Norum da Salaex: The Blade of Phoee


(per private emails)
you'll all be grabbing one sword (there are easily 5 lying upon the earth in good enough condition)
Flintlock pieces only, I remind you

The swords are all longswords (no other variety--they look standard issue for an "army"). Stats per the DMG ... they are all Masterwork.

For those of you wondering if any magic (as in items) is about...that's a negative. You wouldn't be able to sense anything that miniscule when compared to the proximity of a flying vessel and the use of all sorts of magic (evocation, conjuration come to mind definitely)

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You might just get your wish, the priest thinks as he continues to observe the battle. The struggling mass of war lurches across the rising hills--toward the group. Cassock grips the jagged, Kaerunian blade, testing its balance. He jovially gives it a few test swings through the air--the mass crawls closer.

The priest starts to whistle an old, orcish drinking song.

Rhynos scowls as Ana readies her bow. Both casters prepare a handy spell or two.

But the rolling mass of war slows to a stop a mere twenty feet away. A trail of rapidly ashing bodies stretches away to the original point of the battle. Above, the flying ship has lurched closer, it's open tail section pointed toward you. Inside the ship--two shadowy figures shift toward the opening.

But the mass of war has stopped. Before you, there are no Caeliban except those turning to dust. A band of metallic men--only six remaining from the original force that landed are dwarfed by a gigantic, metal man. This creature observes you from behind its dull, blue eyes. It stands at approximately twenty feet tall--a dwarfing mass of nearly five tons. It reaches a hand up to his chin--you all note that it has a jagged jaw as if the capability for speech had been added long after it had been crafted. It brushes its chin in thought.

Your eyes flash to the broad chest, three green stars have been melted onto the gleaming iron. Upon its left shoulder, a patch and insignia of some sort rests, but the creature shifts its shoulders away at the probing of your eyes.

"General" speaks another of the metal men--it was the one you saw at the bottom of the vertical shaft within the burrows, "these are the creatures I was speaking of."

The general grunts in reply never taking his eyes from you.

Okay...I'm going to post one more time...and then I'll be silent (unless there are any direct questions to me) until Monday. I've gotten sick...and the Nyquil/Sudafed cocktail keeps me pretty

Like I said, I'm going to post one more bit to get it moving a bit...and then you all can wait till Monday (when Mike gets back and hopefully I'm feeling better) to respond.

The giant, metallic man lifts his arm and waves it toward the ship above.


Image linked directly from the wizards art galleries

The ship lurches in space--its rear hatch closes and the ship descends lightly to hover one foot above the ground below. It floats in position fifty feet away, a side door opening and a rope ladder thrown from the doorway. Two men climb down the ladder and rush toward the giant metal man.

"Get aboard!" The Giant shouts to the remaining warriors and they methodically comply. They walk away, single file, to climb the rope ladder and disappear into the dark hatch of the ship.

The giant turns toward the group and opens his jagged jaw to speak, "I don't know who you are. AND I don't particularly care. Under normal circumstances, I would just ignore your presence.

"However, One of my sentries saw you within the Caeliban's base. That leads me to mistrust you. A band of humans, obviously not Aedilean, on an island once claimed by our Empire but now occupied by the enemy. These facts do not bode well for you.

"If you cannot offer a good reason for these strange circumstances, my associates,
" the metal giant motions toward the two elderly men standing near. They each wear flowing green robes with red hems and both have their long, graying hair pinned behind their heads emphasizing the slightly pointed ears protruding from their heads. "My associates and I will have to subdue you and return you to the Aedilean Empire for questioning. Our mission here seems to have failed at any rate..."

"Lok--" hissses one of the robed men.

"Silent, Phaed." He turns his large head back toward the group. "What do you have to say for your selves? Speak quick, we must return soon."


Gregor steps forward...

"General Mechae, it is an honour to meet a legend such as yourself. It is unfortunate circumstances that have fated our meeting to on the battlefield but I can assure you we have similar agendas.
When your soldier spotted us in the burrows, we were in the midst of our escape. We are fortunate for your arrival for it allowed us to free ourselves from our captors. We were heading north to Leuo when you came across us."


Rhynos keeps his head downcast and moves so the bulk of the party obscures him from the General's view but not in a way that is obvious.

Whispering to the others, "Leuo is but a speed bump in the battle between thees armies. Best we come up with something better than that and pray this talking golem doesn't recognize me for my other self."

hobbit_killer said:
Rhynos keeps his head downcast and moves so the bulk of the party obscures him from the General's view but not in a way that is obvious.

Whispering to the others, "Leuo is but a speed bump in the battle between thees armies. Best we come up with something better than that and pray this talking golem doesn't recognize me for my other self."

"Worry not, my Master... only a handful of individuals know your face or your name. You normally wear a helm to hide your face and they know you only by 'The Grim Hand' or 'Black Magus'.. you are safe from recognition as long as we do not refer to your known names." Gregor whispers to Rhynos and the others.
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