Norum da Salaex: The Blade of Phoee

dorgin_malgard said:
Gregor steps forward...

"General Mechae, it is an honour to meet a legend such as yourself. It is unfortunate circumstances that have fated our meeting to on the battlefield but I can assure you we have similar agendas.
When your soldier spotted us in the burrows, we were in the midst of our escape. We are fortunate for your arrival for it allowed us to free ourselves from our captors. We were heading north to Leuo when you came across us."

"LEUO?" The General pulls out a fading piece of parchment--scouring it with his eyes. "I know nothing of this Leuo. How did you find yourselves on this isle in the first place? This is an unmarked isle known to only a few. And if you are not Aedileans, then you are..." He leaves the last word hanging and you could swear that if he had eyebrows you're sure one would be arched in abject disbelief.

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At the General's comment, Cassock simply smiles and says "Good day to you General, and Happy Hunting. May (insert appropriate Cael and Kaeruna blessings here) in your task against the Caeliban. We really must be on our way to correct the past wrongs."

Funeris said:
"LEUO?" The General pulls out a fading piece of parchment--scouring it with his eyes. "I know nothing of this Leuo. How did you find yourselves on this isle in the first place? This is an unmarked isle known to only a few. And if you are not Aedileans, then you are..." He leaves the last word hanging and you could swear that if he had eyebrows you're sure one would be arched in abject disbelief.

".. Victims of the Caeliban empire... as we obviously are not Caeliban, we are no threat to you or the Aedilean empire. As my compatriot says, we must be going, we really wish to rid ourselves of this Caeliban stench upon us."

TheYeti1775 said:
(insert appropriate Cael and Kaeruna blessings here)

you could simply say...Cael's strength empower you and Kaeruna's knowledge protect you....the bold are domains and thus, would make it appropriate.


"You will be free to leave only when I give you permission". He shifts the enormous blade that rests in his large hands to lend weight to his order. Then the General glares at Cassock and Gregor. He tilts his head around (which is a easily a dozen feet higher than the rest of yours and gives him a clear enough view) to eye Rhynos. "Seeing as how the others of your party are remaining quite silent, I will direct my questions toward you two", he motions toward Cassock and Gregor. "The leadership must fall to either of you since you are the only ones speaking.

"First question: Should I doubt your honesty?
" For a creature with difficulty expression emotion through the solid construction of his face, you can sense that he will weigh your answers with reason, with logic--and that while he doesn't completely mistrust you, he will base his attitude toward you on the answers given and not the unusual circumstances of your meeting. Then again, one word could damn you all...

as has been alluded to...and guessed...this is (and those of you with Knowledge Arcana would recognize) that he is or was an iron golem...and is quite advanced beyond your typical iron golem....combat would be unwise, but that should be obvious ;)

Funeris said:
you could simply say...Cael's strength empower you and Kaeruna's knowledge protect you....the bold are domains and thus, would make it appropriate.


"You will be free to leave only when I give you permission". He shifts the enormous blade that rests in his large hands to lend weight to his order. Then the General glares at Cassock and Gregor. He tilts his head around (which is a easily a dozen feet higher than the rest of yours and gives him a clear enough view) to eye Rhynos. "Seeing as how the others of your party are remaining quite silent, I will direct my questions toward you two", he motions toward Cassock and Gregor. "The leadership must fall to either of you since you are the only ones speaking.

"First question: Should I doubt your honesty?
" For a creature with difficulty expression emotion through the solid construction of his face, you can sense that he will weigh your answers with reason, with logic--and that while he doesn't completely mistrust you, he will base his attitude toward you on the answers given and not the unusual circumstances of your meeting. Then again, one word could damn you all...

as has been alluded to...and guessed...this is (and those of you with Knowledge Arcana would recognize) that he is or was an iron golem...and is quite advanced beyond your typical iron golem....combat would be unwise, but that should be obvious ;)

My word can be counted on General, on that I can be trusted.

Funeris said:
The leadership must fall to either of you since you are the only ones speaking. "First question: Should I doubt your honesty?"

"I must defer to my compatriot for leadership, I answered only because I am familiar with you from the stories I've heard spread across the lands... I am but an aging wizard, an advisor. If he wishes and if you allow I shall confer with him as he engages you in this dialogue you request." Gregor bows slightly and falls behind Cassock.

"Very well". The Iron Golem shifts his entire focus onto Cassock of Cael. "If for one moment I doubt your truthfulness, then an enchantment will be layered upon you to compel the truth. And if you lie, know that not only your future but the future of your compatriots will be questionable."

"Why were you held as prisoners of the Caeliban? It was said that you were in the middle of an escape, yes?"

Direct Email From Hobbit_killer


Enworld is crashing for me here at work (yahoo is too) so I am sending my
response to you to post if you don't mind.

Rhynos steps from behind the group and says, "Yes, Yes, this is our leader
Cassock, General. Defender of the weak and trodden, bastion of justice. He
has been instrumental in leading our party to safety. We only wish to
humbly go back to where we came from. I am sure our lord can assure you
that our cause is noble and just but insignificant to the grand plan you are
sucessfully and methodically waging against the Sons of Cael."

All this is said with Rhynos' feral smirk and overdone flourishing gestures
towards Cassock.

Funeris said:
"Very well". The Iron Golem shifts his entire focus onto Cassock of Cael. "If for one moment I doubt your truthfulness, then an enchantment will be layered upon you to compel the truth. And if you lie, know that not only your future but the future of your compatriots will be questionable."

"Why were you held as prisoners of the Caeliban? It was said that you were in the middle of an escape, yes?"

There is an error in your question General, perhaps an assumption on your part. Though I did not think Kaerunians were suspect to assumptions. I know the magic of truth, and there is no need for it on myself of that I assure you. These men and lady look to me for leadership as none of them have stepped forward, and I'm not afraid of death.

Now back to your question, a why can only be answered properly by the one doing it. But I will answer as well as I can. We were trying to save the good people of Leuo, seeking a treaty. We were guests of the Caeliban for the time being, then we learned more and attempted escape from their lair. At this point we ran into your man in the shaft exit. So now here we stand, on our way home.

Now if you have no more questions for those who have broken no law then we bid you good day. We have no wish to interfere in your matters, as they concern us no longer at this time.

"Boldly spoken but we are not through yet. Prisoners escape, do they not? And your friend did say you were met in the middle of an escape. OR are you trying to say that I am a fool and deaf?" His blue eyes shift to a bloody red for a moment before returning to their calming hue.

" And that is twice now you have mentioned a place named "Leuo" and yet--there is no such location on my maps of this area. Where is this Leuo? And which race peoples it? If you were truly seeking to draw a treaty with the Caeliban, than you are greater fools than I originally thought. That will garner your freedom, for I have no time to deal with fools. You will be free to leave once ALL of my questions are answered.

"And not a moment sooner,
" he adds.

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