attack the rat-thing if it's within reach, or move to atack it if not - preferrably interposing himself between the monster and the halflings.


First Post
Hillside ambush, round 2

Sollir Furryfoot said:
Sollir will take a 5ft. step back (away from the group as well) and fire 2 normal arrows at the rat.

Sollir backs away from the rat and shoots an arrow at the large rat, quickly followed by another. The first one strikes it directly in the side, while it turns to attack once again. The second arrow strikes empty air, though, and smashes on the large rock the rat was hiding behind.

Murhid said:
Murhid attempts to run the 50 or so feet so as to be directly under the witch (though without nearing the wolf), while running he'll pull out three masterwork shuriken from beneath his bracer.

The witch watches him running towards her. Her eyes, full of fury, promise pain to the nimble monk.

CRGreathouse said:
Kytess moves to position herself between the wolf and the party, hoping to protect the smaller members.

She considers for a moment using her powerful bow, but decides to leave that up to Ivellios.

(Ready: attack any foe that get within 10 feet)

While the wolf continues circling the party and trying to get at Taz, Kytess follows his movements carefully and quickly. She manages to cover the small halfling quite well.

Taz said:
“Ouch! What was that?”

Does Taz happen to know about the spell with spellcraft?

Taz will move next to Sollir and ready an attack against the rat.

Some kind of ice spell, most probably. :D (rolled a 6 on the spellcraft roll)

Ivellios shoots at the witch with his powerful bow. The arrow is accurate, but bounces on the witches skin like a pebble.

reapersaurus said:
"Hey, witchie-poo!
I got somethin' for ya!"

He'll try to move far enough away from the others to avoid another cold blast.
He'll try to keep Kytess between he and the wolf and not stray too close to the rat while preparing his strung-to-strength bow.

OOC: He's got a MW Mighty Composite Longbow that he loves hunting with.

After having seen Ivellios shoot at the witch and Murhid run at her, Ubaar is now aware of his arch-enemy.

Since everybody but Ivellios moved, no need to move far away.

Ubaar moves slightly to the right while exchanging his greatsword for a massive bow.

reapersaurus said:
Ironically, I wanted to cast Endure Elements: Cold and Electricity on Ubaar, but wasn't sure they'd stack, so I figured i'd spread the fire wealth. :)
reapersaurus said:

(For future reference, yes, they’d stack.)

Jalon Odessa said:
Jalon follows the halfling to her new location, before uttering a quick prayer to Tyr and laying his hand upon her shoulder.

Jalon then adopts defensive stance near Sollir and Taz, ready to defend the halflings from any future attacks

OOC: Jalon foregoes a memorised Bless to cast Cure Light Wounds on Taz. I may not get a chance to post before the next round of combat, so if not Jalon will attack the rat-thing if it's within reach, or move to attack it if not - preferrably interposing himself between the monster and the halflings.

Jalon’s touch spreads a feeling of warmth and comfort in Taz, heating her freeze burns completely away.

Taz said:
“Thanks, Jalon!”

Then, the rat launches itself at Sollir again. But Taz is ready. She thrusts her dagger at the rat, but it hits only fur and the monstrous rodent bites at the small archer. It hits only Sollir’s shirt, however, and ends up at the halfling’s feet.

The wolf completes it’s circling and, thinking it sees an opportunity, charges at Taz. But Kytess is ready for it, as it failed to access that she has more reach than she looks. Her chain lashes once, twice, both times scoring deep wounds in the wolf’s flanks. Even grievously wounded, it continues on and jumps at the halfling sorceress (take THAT SkR !). The evil wolf manages to bite her, but she twists and avoids the worse, getting only a small scratch (that still hurts as hell, though) in the process.

The demonic sorceress draws her wand and points it at the monk. Two purplish projectiles fly forth and hit the monk with great force.

Then, a small demon appears near Murhid as it stabs him on the back with its small stinger. The stinger doesn’t penetrate deeply, but the monk can feel a numbness spreading from the wound.

To recap, Ivellios is still where the party got ambushed. Ubaar is about 15’ to his right. Both have large bows drawn and intend to shoot the fiendish sorceress hanging 30 feet up in mid-air about 50’ away. Murhid is under her and intended to distract her with his shuriken when he got stabbed by the imp than is now right behind him.

To the left, about 20’ away from Ivellios, the two halflings are facing a large rat. Behind Taz is Jalon and to her left is a large black-as-night wolf with an evil look. Kytess is closing on the wolf’s flank.

And the status of the party :

(S) Sollir Furryfoot : Hp(15/15)
(M) Murhid : Hp (6/15) Poisoned ?
(T) Taz : Hp (11/13),
Sheela : Hp (6/6),
(I) Ivellios Nailo : Hp (13/23)
(U) Ubaar : Hp (16/21), Endure fire (12 hours), 2 points of dexterity damage
(K) Kytess : Hp (15/20) Endure fire (12 hours)
(J) Jalon Odessa : Hp (12/17) Endure fire (12 hours)


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Kytess moves to flank the wolf - if she can't protect Taz from the wolf, she'll kill it. If this requires tumble checks/AoO, so be it.

(She closes to 5 feet to the wolf to prevent a retreat and attacks the wolf once more - Power Attack for 1.)

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