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Norum da Salaex: The Blade of Phoee


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Funeris said:
"Boldly spoken but we are not through yet. Prisoners escape, do they not? And your friend did say you were met in the middle of an escape. OR are you trying to say that I am a fool and deaf?" His blue eyes shift to a bloody red for a moment before returning to their calming hue.

"Good sir, I must interject that my compatriot did answer your question about our escape...
the term guest was used loosely and upon garnering further information it was deemed that we must escape.. thusly we were in the middle of an escape when you came across us. We do not mean to infer you are deaf or a fool but perhaps our manner of speak is losing itself in the translation."

" And that is twice now you have mentioned a place named "Leuo" and yet--there is no such location on my maps of this area. Where is this Leuo? And which race peoples it? If you were truly seeking to draw a treaty with the Caeliban, than you are greater fools than I originally thought. That will garner your freedom, for I have no time to deal with fools. You will be free to leave once ALL of my questions are answered.
"And not a moment sooner,
" he adds.

"As you stated that even this island is uncharted... it could be said that perhaps this place Leuo is also uncharted? Why this is so, I cannot say only because it is not within my knowledge to say. We harbor no ill will towards the Aedilean empire and only wish to return home."

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Funeris said:
"Boldly spoken but we are not through yet. Prisoners escape, do they not? And your friend did say you were met in the middle of an escape. OR are you trying to say that I am a fool and deaf?" His blue eyes shift to a bloody red for a moment before returning to their calming hue.

" And that is twice now you have mentioned a place named "Leuo" and yet--there is no such location on my maps of this area. Where is this Leuo? And which race peoples it? If you were truly seeking to draw a treaty with the Caeliban, than you are greater fools than I originally thought. That will garner your freedom, for I have no time to deal with fools. You will be free to leave once ALL of my questions are answered.

"And not a moment sooner,
" he adds.

Not one of us said either, and you may freely cast your magic if you have doubt General.
So let us answer your questions, as you must be busy in your campaign.
Prisioners escape, and so do many others. Many are prisoners without knowing until it is too late. By escape it is how we termed it to leave without the Caeliban being aware. Your attack was deemed an opportunity not to be passed.

Now as for Leuo, it might be known as the Valley of Light, though that name will not apply for long to it. There are many races that live in peace there, they asked for the treaty. While I didn't agree with their decision it was their's to make not mine.
As for my 'men' (motioning with my hand over the group) we will take word to Leuo of what has transpired and return to my home.

Now General, I have been polite and answered your questions truthfully. Would you be so kind as to tell me if you were planning to conquer Leuo as well. I would have to petition on their behalf to say they are a peaceful people and only seek to be left alone. There is only one there I care about for she is a relative of a dear friend of mine. If you seek to conquer them I will say nothing expect to take the child with me when we leave.

Any further questions, General?


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"Master Cassock, he is probably referring my use of reference to the Caelibans as our 'captors'. For that I must apologize for the misnomer. It was also a term used loosely and more likely a slip of my subconcious. My family was killed when I was a child and I was held captive by the Caelibans... I have a disdain for these people that has shown itself in my manner of speak... " gregor bows "Again my apologies.. Cassock's words speak truer to the fact and is less emotionally charged." Gregor grumbles to himself for being so careless.

TheYeti1775 said:
Not one of us said either, and you may freely cast your magic if you have doubt General.
So let us answer your questions, as you must be busy in your campaign.
Prisioners escape, and so do many others. Many are prisoners without knowing until it is too late. By escape it is how we termed it to leave without the Caeliban being aware. Your attack was deemed an opportunity not to be passed.

Now as for Leuo, it might be known as the Valley of Light, though that name will not apply for long to it. There are many races that live in peace there, they asked for the treaty. While I didn't agree with their decision it was their's to make not mine.
As for my 'men' (motioning with my hand over the group) we will take word to Leuo of what has transpired and return to my home.

