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North Shore MA USA - Seeking 1 or 2 players

Kobold Boots

Hi all -

4e group seeking one, maybe two players (some like joining a group with someone they already know.. others have gamer spouses) to join in the fun.

I've been fortunate enough to meet some cool people through the gamers seeking gamers forum over the years so figured I'd try again. We're in our summer lull and would like to expand the circle. Some facts:

Location: Right off exit 48 495N Bradford MA. (Haverhill)
Schedule: Every other Saturday
Time: Starts at 1pm. Variable end time, usually around 8-9 pm has extended to midnight on occasion.

So how regular is regular?
- We've canceled or rescheduled five games in the last two years. This has usually been around holiday times.

So how many people are in the group now?
- Four regular players, one DM. Around 6 people that are on our mailing list and may come and go seasonally.

What level is the group at right now?
At present the group is at lvl 7-8 and ready to hit Paragon tier by end of summer. Players have tended to experiment with race/class combinations and have TPK'd once.

What's the median age of the group?
- We're in our late thirties and early forties and welcome older and younger gamers. Kids are welcome to the table if their parents are at the table, (My 9 year old makes appearances) but otherwise best to be over the age of 21 to qualify for this group.

Do you really play for 7-10 hours?
- It usually breaks down to an hour for everyone to show up and an hour for dinner so it ends up being 5-7ish after conversations and general friendship things are considered. We're casual but know and love our games.

Any house rules?
1. Have fun above all else.
2. Avoid talking about politics and religion (real world) at the table.
3. Otherwise be cool. No changes to core 4e rules.

Interested? Maybe Interested? Give me a PM or reply.


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Kobold Boots

Figure I'll bump this once as I'm still looking for one or two more players. To the mods: If I get no action on this post in the next seven days I won't bump again. Thanks for your consideration.

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