Now General, I have been polite and answered your questions truthfully. Would you be so kind as to tell me if you were planning to conquer Leuo as well. I would have to petition on their behalf to say they are a peaceful people and only seek to be left alone. There is only one there I care about for she is a relative of a dear friend of mine. If you seek to conquer them I will say nothing expect to take the child with me when we leave.

Any further questions, General?


dorgin_malgard said:
"Master Cassock, he is probably referring my use of reference to the Caelibans as our 'captors'. For that I must apologize for the misnomer. It was also a term used loosely and more likely a slip of my subconcious. My family was killed when I was a child and I was held captive by the Caelibans... I have a disdain for these people that has shown itself in my manner of speak... " gregor bows "Again my apologies.. Cassock's words speak truer to the fact and is less emotionally charged." Gregor grumbles to himself for being so careless.
No need for apologies Gregor, emotions get in the way of all. Once Death is accepted you can move past the need to feel hatred. It is a lesson I have learned in a way very few could understand, looking at Ana. Not all should be slaughtered on the sword, when they should be sheparded along.


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"Stop Bickering amongst yourselves! By the Old Gods, I swear..." The iron man moves as if he wants to rip out his hair--of course, he has none so all you get is the beautiful sound of metal scraping across metal. The two robed men flanking the iron giant shy slightly away.

"Where is this Leuo? Who occupies it? My motivations, MIND YOU, are my own--and if we must be specific, my motivations are my King's. But, I do not wish to conquer, only to be informed. And the information may have made this excursion worthwhile, since our true purpose seems to have been thwarted at every turn." The iron giant grabs the parchment he had been referring to. He unfurls it, opening it for all to see.


"There is no Leuo on this map--the only map of this uncharted isle in existence. So, where is this place you speak of? Is it on this Island? I NEED TO KNOW."


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"Forgive my burst of anger. I truly hate to have my time wasted. I apologize," the giant looks squarely at Gregor, "for you being imprisoned...now twice by these fiends. We are working to rid the world of their evil."
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Funeris said:
"Stop Bickering amongst yourselves! By the Old Gods, I swear..." The iron man moves as if he wants to rip out his hair--of course, he has none so all you get is the beautiful sound of metal scraping across metal. The two robed men flanking the iron giant shy slightly away.

"Where is this Leuo? Who occupies it? My motivations, MIND YOU, are my own--and if we must be specific, my motivations are my King's. But, I do not wish to conquer, only to be informed. And the information may have made this excursion worthwhile, since our true purpose seems to have been thwarted at every turn." The iron giant grabs the parchment he had been referring to. He unfurls it, opening it for all to see.

"There is no Leuo on this map--the only map of this uncharted isle in existence. So, where is this place you speak of? Is it on this Island? I NEED TO KNOW."

Your map is incomplete General, looking it over. Leuo has been in its location for several centuries. Longer than your army has been formed I would dare say.
And by the 'Old Gods' you say, they are not old if you believe and maintain your faith. And as the Lady here can attest to, that doesn't amount to bickering from me. My bickering usually ends in someones blood spilling. Leuo lies in the valley west of here, if you like you may accompany us and I shall introduce you to it's inhabitants.

As for your motivations, I to follow another. Though his motives are not always clear I do follow them as he sees fit.


Funeris said:
"Forgive my burst of anger. I truly hate to have my time wasted. I apologize," the giant looks squarely at Gregor, "for you being imprisoned...now twice by these fiends. We are working to rid the world of their evil."

And for that we are grateful.
And so will the village of Leuo.


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"I will not accompany you. You may, however, accompany me." The giant motions toward the flying vessel--his two robed associates are already boarding. "I believe my method of transport may be faster than your own". The ring around the ship, the flaming cirlce which has been throbbing dully, busts brightly into flame again--the entire hull shuddering under the sudden power.

"She is safer than she may seem," the General adds.

Voidrunner's Codex

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